
My Dominant Wife

She is a work freak Emma Rose, who had a one night stand with the most famous bachelor and CEO of Z.N Group, Alec Qinn. He is every woman's fantasy but not for someone like Emma. Alec is known to be a cold ruthless man who doesn't give a care in the world, only those closest to him knows the kind of past he went through and what led him to become what he was now. Alec coincidentally crosses paths with Emma at a board meeting in Paris. Emma remembered him from their last encounter a month ago, she doesn't remember much from that unfaithful night. She remembers being disappointed and drowning herself in alcohol at a business party, the next thing was waking up in a strange man's bed in a hotel suite. On the other hand Alec felt a rush of curiosity towards Emma which he has never felt towards any woman. She tried everything not to meet his burning gaze but it was fetal. NOTE: this story is strictly R18+ consists of strong language, sex, nudity extra.

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Chapter 04 business proposal*

The next day

A tall man dressed in a fine black suit walked gracefully towards the receptionist desk, catching everyone's eye with his graceful angelic face and body, he taps on the desk and uttered," I'm here to Ms Rose." The receptionist stood frozen dazed by Alec's enticing looks, that she hardly got any words out," Mr Qinn! A surprise seeing you here, I don't think we have meeting today." Betha walked up to him," I'm here on personal business with Ms Rose." Alec simply said," oh, this way please," she gestures," Ann, prepare two coffees." She said to the receptionist going with Alec. She led him to Emma's office slightly knocking on the door," Ms Rose! Mr Qinn is here to see you." Emma looked up from her laptop with wide eyes, fixing her hair quickly and make-up, she threw her make-up box in the drawer of her desk when Alec walked in.. quickly maintaining her posture, Betha silently giggled leaving them alone, Alec went and took a seat crossing his legs," Mr Qinn, I wasn't expecting you today." Emma simply said closing her laptop," it's an urgent matter and it simply couldn't wait." Alec stated," urgent matter? Emma repeated," is there some things you found unfitting concerning my line of work?." Emma was really curious to what could be so urgent that he had to come all this way to address the matter by himself, Ann came in with two cups of coffee serving each one of them and left," I come with a business proposal." Alec entwined his fingers staring directly into her eyes," a business proposal you say?." Emma repeated

" a marriage proposal," Emma almost choked on her coffee staring at him with shock in her grey eyes," I will get straight to the point here Ms Rose, my parents wants me to get married and I don't want to get married, it's too much of a burden, but they are leaving me no choice in this situation..I want to propose a business deal with you, agree to marry me and this little temporary partnership contract between our companies becomes permanent, or , we can cancel the whole thing right here right now."

Emma was still processing everything that he just said, to her it sounded more of a threat than a business deal, he wasn't giving her a choice in the matter at all... how cunning can he be?.

" Wait just a moment, how can you ask me to marry you? You don't know me and I don't know you, how can I -- _ " knowing each other isn't necessary, it's simply business.. you do not have to take it serious, I won't consider you as my wife and you won't consider me as your husband, do we have an agreement?" Alec sharpened his gaze at her," I - I _ " Emma stammered," you will think about it and let me know," Alec stood up," you have till tomorrow noon, don't keep me waiting." He added walking out of her office

" Ms Rose, are you alright? You look pale." Betha walks in," I think I'm about to lose my mind Betha."

" Did something happen?." Betha took a seat staring at her," Mr Qinn just asked me to marry him." Emma shrunk in her seat," really? Uhm, congratulations." Betha hesitantly said, she didn't know other ways to say it but that," there's nothing to congratulate me about Betha, it's a business proposal.. marriage of inconvenience, if I don't accept. our partnership contract between our companies gets cut off, I worked so hard on this Betha."

" Then accept his proposal," Emma glared at her like a little wild rabbit," hear me out, you guys will only be posing as husband and wife to the public eye and family, and when you guys are married it will be really beneficial to Anderson Group..they will no longer be a contract bounding Anderson and Z.N Group together." She explained.

