
My Disastrous Life in Dxd

A guy gets reincarnated with Saiki powers ----- This is somewhat a crackfic so don't take anything here seriously as I am dumb

Mko · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

'School' (1/2)

Lucy was in her car driving towards the kindergarten.

The car wasn't silent as Lucy kept humming a song.

In the back seat was a gloomy Saiki.

He won the battle yesterday (successfully avoiding going to kindergarten).

However, he lost the war (Almost Died Cause: melons are terrifying)

After almost dying, he gave up and went to kindergarten the next day.

And the next day came fast.

He woke up to Lucy's excited shouting.

followed by her dressing him like a doll.

She took tons of pictures of him in weird clothes she bought for him.

Eventually, she settled on him, wearing a panda T-shirt and shorts.

He looked cute.

(A/N: kids at that age can't really be called handsome, so I settled on cute)

Then Lucy proceeded to take a couple of pictures and then threw him in the car.

Looking at the gloomy Saiki

Lucy's eyes got a bit wet.

[They grow up so fast]

thought Lucy as she wiped a fake tear from her eyes.

On the other hand, Saiki had a weird expression.

When did he grow up?!

Isn't he still five years old?

Saiki let out a sigh.

Even though he had this power for five years, he still feels wired about peeking into someone's head.

Thankfully, with OG Saiki's memories, he adapted to it.

As such, began the first day of school.

(15 minutes later)

A loli was standing in the middle of 2 boys carrying a pink rope.

"I-it m-my first time, so please be gentle," said the loli as her face became red.




And Loli began jumping up and down as the boys swung the pink rope around her.

(POV Saiki)

Hey, stop lewding a loli. That's illegal.

Sigh Currently, I am on a playground.

Surrounded by brats

At first, I was curious about what they teach kids at this age.

Since I have never experienced it myself,

But yeah...

Let me spare you the details.

Kids are dumb.

As soon as Lucy left

Well, she didn't really leave willingly. She was kicked out as she kept hugging me while crying.

"Kuu-kun don't leave me" she kept saying while crying and refused to leave.

The guard came and kicked her out.

After she 'left', we were guided into a classroom.

where a guy said he was our teacher and told us to introduce ourselves.

"M-my name is Jeff"

"My name is..."

Kids began introducing themselves without any order.

When no one was left in the class, the teacher finally noticed I didn't introduce myself.

He pointed his finger at me.

"Please introduce yourself," said the teacher with a kind smile.

[My name is Kusuo Saiki. Nice to meet you]

I said via telepathy.


Well, mainly to train my powers.

I want to train my powers so I can use them as I like.

"Wow, you have pink hair. Can I touch it?" Said, Jeff amazed by my hair color

I didn't use my mind control to change the color of my hair because

Pink or unusual hair colors weren't as rare as they were in my old world.

They were rare, yes.

but not impossible to find.

Besides, unlike the OG Saik

I don't care about people's opinions of me.

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I wrote this chapter 5 times and deleted it 5 times.

It feels dull no matter what.

Tell me your thoughts.

I might drop this