
My agony

Let me take you through my experience and how I was vindicated.

I have been married to Ken for 10 years but unfortunately, I was encamp in our bathroom for unknowing reasons with my 3 children, Johanna 9, pemisire 6 and little 7 month joy.

I could not fathom exactly my offense nor of my kids and have been begging my husband to tell me my offense instead of locking us in a bathroom for 3 days now but instead Ken was insulting me calling me unpalatable names.

Ken." have been begging you' please for the sake of our children realease us, we haven't eaten and they are looking pale.

"it's better you keep quiet, or else I will hit you hard with this belt."

but ken, what is r..... I heard a thunderous slap on my face the children started crying he even pushed Johanna aside while she was begging him, he left angrily locking us behind.

"but, mum is there no way we could get out out here I am really famished oo"

my dear if there is I would probably have found a way' thanks to the water here that is sustaining us and joy is even looking pale because she hasn't been fed well."

I stood up to the window shouting our gate keeper, but I knew he is probably not going to hear me because the distance of where we are is not close, I screamed my lungs out but no response".

"pemisire said' mummy why is daddy doing like this, have not been going to school again why can't you call Grandma or aunty desola Bec....

don't worry my baby all we be fine I was not opportune to take my phone at least you two are there when you fought me and pushed us in here." I couldn't control the tears and at the same time consoling my kids.

At this point I was praying for a miracle just as Daniel in the Bible. around midnight while already asleep, the door was opened in which I knew his probably coming to beat me up again but was surprised when I saw a lady figure who threw some remnant fried rice and broken piece of Bone at us telling me to eat.

"I think this should be enough for you, half bread is better than non." she says in low tone and left.... and, please don't let your husband know about this". she said and left quietly.

I was surprised on why she decided to do this for the fact that my husband has told her about us.

haaa" what could a lady be doing in our house? with my husband, at this hour? who is she?

I woke my children up to eat the food in which they rushed at.


"I think this should be enough for you, half bread is better than non." she says in low tone and left.... and, please don't let your husband know about this". she said and left quietly.

I was surprised on why she decided to do this for the fact that my husband has told her about us.

haaa" what could a lady be doing in our house? with my husband, at this hour? who is she?

I woke my children up to eat the food in which they rushed at.


the morning sun gazing through the window woke me I then realized joy is having a very high fever I jumped up banging the door. this awoke Johanna and pemisire I told them about the sister health.....

haa'. daddy, daddy please open the door, joy is not feeling well she needs to be giving medication." says Johanna..

I quickly take water from the bathtub tap using it to massage joy body, praying silently.

God" don't let me cry over my child hear all my prayers God, safe me from this tribulations I.....

my husband flung the door open angrily yelling at us why we would be disturbing him.

"if you don't want me to kill you it is better you give me peace in this house and don't disturb me".

but, daddy please forgive us just take a pity on joy for now let save her, she is having temperature". Johanna begging holding his hand. he pushed her out of anger and she fell at the edge of the bathtub bleeding.

Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ken what have you done!!!! haa Johanna! Johanna!!!!!!

I held her close to my body calling her. ken stood and kept ranting at me.

ken... what have I done to deserve this? why are you doing this to me ? you refused letting me know my offense, to the extend you even brought...ohh!!! I won't say anything but my God will judge you, he will judge you.

"you better keep quiet before I showed you my other side".

no, which other side do you want to show again after the one you have been doing, just let me take my daughter to the hospital she is loosing so much blood' wicked man, you just want me to regret marrying, if I had know I would have left ever since I was advised to leave, instead of struggling in this abusive so called union."

I carried Johanna, on getting to the door he pushed me back carrying her away.

give me my daughter ooo Ken , you are a killer, but my God will not make it come through for you.

mummy it's okay' says crying pemisire my sister will not die.

ken left locking the door as usual i cried and was perplexed and really weak. I touched joy forehead and could still feel her temperature, I was restless.

"mummy look at your body, you have been injured all over". I don't why Daddy is doing this.

