
Strong body

As Ray turned around, he could see Jack standing there. Jack didn't wear much armour. He had a leather sleeveless vest on and just some standard trousers. But the one thing that did stand out on Jack was the giant great sword he held on his back. It Looked like it had been carved from a giant Magical beast tooth. The sword was the same size as Jack himself.

Ray could tell that Jack wasn't like the other students. His dragon eyes were telling him differently. While most master knights were able to control their aura and Ki making it hard for Ray to tell how strong they were, Jack was just letting all of the energy flow out of him and currently, it was running wild.

"I finally get to meet you. It's a shame that the two of us didn't get matched up together, which means this may be the only chance we get to fight." Jack then pulled his great sword from his back. The giant sword looked weightless in Jack's hand.