

I never expected that in such a short amount of time, I would meet a guy who seemed to step right out of my wildest fantasy and into reality. He may not have been the extraordinary figure I had imagined, but it felt like fate had brought us together.

This experience was a far cry from the stories I had written, the ones that were always filled with fictional characters and distant crushes. Little did I know, my own love life was about to take a sudden and mysterious turn.


As I write this, I can't help but feel a twinge of irony. Here I am, proclaiming that this might be the last time I write about my feelings for guys, when in truth, it has always been a recurring theme in my writing. Perhaps that's why I am currently penning my autobiography – a collection of tales featuring the men who have captured my heart, both in reality and on the page.

This story may be a little unconventional and haphazard, but I've had a blast writing it. Despite not knowing where exactly the plot and storyline would lead, it has been an exciting journey. After all, sometimes the best ideas are the unexpected ones that catch us off guard and bring a touch of magic to our lives.

ALLY_21creators' thoughts