

When Anna opened the door Hazel stood there looking at Anna she smiled she was so beautiful her dimples showed she was very malnutrition she was all bones she needs to be fed more food but she was still beautiful she realised why her Uncle loved her so much.

Hazel:" Jaden could you come out with me I want to go for a walk please" she smiled.

Anna:" sure Auntie sorry Hazel, of course, let me grab my bag and I will take you shopping " Anna smiled gently so she wouldn't scare her. Anna rarely went shopping to the mall her idea of shopping was at the supermarket and the open market where she went for fish fruit and veggies.

From the doctors and therapists reports and the old hospital reports Hazel mind frame was frozen at a certain point before she met Ed so that's why she didn't recognise him but she had for some reason remembered Anthony and at first thought, he was her dad but later she started calling him brother it was heartbreaking for Ed it was different he was the love of his life they were childhood sweethearts. It did sort of strike Anna as odd but she didn't think too much of it.

Anna explained that he would have to start from the being and take it slowly and approach her date her and take it from there it was also a good sign she didn't get scared when she was around Ed unlike the others makes she would scream and hide so they all accommodated Hazel just like they did for Jenny.

Jackie was suffering the most she had her mum but didn't have her at the same time she wanted to hug her and tell her she was her daughter but couldn't. Anna was reminded of her mother they were in similar situations Anna consoles Jackie and they came up with the idea that Jackie would approach her and make friends with her that way she least gets close to her when she comes round they could slowly introduce them all.

Anna walked back in her bedroom and texted Ed to meet them at the front he could drive them and Jackie could also accompany them. They would go out as a family sort of thought Anna.

Mu Yazhe smiled:" Little Demon that's a brilliant idea that way they can spend time with Auntie and get close to her maybe she might remember something" his wifey was clever. He didn't lose the opportunity to kiss his wifey.

Anna:" we also have to be care full of what she remembers if she remembers what happened to her all them years ago it could have a negative impact on her as well" Anna was worried she could only hope for the best.

They all headed out Ed was waiting for them outside he smiled when he saw Hazel she looked and then looked away shyly. Hazel had a feeling of familiarity when she saw Ed she felt safe and not troubled around him. She also felt a kinship with Jackie she wanted to hug her but was too scared to do so in case she offended her.

Anna and Jackie held each other's hand while watching the couple interacting with each other they looked so cute Anna and Jackie looked at each other and giggled like a pair of silly teenagers. They headed to the mall that was owned by the Mu's Anna and Jackie hated shopping they would order online just avoid the malls but today they made an exception for Hazel. They parked the car in the underground car park and walked towards the elevators. There was a bunch of socialites silly teenagers coming towards the elevators too they were giggling among themselves they kept looking over at Anna and the rest Anna had a strange feeling about them like trouble was brewing in their minds how could she not know she had a bunch of them at home.

Anna whispered:" Jackie is there something wrong with us why do they keep looking at us " Anna frowned.

Jackie chuckled:" well look at the way they are dressed and then look at us Mum is the decent dressed one here we came out in our jeans and hoodies on with our trainers on we now look out of place " she looked at Anna.

Anna looked at her clothes she didn't find anything wrong with them they were designer labels so they weren't bad but when she looked at the girls stood opposite they looked like they were going clubbing, not to the mall. Anna had to admit they look good they were pretty girls they must be in the early twenties.

They were now getting into the elevator although there was enough room for all of them they were getting shunned so they couldn't get in because they had Hazel with them they held back she didn't want to scare Hazel. They waited for the next elevator to arrive by this time Li Jannan and three other bodyguards had arrived they looked at the four still standing waiting for the elevator to arrive back where they parked there was only one elevator on this side so they waited for while eventually they give up and used the stairs when they made it mall floor only to discover that the elevator door was blocked by a box so it count be used Anna took a picture of it and send it to Mu Yazhe and texted him and complained. Mu Yazhe texted back does she need him to come with a sad emoji face made Anna shake her head.

They didn't think much of the situation they wandered around Hazel loved looking she didn't buy much she was more just looking at everything every time she picks up an item to look at the other three would buy it Hazel stop touching things they looked at the three who were ready with their credit cards to pay they were seeing who could hand their card the fasted. For them, it became a game they weren't interested in any of the items in the shops.