I held him close to me and started praying vigorously for God intervention


in the afternoon I heard the door knob opening I couldn't stand because have been exhausted, at this point I am practically waiting for the worse. the earlier strange lady came in this time, I was surprised.

madam, see ehn I am so sorry I couldn't do more than enough yesterday, I felt bad when your husband was telling why he kept you in here, imagine ooo his own family. my conscience kept judging ever since I left here that I shouldn't leave you like this, so now just find a way out for yourself and your kids, I have done my part and the ball is in your cot to know what to do for him not to meet you here."

yeh!! I jumped up. haa' aunty you don't know the joy you brought to me right now seriously, I am so grateful, really grateful..... but how did you get the key to the door?

ohh, I got it where he kept it in the morning... and please madam, do me a favor."

what is that? I asked.

"please when you get outside tell your gate keeper that if Incase your husband should ask him if I was here he shouldn't say yes oo Abeg!!! because I don't want that man wahala upon say he no even pay my money finish yesterday, very wicked man.

Don't worry, I will do just that he won't know, never!. she left.

I do not even care to know her identify for now , I ran to my room picked my phone and pack some little wears and was rushing downstairs when I heard a car hooting at the gate.

haaa!!!!! I peep out and sees my husband car I got frozen parabulating .

what should I do? asking myself severally.

gbam!! a thought came to me. I ran downstairs before the gate keeper will open the gate.

"baba tope, baba tope !!. he saw me and was looking flabbergasted.

haa, madam kilo sele... why are you looking like this, am coming let me open gate for oga.

I rushed at him taking him to a side.

please baba salisu I will be glad if you could do this for me once my husband get in make sure you don't close the gate... ken kept on hooting.

pim...pim.....pim..... pim.....

"you can see the way I am right? yes, madam I be wan ask you ooo".

"don't worry I will let you know later, just do as I said make sure you find something to delay you in closing the gate and once I drive out make sure you entered immediately because I know he won't spare you for rescuing me".

"madam I don hear you, oya go hide for that side make I do watin I Sabi hahaha."

at that point ken as come down from his car banging the gate furiously.

gba.....gba... gbaaaaaa

"baba tope, are you okay? where are you? why keeping me waiting? come and open the gate na. what nonsense is this.

haaaaa..... my oga I am sorry ooo na purge I dey since morning, e be like say the food wey I eat na.....

"keep your mouth shut and open the gate for me now!!!!!!! nonsense.

baba tope opened the gate, immediately he get down he called him over with a thunderous slap.

"haa, oga mi you slap me."


Yes! And I will do that again! are you the one paying me or I payed you? answer me!!!!

just then joy started making a sound of cry at our hidden, I covered her mouth tightly while scared of ken not hearing it.


do you hear that sound? asked ken.

no sir,

why should you even hear when your ear is blocked, and what is keeping you from closing the gate.

"is because of my shoe laces sir, I will close it now.'

"better'. he went inside.

After seeing him going in I peeked out to be sure is not there , I quickly entered my car starting it, reversing immediately.

ken heard the sound and was running outside to see.

the gatekeeper hop into the car, ken held on to the back of the car I drove off falling him down.... right now am heading straight to my home, thank God for the close distance of my family house I know I wouldn't have known where to go for escape if it's far.

zoommmmmmmmm I went..

on my way home I got trapped into traffic light stop I decided to call my mom in other to be aware of my coming.

grin...grin' hello kemi' maami, I am coming home right away, I just called to let you know, ken has finished me... ehn' you say what? I can't hear you.... I said I am coming home... I have been trying your line severally' hope all is well' she said while it got disconnected.

madam, I think say network no good.

yes, it's not truly good the service is just fluctuating."

haa, madam no be oga dey come towards your car so;

I look through the rear mirror to confirm and it turns out to be him, so he has been following us all along. I kept looking back and front counting the green light to come up on time.

immediately he got to my side mirror banging it..... 1...2....3 yeeeepii the green light came up I drove off as fast as I could.

madam thank God ooo". I don't know oga is really wicked, there is no time I don't ask of you, but his always saying all of you traveled, I was initially surprised on why he left the house so early today unlike him, not knowing his carrying out an evil plan, but madam what could he have done to Johanna?.

baba tope, I don't know ooo I just need to get to my parents house first to secure my safety, don't worry I will sort everything out. and please i don't have cash with me I will make sure I transfer money to you when I get home.

