
My Dhampir System

Hundred years ago...strange life forms from an unknown planet, known as the destroyed a human like creature with four arms and two head, invaded earth. It was like a nightmare when they appeared guns, barrels, missiles, nuclear bombs all became useless but not entirely useless, it was at least able kill the weakest one among them after lot of effort. Oliver twist an orphan with weak ability, was beaten to death by his peers, his fate turned around when he found a system that turned him into a Dhampir granting him immeasurable strength. He completed quests after quests, growing stronger proving to the world that a nobody can be somebody. Read as oliver twist rose above the world that once destroyed him making those who wrong him pay with their bloods.

godlycat_ · sci-fi
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22 Chs


The next class, bloodline channeling and combat classes was about to begin as everyone changed into their combat suits gears ( Combat gears are like armors that protect the body from physical damages and are in grades from S to E ) walking towards the eastern side of the school was an old tall building with five storeys and a big sign hung on the top of the building ' DOJO ' in front of the building is a container known as meta door: A special container use for scanning students fitnesses and the durability of their combat suits...If any student doesn't meet the requirements the container would automatically turn red and transport the students back to the Gear hall to select a better combat suit...and if they do meet the requirements the container would turn green and transport them in to the dojo to take their lessons.

* Beep the AI sounded scanning Oliver.

[ Access Granted ] The Ai's voice resounded, teleporting Oliver into the dojo. Inside the dojo was quite different from the outside. The ceiling of the dojo was about thirty-five meter high.

Several people could be seen sparring with each other some battled with punching bags in different test rooms.

Anyway Oliver walked into a big hall with other students, a young woman in red combat gears could be seen standing at the far back of the room waiting for the incoming students. Few minutes later, the room was filled up with students and that's when elizabeth entered and spotted Oliver as she hurriedly walk towards him.

" Over here beautiful ! " A guy with spikey hair called as another cried

" No with me, move you dweeb ...princess coming through "

But instead she took a sit beside Oliver giving him a quick smile which Oliver returned.

Both the boys and girls in their class nearly puked out blood " They know each other "

Ignoring everyone Oliver and elizabeth stared at their teacher as the whole class began to mumble.

Just then the woman's face turned grim as she shouted at the top of her voice.

" QUIET ! "

Immediately everyone kept quiet their attention focused on the young woman who's eyes kept twitching, they were surprised that they've never seen her before... ' How dare those bastard give my daughter dirty looks, I'll make you all pay '.

Back to class she voiced out " I'm miss Reed, your new combat teacher from today on ward "

" What, where is Mr. Malik? "

" He has moved on already "

" I disagree… I can't let you teach me " A student said storming out of the combat hall before he could even reach the door, his body went stiff. ' Why can't I move ' he thought turning to miss Reed.

" Release me now or you'll regret "

" What if I don't why don't you make me regret " The woman smiled as her face turned cold suddenly.

" That won't be necessary young woman why don't you challenge me instead " A voice said as a man in long wavy black hair and a long grey coat walked in with a short sword in his hand, standing in front of miss Reed with a smirk on his face.

" They changed my class the moment you said you wanted this class with out reviewing your application… I'd like to see what you're made off miss so I challenge you to a friendly fight... the question is do you accept? "

" What's in for me? " Miss Reed asked her smile turning colder by seconds the whole room fell silent the atmosphere went tense as both teacher locked gaze.

" What's In for me? " Miss Reed repeated.

" If I win you leave the school and never come back, if you win I'll give you both my combat suits and my sword as you can see they're B rank "

Miss Reed nodded challenge accepted.

" Yeah, go Mr Malik show her who the real man is "Several students cheered except Oliver who shook his head in pity.

" Why did you do that do you know who's going to win? " Elizabeth asked.

" Yeah, it very obvious that Mr Malik would lose "

" What make you think that? "

" Watch "

As the fight was about to commence the whole student formed a big circle around the teachers.

" Ready " Mr. Malik asked puffing his chests out in pride, while Miss Reed nodded.

A timer descended from above the hall

[ 00:05 ]

[ 00:04 ]

[ 00:03 ]

[ 00:02 ]

[ 00:01 ]

[ 00:00 ]

A big square shaped transparent glass descended covering both teachers.

[ Combat arena activated ]

After the count down was over the light in the room turned dim, Without a word Mr Malik threw a punch at Miss Reed, He was afraid that if he didn't make the first strike, he might never get the chance due to Miss Reed sudden stance.

Mr malik's punch went forward with great strength, thinking miss Reed would fight back fiercely but his judgement was wrong, as his fist came towards Miss Reed, she stepped backward moving to her right, but didn't fight back.

Mr. Malik was dazed, without much time to think, he threw a second punch adding more strength to it than the former one... Miss Reed took another step backward still not attacking.

" Miss I'll advice you to stop staying on defense cause I'm just starting to warm up " Mr Malik shouted with a smirk on his face but miss Reed didn't say a word and just kept staring at Mr Malik coldly.

Still not seeing Miss Reed take any action he got frustrated and changed his fighting style so did miss reed. So any judgement is pointless.

Mr Malik was shocked as Miss Reed changed her fighting style as she wished.

Forcing Mr Malik into a corner, she made her first attack running forward and jumped in the air, spinning twice in the air she threw a kick in his chest.

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