They came to a designer shop that sold clothes and shoes and accessories as well they walked in by now Anna and Jackie wanted to go home. They had been there browsing around the shop like what seems forever they had decided that after this shop they would grab something to eat this had a food court on the fourth floor.

Then the door to the shop opened and the same girls walked in that had been in the elevator earlier Anna frowned when she saw them she walked next to Jackie and watched Hazel and Ed looking around. The girls were looking at Ed and Li Jannan for somebody in their late forty he was very good looking and didn't look the age. Anna couldn't believe they were eyeing up her Uncle and her bodyguard Anna smiled at this and thought have the men noticed. Li Jannan hasn't got a girlfriend so would one of them take his fancy Anna watched carefully.

Anna smiled at the pair she thought it was rather cute because they didn't come shopping unless for grocery they would not enter this kind of boutique unless threatened hell they would find excuses not to go to the market even Li Jannan her bodyguard would find excuses so he didn't have to go. Anna looked at Jackie she wasn't too pleased somebody was eyeing her father up she wanted her mother to be the one and only for her dad although she knew her father only had a mother in his eyes and heart she still didn't like it.

Ed and Li Jannan noticed they became uncomfortable they decided it was best for them to wait outside with the rest of the guards they both walked really fast out of the boutique. Anna wanted to giggle at the retreating men they fought side by side they face xxx amount of dangers but thus they ran like cowards.

Hazel didn't notice the men had run away she was looking at all these nice clothes and accessories she hadn't seen this kind of items before she had been in hospice for a long time so to her the whole outside world was fascinating this was all new she smiled looking at it she turned to Anna and Jackie who stood in the corner like two obedient girls smiled at them she gestured to come over so she could show them what she picked up they both walked over. The items in her hands were nice it was something the younger generation would we're Anna and Jackie realised this then they remembered she was stuck in a time warp so she was particularly a twenty years women.

They both spoke:" do you like that"

Hazel nodded this is the first thing that she actually nodded too so they both smiled and.

Anna:" let's get it then shall we" Anna was hungry so if they brought it they could go for lunch.

Hazel looked at Anna:" Jade are you tired already has Mu Yazhe been exercising you too hard. your young you should have more stammer and wants with the sulky face you loved shopping before anything to get away from your old man" she giggled.

Anna looked stunned so Anna whole face burned red at Hazel comments just now and though we're not the only ones trying to run from grandpa and wants this mama and papa we're together before they git married oh she wanted to know more this was big news to her:" Hazel what else did we like too together" she wanted to know more about her mother.

Hazel giggled:" well we liked to sneak out to watch movies and to eat fish chips in the park some times to roller city you were really good with roller skates and we sunk into the boy's gym class to watch them play and then take a shower it was such a thrilling rush oh, oh do you remember the time that we sunk out and went to the pub only to be caught by your brother Jack but because he also sunk out he let us stay and we met his girlfriend for the first time she was pretty wasn't she. They took us to the disco it was so much fun" she smiled at her memory.

Anna stared at Hazel what roller skates she had some when she was small but it's been years since she had seen them wow her mum was rebellious when she was in her teens and wants this sneaking int9 boy's lockers room wow my mother was wild when she was young.

Hazel looked at the surprised Anna:" hey do you remember that handsome man who came from China what was his name let me think that's it, Kang Jun he proposed and asked your dad for hand in marriage you all agreed you were so excited so why are you with Mu Yazhe now did you fall out or something when we get back I bake you tangy lemon cake your favourite and you tell me all about it okay"

Anna looked at Hazel in shock and then she looked at Jackie she smiled and thought you can tell me all about my parents interesting:" I will let you know since you bribed me with the cake how can I refused"

Hazel:" can you make me some of Grandma chicken curry soup I haven't it a long time deal" she smiled so beautifully.

Anna:" sure I can " Anna thanked her lucky stars that she knew how to make it she had also learned it from grandma.

Hazel:" you know that man the driver he looks like the my childhood sweetheart Ed but older is he Ed father and by the way, I haven't seen Ed since I arrived is there any way can get hold of him as he got a number I can ring him on"

Anna and Jackie looked stunned they didn't whether to laugh or cry what we're they supposed to say now.