
My Dragon.

What if the man that you love is a Dragon?! Meet Rebecca Willow and Elias Flames. Rebecca is not your typical lady. From the tender age of seven, she has been in plenty of court affairs protecting the people of Belfare, fighting in tournaments showing off her skills with the sword, and dreaming of a world where dragons flew in the sky. Elias is the Prince of Belfare and, he has a secret. He befriended Rebecca because, unlike every other woman who wants status, she creates it herself. She is his only friend that he can truly rely on and one that helps secure his throne. The fate of the Dragons relies on the shoulders of both Elias and Rebecca at young ages, although they don't realize it until Rebecca is kidnapped from Belfare to meet the Elder Dragon. Their friendship starts off rocky but eventually blossoms into an unbreakable bond full of trust and admiration. Later on, he shares his secret and proposes to the one he loves. Excerpt: Rebecca [ "Your Majesty, if I may?" I asked and, he waved his hand, silencing the room. I panicked slightly but regained my courage. He nodded and, I looked to the council leader, who sneered. "I have a suggestion about solving the high crime rates. It is not the high class that suffers the high crime rates, however the working class. It's their businesses that are bring robbed and, it is their families that are in danger." I glared at a council member as he made a move to interrupt. "I say that you can send more soldiers to patrol the streets, day and night. Yes, I am aware that there will be a need for soldiers, so pull a list of names that need to serve their time. And for the businesses, you should pay them for their troubles. At least until the crime rates decrease-" a cough echoed in the room, the council leader looked down on me as a child. "Who says the King shall listen to a woman, much less, a child." He paused as he let the words sink in. There were mutters around the room. "It's normal that crime is high. What do you mean to pay the business that is suffering? Our high class is suffering because they can't do business properly." He paused and, I took that moment to stifle his pride. "You're right. Why should a King listen to this ideal? However, as a citizen of the Country of Belfare, I have a right to come to His Majesty. And Councillor, is it not the working class that grows our economy? "For our country to prosper, our businesses should be protected and have trust in the government. Don't you think?" I asked the question and the Councillor opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.] Excerpt: Elias [ "They were bold to hurt both Rebecca and me. It's something I can't forgive or forget easily." I could feel those deep green eyes staring, and when I met them, they were glossy. "How is she coping?" He asked, and I let out a sigh, 'if only she had the patience to understand that recovering takes time.' I thought to myself. "She's... coping, although, I can tell it's killing her, to not pick up a blade. That was a low move of that man." I growled, and the King just nodded his head. "Why don't you heal her?" He asked and, I looked away from his probing eyes. I wanted to help her, but I haven't had a teacher thus, I had little control over my powers. "I wish I had someone to speak to. Humans have plenty of resources plus, they don't have to hide their powers and worry about hurting someone. My kind is so close to extinction, it's painful." A couple of tears trailed down, and I flinched when a drop landed on the back of my hand. "They're not dead." My father's voice sounded stern as he looked at the portrait. I knitted my brows together, 'Those dragons have been dead for about a century and a half.' I looked between the picture and father, noticing there was sadness etched in his features.] Read on to embark on these youngster's journeys, which blossom from friendship to love, with the blessings of the dragons. *Cover from Google*

KennaB · Fantasie
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293 Chs

The Next Step

The next day..

"Lieutenant, when can I meet, Jonas James?" Stepping into the full classroom, all the boys that we chattering, stopped immediately. Looks of confusion and curiosity were written on their face. I didn't bother changing into my gym outfit, for I was going to lunch in a couple of minutes, and this wasn't my training time.

"Lady Willow, can we speak of this in my office?" Lieutenant Jones looked up from his spot on the floor, he wore a grim look, knowing that she was planning something.

"When?" Stopping in front of the man, I narrowed my eyes, daring him to question me.

"I'll set up a match for tomorrow, and for other matters, let's talk privately later." Nodding my head, I turned on my heels and glided soundlessly out of the room. The boys that he was teaching was the age group of Jonas James, however I didn't see his face among them.

"I can wait a day." Clenching my fist into a ball, I took a couple of breaths. Lifting my face toward the bright blue sky, I smiled at the warmth, it wouldn't be long before it gets cool again.

"What are you doing here?" Turning to the familiar voice, I smiled, he was bound to know what has happened, that I didn't need to tell him of the problem.

"I'm planning the next step, lunch?" Tugging at his arm, I moved the stubborn Prince in the direction of the lunchroom. Navigating through the buildings, we arrived in the lunchroom within ten minutes.

