Living in a world where all people gain special abilities, known as ‘TALENTS’, during their 16th birthday— Noel (not a girl, seriously) happened upon a mysterious app on his phone. Who would've known this encounter would lead to the summoning of a princess— from another world! This is his adventurer: teaching a story-world princess how to live in the modern world.
My forearm covering my eyes, lying on my bed facing the ceiling.
'Why do you never listen?'
'Since when did you learn to go against your parents?'
'Why do you never learn?'
If I really dig into today's memories, and why I've become what I am now.. these thoughts appear.
Very unnatural. Moreover, whenever I think of my parents now.. I don't get why but-- I feel annoyed? The hell is this about.
Are these Lyndia's memories? Her situation is just like Nine's, isn't it? She probably grew up in that kind of family.
Perhaps her TALENT is the reason why I'm feeling like this? What exactly is her TALENT anyways? Another mental attributed one? No, she was in the combat and stealth category though.
What exactly is her TALENT?
Knock. Knock.
Ughh.. Who is it.. damn bothersome.
See! I'm not me! I usually don't think like this!
"Who is it?" I got up to a sitting position.
"It's Nine, can I enter?"
"Excuse me then," Nine came in and shut the door behind her.
"So? What are you here for?"
"The two girls are having their own heart-to-heart talk, I think. I thought the two boys should have one too," Nine rolled her head.
"You're a girl." The hell.
"I still originated from a man!"
"That's a really nice way of putting it."
"That's sarcasm. Fine. Whatever," Nine pulled over a chair from my desk and sat on it. "How are you Noel?"
How I am?
"Hm? You too?"
"Yeah. I heard it from Prune. Something happened to you apparently."
So that's why she's having a heart-to-heart talk with Liliath?
"I think it's because of her TALENT. No. Let's return to the root of it all. You know my TALENT causes these uncanny events to happen right?"
"Lyndia's TALENT is probably the reason why I'm like this. I don't feel like-- me. I'm not me. But I'm also thinning that my TALENT caused Lyndia to use her TALENT on me. So I can't really say her TALENT is the main reason I feel like this. It might just be my own TALENT."
"Yes. Very serious. Hey Noel, are you thinking of making a harem? I mean in a legit way. I'm thinking at this rate, your TALENT might really just change the legal marriage law in Gilgamesh."
Fucking hell. This bitch.
"Hahaha.. " seeing my expression, NIne laughed-- and stopped, "I'm serious."
"Difficult huh? I also think so."
"Hey Nine. How do you reject someone you don't know if she's suppressing her feelings for you?"
"Huh? Wait, give me some time to process your question-- how to reject someone? You mean Prune?"
"OMG. You're a womanizer alright! A WOMANIZZER!"
"Shut up."
"Okay, I'm just joking.. how to reject Prune huh? So she actually likes you-- liked you? The first big question is does she still like you.. yeah. She might actually. From my observations. And then how to reject her-- wow. You got yourself in one heck of an awkward situation alright."
"That's why.."
"Hm.. just wait and see I suppose."
"Wait and see?"
"You never know when I'd just join your harem you know?" Nine said in an enthusiastically cute voice.
Hey, doesn't it mean I already have a harem? Isn't it too late?
"Just a joke. Bruh, don't take it too seriously. I told you that I won't fall for you before right? Okay, I'll state this clearly. I'll marry some that I'm attracted to both as a male and female. Lucky for you, I'm not attracted to you in both my male and female form. So I have to be bisexual else I wouldn't accept someone. Weird criteria right?"
That's blunt. Should I be happy or unhappy? She's serious about not being attracted to me right? That's all I need to know. I feel disappointed though-- fuck.
"As long as you find the right partner in the future. I'm rooting for you." I limpy raised my right arm as if to say: fighting!
"Thanks… Your situation is difficult huh.. eh. No. We're going out of topic. How exactly do you think you're different? I'm here to gauge your situation and-- probably report to Prune. Not about how you're worried about her love life but about how you feel mentally. That should help calm her down a bit."
"What do I feel different about myself.."
A number of things actually. But it's more about feelings than it is fact.
"I'm more irritable. I seem to get really annoyed, it's like, very obvious when something happens outside my prediction. I also feel.. angry at my parents? It's odd. I have the perfect family yet I feel like this. Maybe it's part of Lyndia's memories?"
"True. She might have grown up in an abusive family."
"I don't think abusive really suits it. Just unsatisfactory."
"Do you remember anything else? Like the kind of panties she keeps in her drawer?"
"Why the fuck do you ask these questions.." I rubbed my temples, "You know? Keep at that, I can't imagine a Nine who doesn't crack jokes. Yeah-- no. I don't know anything about her panties."
"Heeh.. that's disappointing."
Nine and I exchange random banters-- maybe not random banters but we talked out of topic a number of times. It was pretty fun. To talk with another 'male'.
"What if.. you're evolving? You said that Liliath will unlock an evolution quest once she reaches level three or something like that right?" Nine placed a finger on her chin.
"That might actually make sense.. My TALENT was evolved by another TALENT after all.."
Yeah. Liliath's evolution quest. I wonder what it would be? There's no time limit to this so it'll probably stick until I complete it? I guess I can take my time.
"That's the point right? Now, if only we knew what 'resolve the issue' meant."
Knock. Knock.
"Eh? Who's that, Liliath?" Nine asked in a whisper.
"No doubt about it."
I've heard her door knock so many times now, I recognize the pattern.
"Then I better get going then. If you need anything, you can always call me or.. us. Since we're a family now, right?" Nine showed a sentimental smile.
"Yeah. Thank you Nine. We're something like a family, for now."
I guess Nine really places importance on family huh?
I opened the door and the person in question, Liliath, stared right at me. She wore her beautiful night gown today. "Good night Noel."
"Good night Liliath."
"Nine came to your room?"
"Okay, I'm retreating. See you two! Bye! Good night!" Nine squeezed her way through the gaps of the door and escaped to her room.
""Good night.""
After a pause.
"What did you two talk about?" Liliath tilted her head.
"About my condition.. like how I'm out of it and not feeling like myself."
"It's alright. I'll make sure you remain you, always remaining by your side.." Liliath took the initiative to hug me.
I guess I'll act as if I didn't know she talked to Prune just now. I wonder what they talked about? Me.. probably. Self-explanatory.
"Liliath, maybe this evolution quest is going to be similar to your's. A few more quests before reaching 100 quests. There might be some clues there," I combed her hair with my fingers.
"Un. I'll do my utmost." Liliath nodded.
"Well.. Don't push yourself though, we still have time."
I held her shoulder and we looked into each other's eyes.
""Good night--""
VOLUME 4 END! WAHOO!! It has been a freaking amazing journey with you all. Thank you very much for your continued support and I hope the next volume will surprise you! I mean volume 5 not the extra volume.. wait. What? Extra volume? It's not released yet on patreon though?
-- FOMO-san