

Anna left the house she had used the Range Rover because her motorcycle hadn't been returned she headed straight to the compound when she arrived she asked" where Mu zain was Anna was told by one of the men that he went to the office to deal with something that had come up. Anna then asked where is the gang leader one of the men pointed to the far rooms he is in there before he could finish his sentence Anna had walked off she big up the wooden baseball bat walked into the room she didn't say anything she attacked him she hit in between his legs the man screamed in anguish then she hit his hands first the left then the right then unleashed blow after blow you could hear him screaming down the hallway all the people in the compound gathered outside the room they didn't know what was happening Anna never participated in the interrogations

Mu yazhe was just about to head out of compound gates one of the men came running over told of the situation that had developed. He returned walked into the room to see a bloody site Anna still beating the man that was half dead by now. Mu yazhe went behind Anna when she lifts the bat to hit the man he grabbed the bat from her hand and throw it but that didn't stop Anna she started to kick him he then put his hand around the waist lift her up and carry her out of the room in to the office Anna was still using her arm and legs Mu yazhe put his free arm around her shoulder and held her until she calms down then Anna burst into tears Mu yazhe held her until she settled down then Mu yazhe asked whispering in her ears "what happened Anna". Anna didn't know how to tell him she kept repeating "he, he, he". "He what" asked Mu yazhe patiently. "He raped her "finely the words came out of her mouth. Mu yazhe said in shock "what? raped who Anna you're not making any sense"." He, he raped mum" mumbled Anna.

Mu yazhe froze he didn't know what to say he let go of Anna and grabbed his head. Anna turned around to put her hand on her mouth and said:" fuck I wasn't supposed to tell anyone I promised mum". Anna looked at Mu yazhe "please don't say anything to anyone I beg you" as she held her hands together Mu grabbed her hands still in a daze looked her in the eyes to determine whether she was telling the truth. My yazhe then turn and left the office followed by Anna. My yazhe picked up one of the guns walked back into the room where the man lay half-dead he raised his gun and shot him between the legs than in his skull.

Anna watched she stepped forward and took the gun from Mu yazhe hand give it to one the men who were standing watching in a daze they didn't know what was happening why did master yazhe and boss Anna attack the man they were supposed to interrogate. Anna grabbed Mu yazhe hand-pulled towards the office Mu yazhe followed like a lifeless doll behind her when Anna pushed him into the office she turned to face him she realises how close they were stood any closer their noses would touch Anna could feel Mu yazhe breath on her face she didn't feel disgusted by it just like when he held her she halted normally when Anna hit demon mode nobody could calm her down. Anna took a step back and looked at Mu yazhe she pleaded with not to tell anyone what she had told him earlier. As she's still pleading Mu zain barges through the door he looks at the pair angrily and asks "why did you kill him I was still interrogating him".

Anna looks at Mu yazhe with her big fat cute eyes as to say please don't tell him Mu yazhe looks at her he's thinking that Anna is so cute he could kiss her Mu yazhe snaps out of it. He looks at Anna with a serious look and says "either you tell him or I will I have never hidden anything, from him ever and I am not going to start now". Anna looks at Mu zain with a guilty look" I can't say it". Mu zain looks at Anna "what's the matter what can't you tell me you've never hidden anything from me". Mu yazhe grabbed Mu zain holds his shoulder to support him before he tells him "that his mother was raped by the man that they just killed". Mu zain looks at Mu yazhe in shock he drops to the ground Anna moves forward to support him he looks at her tells her to leave she ignore him moves a bit more forward he yells at her to leave she looks stunned he had never raised his voice at her Anna looks puzzled Mu yazhe holds Anna's hand and guides her out of the door she still in daze he tells her to go home. Anna walks out gets in her range rover drives out of the compound drives halfway then stops her car sit there in a trance she understood that he got some devastating news but why did she feel like she was hard done by. Anna shook her head went to get the medicine then headed home.

In the compound Mu zain was still sat on the floor tears flowed down his face there were no noise just tears then in one go he screamed so loud it shook the whole compound heard it Mu yazhe grabbed Mu zain in to hug held him tightly let him get it out of his system. After what seem like forever Mu zain spoke "cuz screw the rules we are not showing any mercy to our so-called Uncle I will not rest until I have wiped him from the face of the earth. Mu yazhe replied I said that from the beginning. Mu zain finely got off the floor went to the room where the body of the dead gang leader lay he looked at him "you really went all out him didn't you asked" Mu zain. Mu yazhe replied," mine is only the gunshots the rest is all Anna I can't take credit for that if I hadn't come she would still be pounding him into fodder". "Anna went to demon mode did she but how did you stop her there I'm off button on her". "I just picked her took her to the office and held her until she calmed down" said Mu yazhe causally." Oh dam I shouted at Anna she must have left upset I didn't want her to see make brake down" Mu zain remarked. "I sure she understood she won't be upset" replied Mu yazhe. "Cuz how do I face mum I don't know if I can hold my emotion in when I see her," asked Mu zain.

"You're going to hold your self together your dad doesn't know yet" told Mu yazhe. They both sighed jointly there was silence after that. The phone ringing broke there trance Mu zain looked it was his brother ringing Mu yazhe peeked over they both looked at each other Mu zain answered it" "hello bro how are you". "Don't you bro me So much has happened you didn't tell me are we not related any more out sight out of mind eh". "Oh slow down there so much complaining all in one breath I didn'want to disturb you" answered Mu zain. "When it's our family there no disturbance any how I taken leave for a bit I coming home I missed you guys so much" told Mu shin. "Ah that's good I'll see you when you come home then" said Mu zain.

At home the triplets had charged into there grandparents bedroom. They saw there grandmother so they tiptoed laying sleep they crept up and looked at her Mu musin looked and said:" grandma not feeling well so that's why she's gone to bed early". Mu xuiju signed "grandma got tears in her eyes". Mu xingyan looked then brought tissue and cleaned her grandma's face. Grandma opened her eyes and looked at the children they were all smiling at her she felt so warm and loved. Anna and father in law watched from the door they both smiled to see mother in law was a bit calmer. Then from downstairs, they could hear someone making noises it sound like her brother in law. Anna looked around and saw her brother in law coming running upstairs. Anna was so happy to see him he came and hugged his dad "hello father " hello Mu shin" replied father in law. "Hello gege" chuckled Mu shin. "Hello bro" replied Anna. "How's mum doing I was really worried when dad told me so I asked for leave for the next couple of weeks and here I am". Said Mu shin he walked passed Anna. Anna wanted to say something but in the end she didn't Anna. When Mu shin enter his mother room he tried to hug his mum she flinched and moved back a bit Mother in law apologized for her behaviour father in law was surprised with her action but Anna know why did what she did her heart ached for mother in law.