" You have a point there." Emma taps her chin a couple of times," plus your grandparents will be really happy." Betha added, she tried everything to convince Emma to accept Mr Qinn's proposal, hoping that with this simple business proposal..they will actually fall in love and be happy while pretending to be husband and wife," alright then, have made my decision." Emma spoke

" Perfect, we must go now, your case with Mr Rogers will begin in 20 minutes." Betha stares at her watch.

A knock echoed inside Alec's office before it slide open, Aron walks in with a slight bow," where you able to find out what I asked you to?." Alec calmly asked typing on his laptop," yes sir, your elder cousin is planning on wedding his fiancee next week.. he's only invited a few people on his side." Aron informed, Alec stopped typing staring at Aron, he gestures for him to take a seat.. just a minute ago he received a text from Emma agreeing to his proposal, a sardonically smirk curved up to the corner of his lips, of course her saying yes came with conditions.. she rather chose to discuss them in person, Alec kept tapping his long, slim, slender fingers on his glass table while staring at Aron dead in thee eyes, Aron kept a straight serious face, after what seemed like a long period of pure silence, Alec spoke," I will be getting married in two days time, arrange everything, send out invitations and hire experienced decorators, invite the president, governor, Ministers, and the Queen of England..all the important people are to attend my wedding, after all it's a one time thing, I want it to be special for my bride.. apologize for the short notice. but it just. happened,"

" Yes sir, I will do that right away" he stood staring back at Alec," is there anything else, Aron?." Alec raised a brow," I know it's not my place to ask this of you, sir, but may I ask who's the lucky bride." Aron calmly asked," indeed it's not your place Aron."

" Forgive me, sir." He lowers his head," never the less you're my right hand man, I never hide anything from you cause I don't see the point," Alec said," my bride to be is, Ms Emma Rose Anderson.. she's the woman I'm marrying, it's simply a business proposal, not that I intend on being a real husband to her..we both get what we want, it's a win, win." He added.

" Either way, sir, I congratulate you.. excuse me." He exists.

After the court case ended, Emma went to the house she grew up in to meet up with her grandparents for lunch, the house was so big that she sometimes wonder how lonely it gets, just the two of them, she moved out to stay on her own with Trixie, she was only 16 when she did.. and at 17 she took over her family business, with a long deep sigh, she walked boldly into the house and saw two old people seated around the dining table, her grandmother stood to give her a warm tight hug upon seeing her - her grandpa also hugged her with thrill of seeing her granddaughter," grandma, grandpa, how are you." Emma gave a warm smile," 10 × good after seeing our precious granddaughter, and thrilled that you'll be getting married in two days time." Her grandmother smiled with happiness," what! W - what are you talking about?." Emma lost them there," oh don't pretend sweetheart, we got your wedding invitation, see." Her grandpa showed her the wedding invitation, it was a slim card made of gold, designed beautifully and rare, it wrote. ' you are most invited to attend Mr Qinn's wedding, as he Weds his beautiful rare gem, Emma Rose Anderson, on 17th June, 2024. 10 am '

Emma widened her eyes in disbelief, not to mention, did he actually use real gold to make this thing? " You look more surprised than we were when we received this card moments ago dear." Her grandmother said looking at her shocked little face," well y - yes, I mean.. the date came as a surprise that's all." Emma forced a smile.. but she looked like she was about to burst, she was having second thoughts if she should really go ahead with it or cancel the whole thing, but again, if her grandparents already got this invitation, it means others must have gotten them too..it would look bad if she was to back out of it, everyone will talk, Alec's reputation will turn upside down," Grandma, grandpa, I have to leave now."

" But you just got here dear, eat something."

" I would love to stay longer, but I remember I have unfinished business I have to attend to, see you later.. love you guys." She kissed their cheeks leaving in a hurry. Emma got into her car driving off at high speed, she stopped in front of Z.N Group, she went inside stopping in front of the receptionist desk," Good afternoon Ms, how may I assist you?."