"haa... madam no problem at all for the fact that you are safe then I am happy." and your sister came yesterday night oo and oga didn't tell her you are around".

no, she is not my sister but a lady a picked that I don't know".

haa!!! some man Sha, and he told me she is your sister, habba".

I drop him at a place he could go from and I headed home without seeing ken traces from behind.



Arriving at my parents house I narrated everything to them. my mom was so pissed off.

egbami...ken Fe pami ni omo". ken want to kill my child while am still alive, imagine ooo just imagine someone that has been telling me you traveled to where I don't even know, not knowing he harbor you in a confined place beating you blue and black' I will make sure he pay for this, it is better nothing happens to my granddaughter or else he will rot in jail."

maami, you know have always be telling you about how he treated her but you always glamour on the scripture, wife must be submissive, must take whatever marriage gives and now see the results". says my junior sister Rebecca.

Ehn, I never knew is up to this because he only complained she doesn't come home on time from work, I do not know his just covering up."

mummy is a lie oo' you always refused hearing my own side of complain, I do not exactly know why he is doing this to me and I don't know where my daughter is right now'. I was crying profusely...

it's okay my daughter and I am sorry for not listening to you mabinu okomi, just imagine see your body, Kai!!!. make sure you don't pick his call oo he must not know you are here"

okay ma'.....

it is 3 days gone, Jen hasn't called or come over, could it be that he has forgotten me or he his planning something again. there is a knock on the door, I stood up to see who is there I look through the door and saw someone, haa!!! ken is here. I ran inside to call my mom and thank God my senior brother is around, my mom came out adjusting her cloth, she summons me inside not to come out unless she called and I left.

my mom open the door faking smile. ken'.

yes ma, how are you doing". I am doing well oo my dear, what brings you here? how are the kids and their mother? oya seat down, what should I offer you? coke or juice?

Mama, 'smiling' you and this your questions and hospitality all the time hahaha. well, I do want juice as usual and what brought me here is about my wife again". he was given the juice.

And what about her? my mother asked.

she has started again mama could you believe my wife brought a man home to our matrimonial bed in which I caught her red handed but she kept on denying it, that the man is only there to fixed up something and it leads to argument in which she left the house angrily'". my mother who is already getting angry looks at him pissing off. so.... before he continues my brother came out vigorously punching his face in which he staggered to the ground with the juice his holding splashing on him.

you're a useless man, A big idiot and more so you think you are smart right' you dare comes here to cooked up lies right".

Mr Sola please I don't understand what you meant by that, and you have never be this crazy to me before". and I think I am going to prove that craziness to you right away". he kicked in out his way.

please mama, I'm not getting all this, why is he reacting this way?

you better keep shut there before I through this flower vase at you, useless man, very soon you will know mtcwee.....

Sola came out holding a Cutlass at him Ken stood frozen agape at him.

where are your kids and wife!!!!!!! please Mr Sola don't do this I do not know their whereabouts I have been searching for them, that's why I'm here...

ohhhh!!!!! so my daughter and her children has turned to needle that you are searching for right ? well done Mr searcher.

it was the argument about what she did that makes her left".

na argument go kill you there". says my mother.

I ran out facing him screaming at him on why he would be lying against me, he was shocked seeing me and was flabbergasted.

so Ken who fell my daughter? who gave me all this bruised, no just tell me? you refused telling me my offense.

you caused it honey'.

"don't you ever in your miserable life call me that again!!! wicked man!

you know you caused it kemi', you pushed our daughter during the argument and for this bruised I know you probably did it to rope me."

haa!!! Ken, you are a wicked man, you are still lying to my face." I jumped at him demanding where he kept my daughter but he kept saying he doesn't know.

don't worry my daughter, by the time the police apprehend him he will stop saying all this nonsense and voice out.

so Mr ken, what you are saying now is that my sister is lying right?

yes...yes.. you are absolutely right, she is trying to frame me up." said Ken.

okay, it seems I am now getting it." says Sola

my mother looking at my brother disgustingly.

