
My Ex-Husband Is Proposing Again

After three years on the run, her ex-husband cornered her in the bathroom. Since then, he wouldn't let her out of his sight. Su Hongxing felt helpless due to the fact that her ex-husband was not only powerful but he was also very clingy. He was over-protective, easily jealous, and extremely possessive. Men who got too close to her would either lose their jobs or go missing. Her ex-husband tried being gentle, but that didn't work. He then used whatever methods he could think of that get back together with her. "You've stolen my heart and body, and now you're even stealing my children. You have no choice but to marry me and spend the rest of your life making it up to me!"

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630 Chs

Chapter 48: Fainted by His Choke..._1

When Su Hongxing got out of the car, her face looked rather awful.

She knew her emotions were on the verge of spiraling out of control. Just as she arrived at the secretarial department, she saw Beichuan's face.

"Su Su, you look very beautiful today, full of spirit!" Beichuan's words came straight out without any filter. He didn't even look Su Hongxing in the face.

Su Hongxing, not in a good mood, ignored Beichuan.

Unaware of Su Hongxing's foul mood, Beichuan continued, "I came to see you early in the morning, and you're so indifferent to me. How could you?!"

Maybe it was the hangover from last night, or perhaps the crappy thing she encountered early in the morning, Su Hongxing had a nasty headache.

Not a moment of silence from Beichuan, the incessant chatter felt like an explosion in her head.

"Beichuan, shut up!" Su Hongxing snarled in a low voice.

But Beichuan kept on flaunting his masculine charm, as if he hadn't heard her.