

As the roaring Messerschmitt fighter jets descended upon the soaring dragon, as the M-4 tank faced the armored behemoth, as the brave grenadiers raised rifles against the wizards, and as the mighty warships lined the coast, unleashing thunderous cannons-the world changed in the hands of the approaching Chris. A full-scale war between industrial technology and magic erupted. Witness how Chris conquers it all! Autor - Dragon Spirit Knight "This novel is not my property, all copyright rights reserved."

ImmqrtaEmperor · Fantasie
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14 Chs

The Battle of Eastern Forests

"Sir! The enemy's 200 cavalry are all positioned on their flanks! There's only a small formation of about a hundred in the front. It's child's play!" A Meine cavalryman rode up to Enser and reported loudly.

Upon hearing this news, Enser's smile grew even wider. The enemy's forces had dwindled to the point where they couldn't sustain their defenses.

Regardless of any conspiracies or tricks, whether it was a flanking attack or a rear assault, maintaining a certain force in the front was necessary to withstand the enemy's attack.

Now, Seris' infantry was too weak to maintain a frontal defense. All Enser needed was one charge, and he could break through the enemy's lines – in this situation, there was no need to consider defense on the flanks or rear.

"Hahaha!" Enser pointed his riding crop in the direction of Seris' army and proudly said to the officers around him, "This young lad from the Ailanxil family has never seen real combat; he's as good as defeated!"

"Order the cavalry to attack! If we crush them with our 200 cavalry, victory will be ours!" one of the officers suggested with a smile.

"No!" Enser waved his hand dismissively, a smug expression on his face. "He still has 200 cavalry on the flanks. I won't take the risk!"

"Orders! Infantry, advance! I'm different from that young lad who relies on strategy! I'll charge right in and be invincible! Let's see how he deals with it? Hahaha!" Enser rejected his officer's suggestion and issued his own command.

Behind him, the war drums beat even more urgently, and Meine's army's formations started to advance one by one.

Soldiers marched with precise steps, their raised long spears swaying slightly with each step, and the sound of armor rubbing together was like raindrops falling on tiles, dense and continuous.

"The lord of the Ferryport City, Mordrel, refused to send reinforcements. He rejected our request." Just as Enser ordered the attack, a cavalryman arrived from behind, bearing unwelcome news.

But for Enser at this moment, this news was no longer as important: "Forget it! If he doesn't want to come, I'll deal with him after I finish off Seris!"

As Enser contemplated how to discipline the Ferryport City after defeating Seris, he heard thunderous sounds echoing through the sky. At this moment, he had not yet realized that this thunder came from hell, capable of devouring life.

A shell landed in the midst of the Meine cavalry's formation, creating an explosion that sent shrapnel and debris flying, cutting through the bodies of both horses and men, creating a bloody storm.

In the midst of the explosion, warhorses neighed, and all the Meine cavalrymen looked in shock toward the direction of the blast, not knowing what had just happened.

Next, a second explosion occurred among these cavalrymen, and a rising cloud of smoke rolled toward the sky. The hurricane formed by shrapnel tore through everything in its path.

"Ah!" A knight whose leg had been severed by the explosion fell from his horse, letting out a heart-wrenching scream.

Unfortunately, his scream was drowned out by the third explosion, and no one noticed it at all.

Subsequently, more explosions blossomed throughout the Meine formation, and in an instant, Meine's banners were in disarray, and soldiers fled in panic, and the orderly formation was completely disrupted.

Before Enser could react, the second round of shells landed with a deafening roar, and the thunderous noise, more terrifying than a devil's snore, once again echoed over the Meine formation.

"Boom!" A shell exploded not far behind Enser, sending the war drum and his guards flying. His family's banner pole shattered in the explosion, and the flag, riddled with bullet holes, slowly fluttered down amid the explosion.

The shockwave, like a blade, made the warhorse beneath Enser let out a painful cry. Enser had to exert all his strength to stabilize the horse and raise his head to look around.

His cavalry formation had turned into chaos, with knights and horses fleeing in all directions. His infantry formation was in disarray, with heavy casualties.

The massive explosions had created dreadful craters, and around the craters lay severed limbs, body parts, and bodies strewn in all directions.

In the distance, wounded soldiers screamed in pain, while those uninjured soldiers stared wide-eyed, trying to comprehend what had just happened, shouting to recover their hearing.

Three infantry formations, over a thousand soldiers, had been easily defeated by the thunderous onslaught of modern artillery.

"Boom!" The third round of shelling landed among the Meine formation, and Chris, not sparing any ammunition, ordered the artillerymen to load solid shells and fire two more rounds.