"please let her just come back with me I have forgiven her."

okay no problem Mr Ken give me some minutes." Sola said. he went inside with me and he came out. Mr Ken please give her some minutes to pack her things okay.

my mother flare up at him. what do you mean she should pack her things, are you okay!!! my daughter is going no where oo.

my brother made a eye signal to her in which she did grab immediately and knew probably he his up to something.

pemisire came out on sighting Ken he rushed over to my mother crying that he doesn't want to see him.

it's okay my dear he is not going to hurt you.

why? pemisire come to daddy," said Ken.

no!!!!!! I am not coming to you".

don't worry Ken just wait for them to pack their things okay". says mom.

okay ma, he sat comfortably beaming all over.

My sister came him and ignoring ken.

at that moment ken greeted her but she ignored him. there was a knock at the door, Rebecca summoned them in. 5 police men comes in surrounding us, ken looks surprisingly asking what is going on. "Mr Man you are under arrest for the killing of Johanna and for brutalizing your wife". said the policeman.

"Excuse you, what evidence do you have to prove all this allegations. ken draw my sister around him bringing out a gun to her head.

we were all shocked'. I probably knew this is going to come up, yes I knew". said ken.

"Mr ken it will be nice if you comply with us and drop that gun'.

aye mi oo!!!! please you people should do something o he must not kill my child!!!" says mum.

ken pointed the gun at me. I think it would be better if I just finished you once for all and then rot in jail". said ken.

my mother kept pleading for him to drop the gun, one of the policeman sneak to his back and hit is head which makes him fall. my Mom jumped on him and started punching him.

"you are an evil man, you want me to die before my time abi, you will rot in jail."

one of the policeman took the gun up and realizing is just a fabricated gun not real.

haa!!! see this man ooo he played us Sha". says Sola to my mother.

"Don't worry everyone since he has be apprehended he must confess all his atrocity". says a policeman to us.

no' I can't take this I have to call my lawyer". ken to the policemen while his being dragged out.

Mr Man move!!! when you get to the station you can do that oya!!!!! move before I hit your head.


At the police station ken was interrogated, but he kept on denying knowing the death of our daughter. he was allowed to call his lawyer who accused the policemen for improper investigation and perhaps the gun you said you thought is real is fake so, why charging him for nothing, the toy gun is for his son.

"lawyer Thomas I have nothing to say to you, you can't teach me my job". the policeman to the lawyer.

"I have have nothing either to you unless you realease my client". the lawyer.

I will advise you two to wait till the court day". the policeman. but, you can't just detain him here.... says Thomas.

the next day he was questions again. ken you refused explaining how your child died because her traces could not be found and the allegation your wife sister gave is said that you pushed her which leads to her death".

habba, oga. how will someone say such and u suddenly believe that without prove." said ken.

okay, if you want prove no problem, ehm... who is nasty bae? ken looking confused to his question. nastybae, how? I don't know who nasty bae is please."

I said who is nasty bae? the interrogator landed a belt on him'.

haaa!!!! please stop treating this way (crying) I said I don't know who nasty bae is.

okay if you say." the man called out nasty bae to come in as she entered ken looks surprised.

so do you know her? asking ken.

ehn.. you should have said Titi na (the strange lady) I know her as Titi and moreover she is my friend how did she turns out to be the witness".

ken, Titi is my real name nasty bae is just like a nickname. ken I would advise you surrender now, because I was the one who rescued your family from where you kept them."

what nonsense are you spitting there Titi' it's better you keep quiet!!! he shouted at her.

just because I take you as my good friend doesn't mean you could join hands with my wife to frame me".ken to Titi.

haa me Kenzie you still didn't want to adhere to your crime". Titi to Ken.

ehm... lady, you know what, you can go. I will get back to you anytime". interrogator to Titi.

she left looking back at ken shaking her head.

"this is really getting serious, Mr ken for the fact that we have even brought in your gatekeeper you still denied still. "

well, after ken refused to confess I requested for a lawyer in which he came over to my parents house. I explained everything to him.

I just want him to tell me where he took my dead daughter to because I know the kind of stunt he could pull. he might probably have buried her somewhere".

it's okay madam, you will be vindicated, for the fact he kept on lying and couldn't say why he was maltreating you that way is uncalled for. I will try my possible best, he deserves to be punished." just then two policemen came requesting for my presence in the station for interrogation. I obliged to it that I will come.

my lawyer warned me to please be mindful of where i should go this time around.

