
Medical Bay

Slyvia had been in the medical bay for a while now and had almost made a full recovery. There were many people in the medical bay from yesterday's matches, who were told to stay overnight so they could get the proper care.

Unlike the others, Slyvia wasn't heavily damaged. Her muscles were just overused from using too much Ki, which would be quickly resolved with some rest. Although thanks to the doctors and Slyvia's own abilities, she was able to recover quicker than most.

While Slyvia was recovering she was amazed to see Gary get called in on a stretcher. Slyvia rushed over to see if he was okay. Just then Gary had just slightly regained consciousness and could see Slyvia threw the small slit in his eyes. He saw the worried look on her face and gave a thumbs up. She straight away knew this meant that Gary had won his match against Harry.