This time, the explosions finally jolted the Meine survivors awake. They dropped their weapons and began to flee, no matter how hard the nearby officers tried to rally them.

"They have mages!" one soldier pushed down his superior trying to stop him from retreating and shouted hysterically.

"Seris has mages protecting them! You're sending us to our deaths!" The retreating soldier found an excuse for his on-the-spot desertion.

Unfortunately, his superior behind him had no chance to hear his explanation, as the soldiers fleeing behind him trampled over the unlucky officer's chest.

"Boom!" In the midst of the fleeing crowd, explosions continued one after another, and the image of advanced industrial weaponry wreaking havoc on primitive warriors played out on this foreign world, cruel and cold.

Chris watched the black smoke rising on the distant plains, gripping the reins of his horse and calculating the timing of the counterattack. This was his first battle in this world, and the joy of victory stirred his male hormones, making him feel a slight trembling throughout his body.

"Cease fire!" After three rounds of shells, Chris stopped tapping his finger on his sword hilt when he saw the enemy's retreat and ordered the artillery to cease wasting ammunition.

"Switch to solid shells for two more rounds! Afterward, cease fire and await my orders!" Chris, riding toward the flank of the cavalry formation, instructed the messenger riding alongside him.

"Clang!" Arriving in front of the knight formation, he drew his sword, raised it high to the azure sky, and his resounding voice carried into the distance: "Ailanxil is invincible!"

"Ailanxil is invincible!" Two hundred black-armored knights by his side shouted, raising their long spears to reflect dazzling light in the sunlight.

"Charge!" Chris pulled the reins of his horse, his sword swinging toward the front, and with a spur of his horse's flank, he leaped down the gentle slope ahead.

"Kill!" Two hundred knights, following their lord, spurred their horses forward with shouts of rage.

This victory had come far too easily, the devastating explosions overwhelming every soldier from Seris. They now firmly believed they were following an invincible leader, and they believed Chris could bring them victory.

Hooves struck the earth, and black-armored knights swayed slightly with each bump of their warhorses. Just as the Meine soldiers were collapsing, Chris and his two hundred cavalry charged into their disarray.

There was no one to organize a defense to

  stop the Seris cavalry's charge. The power of the cavalry, evident when chasing down disorganized troops, was truly unparalleled.

"Ha!" Chris cut through a group of fleeing soldiers, striking down a Meine soldier who was running in panic. It was his first time experiencing the sensation of cutting through flesh and blood with a longsword, the first time he had personally ended someone's life with his own hands.

Behind him, the cavalrymen were covered in blood, knocking down one Meine soldier after another. It was a slaughter, a one-sided slaughter that had been predetermined.

"Kneel and surrender to spare your lives!" Chris, now amidst the disorganized Meine soldiers, suddenly tightened his reins, causing his horse's forelegs to rear up, and he raised his longsword high, shouting, "Kneel and surrender, and you'll be spared!"

The Seris cavalry continued their charge, overtaking their lord, and also shouted a pardon that sounded like a royal amnesty: "Kneel and surrender, and your lives will be spared!"

Like headless flies, the panicked Meine soldiers immediately knelt on the ground, looking in fear at the blood-covered enemy cavalrymen charging past them.

"Click, click." Chris rode slowly past the Meine soldiers now kneeling on the ground, the last to pass his warhorse's hooves over the Meine banner of Enser.

This battle was his victory, and it was an utterly one-sided victory. He possessed technology that far surpassed this world by generations, and victory was only natural.

He lowered his head, looking at the fallen Meine commander Enser, who was also kneeling on the ground, and waited for the enemy to speak first.

As expected, Enser crawled forward two steps, a forced smile on his face, and pleaded, "I was wrong! Considering that we are both vassals of the Airlanth Empire... spare me, please."

"I'm willing to pay a ransom! I'll offer ten thousand gold coins, just spare my life!" Seeing Chris remain silent, a desperate Enser looked up at the black-armored knights surrounding him, becoming increasingly hysterical.

"Is this your last words?" Chris looked down at the enemy commander who was crouched on the ground, coldly asking, "Go tell that to the souls of Seris! They won't spare you!"

"You can't kill me! I am a vassal of the Airlanth Empire! If you kill me, the Airlanth Empire will hang you!" Enser looked at Chris in despair, raising his voice in a final, frantic shout.

"Splurt!" Chris swung his arm, and the longsword in his hand flew into the chest of the enemy commander, the tremendous force piercing the armored body and pinning him to the ground.

Looking at the black flags gathering around him and the blood-covered black-armored cavalrymen, Chris tightened the reins and gazed at the body on the ground, slowly saying, "Too much talk!"