I have heard you "I said...


I went to the station and was interrogated. I stood on the truth claiming on what I knew and what ken did to me.

madam, thank you for coming but since the date for the court is near, I wish you luck on your case". the policeman to me.

Amen. thank you". ....

the day fixed for the case is finally here. everyone is seated waiting for the judge arrival, immediately he comes in .

Arise!!!!! we are stood and then sat back.

the judge read the our section case out and then gives order to start.

ken lawyer Thomas stood first by summoning me to the stand in which I was given Bible to swore and abide to be truthful.

so, Mrs Adebayo. Thomas looked at me in which I was lost in thought. ohhh please snap back to reality or are you thinking on how you will be fabricating your lies?

I'm truly not lying, he kept us hostage without food for several days beating me without any offense. my daughter tragedy happens to be when he angrily pushed her in which she hits her head and she passed out bu...

Enough! of this your incoherent narrative in which I do not believed. well, let me ask you this, where were you on the 24 of March?.

I was in the bathroom locked up with my children." I said to him.

then, probably you were taking your bath, because what could someone be doing in a bathroom;.

objection my Lord ' my lawyer segun to the judge.

no, my Lord I'm not through with my questioning."

objection cancel. prosecutor you can proceed". judge to Thomas.

my lawyer sat back unease.

so, madam where did your husband See's you on the 24 of March?

like I said, I was in the bathroom loc...

no, (he interrupted me) why must you bring this up again, I do not think you are ready to save yourself. my Lord I rest my case.

he sat back while I was taking back to my sit. my lawyer stood up and a witness was brought in by Thomas.

I Azeez agree to accept the penalty of perjury and I will be true to my conscience and not add or subject". the witness to the court.

Mr Azeez, i heard you lied about being intimate with my client in which you were caught, how true could that be?. asked segun.

"yes, it is true I had a mutual affair with Mrs Adebayo which occurred the day she called me to their house for a repair".

repair of what exactly? segun to witness.

he looks lost at some point.

it's is fridge, yes fridge".

it certainly looks like you are trying to hide something because there was no sort of faulty appliance in their home just as my client said, tell me how come it's fridge?

objection my Lord! said Thomas.

there was noises in the room'

silence in the courtroom everyone!!!!!!

objection cancel!!!

my Lord, Article 24, clause 2

lawyer can't conceal the truth while serving there client or make a false statement'. so I do not see any reason why I shouldn't say the truth based on what my client told me, Mr Azeez I can attest to you that you were not in my client house on the 24 but somewhere else."

I'm not somewhere else, like I said it just happened to be that mr Adebayo caught us together while unclad in which I ran off after seeing him." Azeez to segun.

how could it be possible for a married woman to seduce a man in whom you claimed to be their repairer of faulty things those that means she is also faulty? and just decided to have things with her just like that."

no, she makes me do that after so much tempting I had no choice but to accept, in which she claimed her husband doesn't satisfy her."

Thomas'. It's possible my lord

"They started arguing and the judge said".

"will you two stop this tremendous argument and adjourned this case."

yes, that would be better". said segun.

no, I objected my Lord why not close this case as it is obvious my client is based on the truth and the woman committed the crime and also a cheating wife." Thomas to the judge.

no, I can't take that my Lord" said segun.

there was commotion everywhere I started crying while my mom petting me.

silence in the courtroom everyone!!!!

I hereby adjourn this case to 28 of April with a concrete evidence from both side I rest my case.

Arise!!!!!! court!!!!!!


mummy, is this how we will be looking and I will be sentence to jail haa!!! the second witness I'm even looking up to is even dead now' ohh baba tope, baba tope!!!!! why should it be now that I needed you.

my daughter don't panic, I believe the God I'm serving will never put me to shame' never! he will surely vindicate for what you know nothing about, I have been praying non stop. that day must favour us, you will never go to jail my dear".

but sister mi what is still baffling me is how uncle ken fabricated everything to the extent of bringing in stranger as a witness. haa how on Earth did he go about that!!! it is only God that can really help us oo." Rebecca to me.

my phone rang like twice I didn't pick then the third ringing my mom force to pick it that even if is strange number I can still know who is calling. I picked it.

hello, who is this please? I asked. yes, thank you I'm omotosho, please someone needs to speak with you here". he said to me.