Picking up the tray from the counter, I acknowledged the lunch ladies for their hard work, before stepping toward our table in the corner. Everyone in the lunchroom knows not to sit is this seat, for it was claimed by the Prince.

"Rebecca, what is the plan?" Slicing the meatloaf, I looked over my shoulder to the snickering Sophie Francis. Watching her, I lowered my gaze, I've thought hard about the plan, however it might change, depending on how Jonas James fights.

"First, I need to access Jonas. That kid is two years older than me, so I have to know my opponent. Once I know his strength, I can determine the next step. Last I heard the relationship between father and son is not strong, this could help." I nodded to myself, then looked into Elias's ocean eyes.

"So that's why you went in demanding information from Lieutenant Jones." He chuckled taking a bite of mash potatoes. Sprinkling some salt and pepper onto my food, before taking a bite from the fluffy potatoes, I hummed in pleasure.

"It had to be done, it was a perfect time to scope out for the Councilor's son." Shrugging my shoulders, I looked around the cafeteria, for it was surprisingly calm. However, the calm won't last for long, I was waiting for Sophie to make a move.

"Rebecca!" He gasped aloud, as a glass of cold water, was spilled onto my clothing. Turning around to face the culprit, he shrieked and got on the ground, shaking like a leaf. My hair was slightly damp, and my clothing was soaked, taking the proffered sweater from Elias, I covered my white shirt.

"Lady Willow, please I'm sorry." Narrowing my eyes, I lightly touched the boy. He was blond with green eyes, slightly overweight, but one of the students in the after school training.

"Erik, I'm fine, get off the ground. Elias back off." Holding off the fuming prince, I helped the boy stand up. Leaning in, I whispered into his ear, "Who put you up to this?" Pulling back, I brushed off any dust on his clothing, seeing him redden at the attention.

"Lady S-Sophie Francis, s-she put me up to this, causing my tray to be unbalance, with extra glasses of water." He whispered back, patting him on the back, I glared at the table the seated four of the friends of Sophie Francis, all of them giggling at the sight.

"It seems that the wars have begun, finally." I spoke quietly, where only Elias could hear me. Stepping in the direction of her table, Sophie paused her giggles and flinched. The squeak of my tennis shoes, was made with every step on the marble flooring.

Placing a small smile on my face, I stopped in front of the young brat. Of course she would be petty, her father's dukedom was the second to last, out of the four. In the empire of Belfare, there were four dukedoms that support the crown, however, the Willow household was the top and prize dukedom out of all them.

Leaning down to her level, our eyes clashed at our dislikes, blueish-green to hazel. "You're starting something that you won't win, are you sure you want to continue forward?" Speaking loud enough for everyone in the lunchroom could hear.

"Rebecca Willow, you regret starting a fight with me. Our family is more precious and more pure than yours. Just because you have befriended the Prince, does not mean you can act like you can rule the world." I smirked, 'last I checked only the Duke was pure blood.' I thought to myself.

"Sophie Francis, we all know which bloodline is pure, however I'm not speaking about that. Unlike others I have no intention for using His Highness for benefits. Let's see who admits defeat, because of your petty dislike." Finishing our conversation, I looked up from the set of brats, and looked around the quiet room.

"See you later." Waving my hand, I walked in the direction of the classroom, where I kept an extra set of clothes. Hearing another set of steps, I bumped into the one boy that I want to challenge. Jonas James.

"Word is around that you want to challenge me, is this true Lady Willow?" He smirked, his face was just exactly as the Councilor's, except he has brown hair and light blue eyes, instead of dirty blond and dark blue eyes.

"Word sure travels fast, when do you want to do it?" I asked leaning against the wall, I had twenty steps to walk before I made it to the ladies room, however I wasn't sure when I would get this chance again.

"Lieutenant Jones said tomorrow, do you want to do it then, or how about this afternoon?" He asked as he lowered his eyes to mine. 'He's worse than Elias, I can't stand this arrogance.' I thought to myself.

"She has affairs to attend to this afternoon. How about early in the morning, tomorrow, that way I can watch too." Elias popped out of thin air, startling Jonas. The boy bowed the the Prince and gritted his teeth.

"Tomorrow morning then, don't be late." Stepping away from us, I watched him step out of the hall, into another classroom.

"I didn't ask for you to speak." Nudging him in the stomach, I finished my path to the ladies room. changing into the extra outfit quickly. Pulling my hair into a braid, I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed.