" I'm here to see Mr Qinn." Emma said, the woman stared at Emma, boredom written all over her face," Mr Qinn, is in a meeting right now.. you can take seat over there." She pointed at the couch in front," I will wait for him in his office then, where is it?." Emma calmly said," didn't you hear me little girl, I said, Mr Qinn is in a meeting.. take a seat or leave." The receptionist said with grit teath, Emma gave a dry chuckle failing to believe this woman's attitude towards her, didn't she know who she was talking to? How dare she, Emma slammed her hand on the smooth marble desk walking away," hey Ms! Where are you going, come back," she chased after Emma," security! Stop her now!." She ordered, Emma desperately checked every room for Alec, security finally caught up to her, stopping her," let me go! do you know who I am?." Emma tried to yank her arm away," of course, you're just a spoiled little girl that's causing a scene, get her out of here." She ordered," please Ms, come with us quietly and respectively." The security guards told her," I'm not leaving without speaking to Mr Qinn!."

" She won't barge just drag her out of here." The situation was getting sticky at hand, they held both her arms dragging her away, a cold angelic voice spoke from behind, Alec stood straight in a black suit, with his hands in his pockets, his blue eyes looked blank and cold, they were not their usual sparkling eyes..they didn't seem to have life in them, the warm perfect temperature that surrounded her suddenly turned cold and windy, despite them being inside a building, she's never seen this side of him," let go, of my fiancee's hand." His voice coldly said, the guards let go lowering their heads," and you," his eyes shifts to the receptionist," you're fired."

" W - what, please Sir, I - I had no idea she was your fiancee, please don't fire me." She begged with teary eyes," I don't like repeating myself, pack your things.. and get out." Alec's eyes were burning with flames of fire and dislike, Emma felt intimidated by him.. what was this feeling she was getting from him, it made her flinch and aware of her surroundings, despite the nervousness she was feeling, Emma forced her voice to come out and speak up," no need, I don't want her fired... instead, I want her transferred to my company, she will work for me from tomorrow onwards." Alec turns his gaze to Emma, he dismisses everyone, gesturing for Emma to follow him," are you hurt?." He spoke taking a seat," I saw your little gift you sent my grandparents, a wedding invitation, seriously..in two days? I thought we were supposed to agree on this together." Emma puffs her cheeks, the corner of his lips curved up staring at her. Emma could no longer see that coldness he possessed earlier, it's like he just switched personalities all of a sudden," well then, I have a few rules and conditions, to avoid any inconveniences." Emma spoke," before you state them, I have two rules of my own baby girl, rule number 1.. once we're married, you'll have to sleep in my room.. they're some people who seem to show up unannounced, we don't want them to snoop around and find we share different rooms, do we?, Rule number 2... you are to follow my other rules that are yet to come, accept, and we'll be good." Alec laid out his rules to her. Emma thought rule number 2 was a bit sheddy.. how can she accept some other rules she doesn't know about, she knew she shouldn't accept ..but again, did she have any choice in this situation? Emma tilted her head slightly and said," my conditions are as follows, you will respect my privacy, you do not cross your boundaries with me, I won't question your movements, and you do not question mine, do we agree?." She stared straight into his metallic blue eyes. Alec gave a slight nod.. and they finally sealed the deal.

" Honey! We just got a wedding invitation." Lisa walks into the living room with a wedding card in her hand passing it to her husband, Mr Qinn took a look at it and a frown settled on his face," in two days time? But we haven't even met the girl yet, and they're getting married in two days time." He looks over to his wife," the important thing is he's getting married, I can't wait to hold my grandbabies in my arms," Lisa excitedly said," although, I do feel bad for Laura honey, she hasn't left her room today..Alec didn't even call to talk to her, she's been in love with Alec since forever.. and now there's this news of him getting married, it completely broke her to pieces." She added sounding really sorry for the poor girl," I know, but Alec made his decision..we simply can't tell him to marry Laura over the woman he has chosen as his wife, we simply need to support him." Mr Qinn gently squeezed his wife's hand.