I was reluctantly answering him when I heard a familiar voice over end.

hello mummy!!!!!

I checked my phone screen to be sure of the voice I heard puting it on loud speaker.

hello who is this? I asked.

"mummy, it's I Johanna!!!

ehn!! hey! joha..... what? Johanna!!!!!!!! is that really you?

yes, mummy". she said.

haa!!!!! mummy!!!!! my daughter, my daughter is alive!!!!! she is alive oooo

my mother took the phone from me just to re confirm and fainted hearing her voice out of excitement. we rushed at her while the call ended. haa!!! like seriously my joy no know bound right now.

the man called me to meet them in a restaurant, my brother decided to follow in other to be on the safer side. we got there at the appointed time, I'm still in awe of this is actually true. I kept looking round the restaurant if I could see them but I didn't see non, after a while my brother insinuate I called the man to know there coming, then I heard a familiar voice from a distance i just as I was about turning back I felt a hug behind me.

mummy!! mummy!!!!! it's Johanna.

I carried her up all over, tears flowing down I couldn't resist leaving her that moment. A lot of questions flowing through me that I really want to know. how is she rescued? who saved her? where did ken left her? so many thoughts inside me.

I was called with a tap by the strange man who as being standing there for a while watching me.

madam, it seems you are so overly excited" omotosho to me.

yes o it's a thing of joy sir (we all laughed) I'm also happy and moreover who wouldn't be happy to see their lost child". said Sola.

I'm so delighted sir, you can have your sit ( we sat) please you did me a very big favour and may God reward you. you brought her at the very right time.

oh, really!! asked Mr omotosho.

yes, please how do you find her?

hum, I was going to my farm that precious day although I didn't wanted to go because I have already done all the necessity the other day. so someone called me that they needed vegetables that day and then I decided to go as early as possible in other get them ready before time in which makes me go, so, on my way going I saw her body from afar initially I wanted to run because it's just still Dawn in the morning I went closer to look and found out she she was bleeding, haa!! quickly I checked her purse and she is still breathing I carried her immediately to do hospital where she got treated, I was told if I had come late she would have died. so, some days later she got discharged but due to the doctor who said she has partial loss memories that it would be nice if she is giving proper attention and care in other to regain her memories, are you getting me". he asked.

yes, Please continue" we replied.

okay, so, one day she was playing with my kids then suddenly fell down in which she passed out and when she opens her eyes she started running from us shouting where is her mother, we jumped for excitement asking about her in which she described to us and then recall your phone number which makes me called you that day and now we are here."

oh, I couldn't control my tears, thank you so much sir, you really came on time, I see, while all things work together for good ". I said to omotosho.

I narrated the court saga to him in which he was surprised and sad about it.

it's nothing madam, I'm so glad she is very okay, but don't hesitate to call me whenever you want, I can come also to testify". he said.

thank you so much Mr omotosho we are so grateful and may God open doors of favour for you in return". Sola to omotosho.

Amen!!! I have done my part, and please keep her safe till then, alright bye Johanna, my regards to your siblings". he said and left.

my brother went to him and collected his details saying he would love to give to his family an amount of 5 million for his generosity the man declined saying he only did his for God's reward that we shouldn't bother.



Fast forward to the adjourned date. everyone was seated. the judge comes in. Arise!!! Court!!!. we all seated back.

now, the case of murder suspect of Mr Adebayo can now proceed".

segun stood up summoning ken to the stand and he was told to sworn.

so, Mr Adebayo you claimed you know nothing about the death of your daughter right?

yes, I have said that countless times".

okay. but my lord may you permit me to bring out an evidence to prove". asked segun .

he showed it to the judge.

yes, you may proceed with it".

segun spread the evidence to the audience indicating what it is. ken look shocked and feeling uneasy it could be read all over him.

Mr Adebayo, could you testify to the court, who owns this cloth soaked with blood?. segun to Ken.

ehm.....ehmm I think is for Johanna".

so, if I may ask how did you know? asked segun.