"Rebecca Willow, you disrupted my class this morning, for what reason?" Stepping into the quiet room, I shut the door behind me. The big burly man stood on the other side, huffing and puffing, in anger.

"I wanted to send a message out, and that class has your new student, it was part of the plan." I picked up a wooden blade, then dropped it again, when I saw my new armor. "When did it arrive?" Pointing at the pile of metal, I was happy it finally came.

"This morning actually, the blacksmith was told by your father to deliver it, here." I paused before touching the metal. There was another set of breaths in the room that caught my attention, turning at the noise I bowed to the Charles White, the blacksmith.

"Thank you for the armor, I'll put it to good use." He chuckled lightly then came over, lightly patting my head, a smile danced on his face.

"I'll trust you on your word, like you said, nothing fancy, however sturdy." I smiled and looked at the beautiful shiny steel with a mixture of titanium. This armor would not be penetrable, 'it's a shame that I'll grow out of it.'

"In return?" I asked, knowing that this blacksmith had other ideas.

"I want to see you spar with Lieutenant Jones, in your armor with wooden swords." I nodded my head, walking to the changing room, changing into my gym clothes.

It wasn't long that I had the leather padding and the breastplate on, with the tassets(1). There were gauntlets(2) and greaves(3), but I wanted to wait, I wanted to see how much of my movement would be restricted in the chest armor.

"Let the match begin!" Charles shouted from the edge, where he would be the referee. Lieutenant Jones also wore a breastplate, but not the tassets. He smiled lightly, but I could tell he was looking forward to this match.

Standing straight, I watch the lieutenant step forward then pull back, calculating the next move, rushing in, I was taking advantage of his blind spot. The Lieutenant's armor was heavy, slowing his movement, and creating an disadvantage for him.

Adrenaline pulsed through my veins, as I dropped and sliced his knee cap, a loss of a leg, if it was a real blade. Standing back up, our blades clashed with great force, my arms shook slightly at the force. Pushing him out of the hold, I waited for another opening, to leap and strike him.

It was like heavens answered, and the man loosened his protection around his neck and other vitals areas, rushing forward, I dashed left causing him confusion then pressed my tip to his neck.

"Should we continue?" I asked, not lowering my sword until he admitted defeat. He lifted his sword, and it came down with great force, that my arm muscle stung at the immediate pressure. Moving across the floor with ease, both of us created many blows on each other, however I hit more vital spots.

"I admit defeat." With the blade once again at his neck, accept driven to the side, indicating his death. I wiped the accumulated sweat off my face, then lowered my sword. That was the longest match recently, and my hands were shaking slightly at exhaustion, 'another minute and I would have called quits.'

"How does the armor feel?" I touched the cool metal, and then took it off.

"It felt light, I don't think my moves were hindered." He nodded, as I reached to unclasp the leather tasset. Pulling off the leather padding, I dropped to the ground in relief.

"She has improved, thank you for bringing the armor. Our lessons will begin finally." The blacksmith nodded, then patted my head.

"It's been awhile since I've seen a student, move that fluidly." I chuckled to myself, then drained a bottle of water. The blacksmith retreated out of the room, and I smiled to myself, 'it would be an honor to receive one of his swords.'

"Good job, you should rest well tonight." The lieutenant chuckled, while taking a seat on the floor. We both laughed at the statement, and relaxed in the silence.

"Will Jonas be a tough one?" I asked, while focusing on a cumulus cloud, out the window.

"He's not as talented as you, but he will be a good opponent." Keeping my face void of emotion, I knew that Jonas was talented enough to has his father fund for his training, since they were always looking for a higher position.

"Then I'm looking forward to the match." Standing up, I brushed the dust off my clothes, then went back to change into my uniforms, and wash the sweat off my face, 'the last thing I need is, for Madam Dorthy to complain about my appearance'. While groaning internally, I listened to the stomps of the gentlemen entering the building.

"Let's finish this day off, strong." I muttered whiled reaching out to the mirror, a frown was evident on my face, but my focus was my eyes. Those bluish-green eyes glowed bright with determination, as they say, the eyes are the doors to the soul.

(1)Tasset- one of two pieces of armor plate hanging from the fauld to protect the upper thighs.

(2)Gauntlet- is a glove, piece of metal to protect the wrist.

(3)Greave- a piece of armor used to protect the shin.

Thanks for reading. :)

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