


The security guards were scared of losing their jobs they moved forward Ed step in front of the girls followed by Li Jannan and the other guards moved in line so they couldn't touch the women. Anna looked at all of them and thought awe my knights in shining amour they looked so cute right now while Anna was lost in her awe are the doors opened a man around the same age as Ed walked in he had a team of men and women following him he was tall and slim he wore a black designer suit he had a gold chain watch on he had a look of arrogance about him. He walked over to the blonde-haired girl and kissed her forehead then he looked at Anna and her people he noticed that they had bodyguards so they couldn't be normal people he was observing the way they were all dressed he smirked as he looked at Anna he thought she is so cute he looked over at Jackie he saw Little blessing and Ash in the background and he noticed Little Rock and Benjamin and thought the kids are good looking too they inherited some good genes from their parents he looked at Ed and Li .jannan he remembers he has seen them somewhere right now he couldn't remember where but it didn't matter his princess was stressed so he had to solve this problem first.

Manager Kim:" hey princess wants the matter" he smiled gently at his daughter,

Kim ling:" Daddy these country bumpkins came and started causing trouble I justed ask security to remove them from our mall and never let them in ever again" she smiled like a spoiled brat.

Manager Kim looked at Anna and the rest like they were dirt on the back of his shoe:" security kick these people out and tell the doormen to next time watch who he lets in" he looked so coldly at them he could freeze the whole shop.

Anna step forward from behind Li Jannan:" Master Kim shouldn't you ask what happens first before you take action is this the protocol that you have been taught to follow I am sure Master Yazhe would not approve of this behaviour " she looked at him in anger.

Master Kim glared back at her:" I don't need to ask you anything my daughter is right and why would Master Yazhe say anything I am his right-hand man"

Anna chuckled at this comment:" so your his right-hand man then shouldn't be your job to make sure his name isn't dragged through the mud" she looked at him with a question mark.

Master Kim:" I am not and he wouldn't tolerate people like you for even a minute he would kick you out of the city" he smirked.

Anna:" oh really I thought Master Yazhe was a well-cultured young Master's mother disciplined him well so he wouldn't be rude to people who visited his mall and also I am sure he would listen to both side regardless who the other person is"

Master Kim:" what do you mean by that look at your selves you probably couldn't afford anything in the boutique bug you people have the cheek to question me and don't even mention

Master Yazhe name you couldn't afford to offend him" he retorted

Ed held his forehead:" I have a headache coming on that's it he has done it now" he was afraid for the Manger now.

Anna wanted to really beat him up she was better with her fists than her tongue:" oh that good well I think I can afford your Master Yazhe and more so what about bring him here and we will settle this and anyway, isn't this Mall in his wife's name I think you should call her here too we won't be leaving until they arrive okay and anyone touch any of my people the consequences are your responsibility understood"

Anna was pissed but didn't want to make a public nuisance of her self but this person in front was a little too arrogant and his daughter was the one who was trying to bully her girls at university she had heard all the dirty schemes she had come up with to get her girls expelled from university but luckily the girls had their brothers to back them up. To the point where Little Blessing got her self into a bad situation where Ju Lingboy stepped in and told everyone he was her boyfriend to expel the rumours which had surfaced. Now she knows where this girl got her guts from it was all because of her father Anna wasn't against loving your child, of course, spoil your kids but also teach them basic manners was it asking too much.

Hazel looked worried she whispered in Anna's ear:" Jaden we should go and not course a scene let's go this Master Yazhe person sounds very powerful he will give us trouble" she was worried.

Anna:" there is no such thing don't you know me I will sort this out you will see I am Jaden aren't I " what she wanted to say that she was Jaden's daughter she was just as strong-minded as she was so how could she walk away and this was to with how these elites treated other people we're common people not human didn't they have the right to come to this kind of establishment and buy so long as they could afford it.

Li Jannan had already informed Mu Yazhe what was happening he also texted him they wouldn't be leaving if he didn't come. And to get him to come quickly he texted that Anna was going to beat put Manger Kim.

Mu Yazhe had to go he knew once Anna Diggs her heels in it is next to impossible to change her mind usually he could threaten her with I will pin you under me all night now it doesn't work Anna's eyes light up every time he mentions it he didn't know whether she had figured out how to complete conquer him she even knew how to tease him and run away she had become so bold he didn't know what to do with her and now this he was dreading it he was thinking the worst he was worried about the body count that his Little Demon had made for him to clear he knew she used her fists more than her mouth. He picked his keys and headed to Mall.

The manager rang Mu Yazhe secretary and explained the situation he was surprised to learn that he would be coming here he was delighted at the news he received he looked at Anna and thought she is done for Master Yazhe is going to squash her like an ant he couldn't wait for a good show to start.

Mu Yazhe arrived when he opened the door he found Anna, Jackie, Hazel, Ed, Li Jannan, Little Blessing, Little Rock, Ash, and he was surprised to see Benjamin he hardly left his room on one side and the Manager Kim and his daughter and her friends and his team and the staff on one side. The boutique was fairly large but once Mu Yazhe enters it felt space had grown small the temperature in the boutique dropped the staff was fearing now they seen the great mighty Master Yazhe in person.

Mu Yazhe:" disperse the crowds and clear the mall of all people and check the phones you understand "he didn't want any taking pictures of his family his staff already know the drill so they sounded the fire alarm it was the best way to clear the all quickly.

Manager Kim:" thank-you for coming so quickly Master Yazhe we really appreciate this" he pushed his daughter forward to greed Master Yazhe with the idea if Master Yazhe notices his daughter she might be in with a chance of marriage.

Kim Ling moved forward and put her hand out to shake Mu Yazhe hand:" Hello I am Kim Ling Manager Ling's daughter nice to meet you Master Mu" her hand hung there Mu Yazhe didn't even look there a way he had locked his eyes with Anna's eyes they were having a conversation with their eyes. He was asking her to back down not make a scene let's go home Anna replied was saying no way I won't I am not wrong.

Mu Yazhe knew if she wasn't wrong there is now the way she would budge he remembered had when Auntie Mu Han had accused of her stealing some jewellery and stood her outside and said if she admitted it she would let her back in but Anna being Anna stood out there all night and all day until Zain arrived back from his trip abroad to find her there outside cold and wet but refused to move she eventually lost consciousness she ran a very high fever Zain was so angry with his mother this was the first time he had spoke harshly to his mother it caused such a ruckus in the house for over six months. At first, he thought Anna was been childish and for sake of not causing a fuss just say has but later learned that no matter how hard it was for Anna she would not side with the person that was wrong.

Kim Ling noticed that Mu Yazhe was looking at Anna the way he looked at her was warm and lovingly she thought is she his mistress that's why he looking at her like that if she is then she thought to herself I could be in with a chance she moved forward and blocked the path between Anna Mu Yazhe. Anna was starting at the back of this girl. Anna wanted to slap the back of her head so hard she would lose consciousness for a whole week. She was seducing her husband in front of her. Anna stepped forward to grab the girl.