I just know is for her she do wear it at home."

segun smiled and spread an hospital report of Johanna medical attention.

if you could see this very well you would know who this belong to."

objection my lord, said Thomas

objection declined". judge to Thomas.

ken couldn't control himself anyone he was just fidgeting at the sit. he kept on looking at his lawyer to say something, but he wasn't given him face.

segun told ken to go and sit down.

my lord, please pardon me to bring in my candid evidence and a witness". segun to judge.

yes, go ahead.

segun looks at me and my family beaming all over looking towards the back audience back.

please miss Johanna Adebayo can come in now."

everywhere became silent as if a ghost is about passing. some were looking at segun if is truly okay. ken face suddenly changed looking at me and my lawyer if we are trying to make him freak or what but he got more uneasy when I smile at him.

Johanna walks in to the stand with people raising looking terrified on what is actually going on. Thomas was looking at ken with curiosity with so many question expression on his face.

Johanna please I would like you to tell the court what transpired between your parents in which caused your disappearance." segun to johanna.

thank you, I'm johanna Adebayo, the first child of my parents. I can't really say this is the caused of why my father locked us in the bathroom for days without food, even for the fact that my mom questioned him on our offense in which he couldn't give response. on the fateful day of the incident. my little sister was having temperature in which we were calling and appealing my dad to let us take her to the hospital for treatment or rather getting her drugs but he didn't listen to us and started beating my mother, I then hold is hand pleading but he pushed me off in which I fell down. but all thanks to Mr omotosho here ( pointing him) who rescued me along his farm road. I do not know why my father could not take me to the hospital for treatment instead of abandoning me to die. that's all I have to say.

Thomas couldn't utter a word he just made a bow shaking his head while ken started crying and looking frustrated. at that moment I felt like jumping for joy for wining the case....

so, now that the concrete evidence as testify i can now make my judgement or do we have something to say?. said the judge.

yes! my lord " said segun.

okay. go ahead.

Mr Adebayo come to the stand (he did) so can you tell the court the reason of this action carried out on your family, why did you have to maltreat them that way ?. segun to Ken.

he was crying bitterly and was told to respond on time.

I'm sorry to my family, most especially my in-laws. it's the devil that is using me (my mom hissing at him where she is) my wife as been a very good woman and mother but I was pushed by my friends who talks about cheating on their wives and they couldn't resist their act because they deal with them as the head of the family (crying) I then decided to make a move by acting strangely to her to show her what I'm capable of as a man and husband. I knew if I had left my children alone without their mother they would probably report to their grandma on how have been maltreating their mother, that's why I had to lock them all just to have my evil doing peacefully.... I swear it's the devil that pushed me. I will never do that again and I'm sorry Johanna if I had taking you to the hospital that day I know you would have survived but I just don't want you to be telling people around there what is going on at home that was why I decided to dumped you. so please temper justice with mercy."

my lord, that is just all I want you to hear". said seguy.

hmmm, but why are you men so being insecure, the Bible that tells us that a man that findeth a woman found good thing. in your case you found her but you don't want to be receiving the goods things of marriage but instead you listened to the irrelevant family story of your friends to hinder your own family blessings. everything you said is done by your own hands and you people should stop blaming the devil when the deed is being done.

this will serve as a lesson to most home, never you you listen to a third party before you rule your home.

man love your wife as you wanted to be loved.

beating a woman shows you are not a man enough to behold'. you're a beasts.

A cheating home is never an option but a delay to your marriage progress, when you're supposed to be showing your family full love attention and be focused on your job do you think have an affair outside would ever comes across your mind. "No!!! it won't. for the last time do not do things that will make your children see you as a monster or hatred in your home.

so, this is my judgement Mr Adebayo you are hereby sentence to 9 years imprisonment with hard labour."

ken hands on his head wailing and pleading for mercy.

and as for mr Azeez he is hereby sentence to 10years imprisonment for false witness and impersonation. next time you will learn never to do things that is wrong for Money. Mrs Adebayo you are hereby free from all allegations against you, you are truly a righteous woman.

I rest my case". said judge.


The End.

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