
My Demon Dormmate

**MATURE Themes, Language, & Content** “Wait, this has to be a joke... I’m expected to share a dorm room with a man? I was supposed to room with other women!” She screeched while holding the sides of her head. “A man?” The male eyed her up and down, “Did you think I was human?” “Of course, you’re human. Things like vampires, werewolves, demons, fairies, and such don’t exist. So, what else could you be other than a human being?! Don’t be preposterous!” “Last I checked, demons exist,” he coldly replied, looking offended. She snorted as she crossed her arms in disbelief, “What? You expect me to believe that? Yeah, right... Are you trying to tell me that you’re like a demon or something?”. “LIKE a demon? No, no... I AM a demon, and my name is Xinith,” he lowered his voice as he crossed the room toward her. She stepped back until her back was against the door, “That is utter bullshit. Now back up, you creep!” “No,” he said in a much lower tone, “not until you believe me. Do you want proof? Then say that magic word you humans like to use so much to find us.” One of her hands was reaching into her back pocket, where she kept a small pepper spray bottle. He noticed her hand and gripped her wrist tightly, enough that he overpowered her and pinned not just one, but both of her wrists overtop her head. “You shouldn’t have done that, little one,” he growled, his face nearing hers. The room suddenly felt like it was closing in on her. Her heart was racing, and it felt like it was in a pinball machine, causing physical pain in her chest. Her lungs felt like they were drowning, and her eyesight kept fading in and out. She immediately tried thrashing herself around but to no avail. She was having a panic attack, and he was the cause of it. --- Alex was ready to start the next chapter of her life: College! Little did she know that the administration would mistake her for being a male student and place her in the men’s dorm because of her name. She gets stuck with the single suite that has only one bedroom but two beds! Even worse, she finds out that her dormmate is a demon?! What would happen if the two had a budding romance? Is her demon dormmate just using his powers to lure her in, or is she feeling something real? Only time will tell...

Lynnifer_Ice · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
27 Chs


[©Lynnifer Ice – February 11, 2023]



It's everywhere.

I was staring at three freshly severed heads, the blood still dripping from the veins, hanging like Christmas ornaments on the branches of this massive willow tree. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I looked down, my hands feeling sticky. I expected to see mud but the water stream had turned into a stream of blood.

This can't be real…! I was just in the medical bay with- Wait, where…?

"Xinith?! Doctor Kim?!" I called out. I don't know what I was expecting to happen, but maybe to see a friendly face?

Instead, I heard a wicked cackle full of vengeance. I sprang to my feet, only to scream again as I slipped. I was panicking, anxiety clawing through my mind and body.

"Come out, come out wherever you are. Come out to play, little human.~" A deep yet high voice mocked, "-or don't; It'll just make the hunt all the more entertaining."

I crawled to the tree next to me, where the three heads were strung up on. I stood, hugging the tree tightly, afraid to fall again. I whipped my head back and forth in the darkness, a convenient fog appearing around the area.

"Over here! I found her!" A gruff voice carried through the air.


Like clockwork, I slowly turned my head toward the voice. My heart plummeted into my stomach.

Golden eyes.

The moment the golden-eyed beasts tried to lunge at me, the tree that I was hugging suddenly swallowed me whole.

A scream tore through my throat as I sprang up in….the bed? My eyes were shaking, my breathing uneven with nervous sweat on my brow. My hands clenched the sheets, trying to reassure myself that I was, for a fact still in the medical bay.

It was…all…a dream? It felt too real to be a dream.

I could feel a warm arm around my back and a hand stroking my forearm back and forth. I could smell an odd woody cologne mixed with peppermint.

"It's all right, child. It wasn't real. You're perfectly safe. Just take a few deep breaths," an elderly masculine calm, yet wise voice instructed.

Have I heard this voice somewhere before?

I turned my head just slightly, spotting a long grey-bearded older adult. I momentarily forgot how to breathe, noticing that it was the same man I had seen on the screen, the headmaster….sitting on the edge of my medical bed, trying to calm my nerves. I shakily breathed in and out, exhaling extra slowly.

"I wanted to personally come to check on you when I had asked Doctor Kim about your status. I came at just the right time, I'd say. These two looked like they had seen a ghost," he chuckled, recalling the recent memory, gesturing toward Xinith and Doctor Kim. "By what I saw, I would say that it appears you share your great-great-grandmother's ability."

Sorry, what? What ability?

"Sorry for sounding rude, but exactly how old are you to have known my great-great-grandma?" I saw Doctor Kim facepalm out of the corner of my eye.

"Do really want me to answer that? Of course, that's a rhetorical question. Try not to be too shocked, but I'll be 1093 this year," the headmaster smiled, patting the back of my hand.

"Holy shit, you're ancient!" I exclaimed without thinking but immediately slapped a hand over my mouth the second I realized.

I thought I would be reprimanded, but instead, the headmaster only let his head roll back as he genuinely laughed. He laughed to the point of tears. He grinned at me, patting my shoulder fondly.

"You remind me so much of my daughter. Full of spunk," the headmaster's smile saddened, "You two would have been wonderful friends."

Would have.

"Oh, my condolences, I-…," I tried to show sympathy, but the headmaster only dismissed it with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry about it. I had her for 102 years of my life. She passed over 500 years ago. Now, let's get back to the topic at hand. Your great-great-grandmother could peer in-."

"Headmaster,' Doctor Kim interrupted, "Might I have a word with you? OUTSIDE?" He emphasized before he stood, nodding his head toward the door.

I heard the headmaster sigh before he also stood up, but not without patting my head, telling me he'd be right back. I frowned in confusion as I watched the headmaster follow the doctor out into the hallway. Then, I looked to the side at Xinith.

"What was that all about?" I asked, genuinely curious, not knowing who else to ask.

"I don't follow…," Xinith returned, seeming a little lost.

"Nevermind then," I shook my head in defeat, "Back to business… I still need to get my picture taken for my student ID. How am I supposed to do that with this mark? It's very clearly noticeable, impossible to miss." I pointed to said mark, still not pleased about it. Though I was glad, it didn't hurt anymore.

"You... We could cover it up? If you want?" Xinith suggested, adjusting uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes averting mine.

"JUST cover it? I don't even want it in the first place. You're the-," I tried to curse at him, but the word wouldn't come out, just like before. I growled in irritation, "Why can't I insult you?!"

"It's just something the mark does…." Xinith rubbed the back of his neck before he looked back at me. "It prevents you from saying nasty things to me, and it prevents you from harming me. It does the same for me; it prevents me from hurting you mentally and physically. It's just temporary, this one… Can you really not stand it?" He looked nervous, fidgeting with his hands which was something new to me.

"How long is temporary…?" I squinted, pretending to analyze him.

"It's… usually about a month or so," Xinith looked like he was bracing himself as if he could feel irritation and growing anger.

"A MONTH?! No. No, I can't do that. I want it removed." I slapped a hand over the mark, not wanting even to see a glimpse of it.

"You," Xinith's expression fell to a downcast, his volume dropping like a child that was sad his favorite toy got broken, "…want it removed? Alex, I… I'm sorry I marked you without your ok, but forcefully removing a mark is more painful than receiving it. It affects both of us, and I don't want to Hurt you again. I feel guilty enough from before."

"It sounds more like to me that you don't want to be in pain, too," I deadpanned, not liking his sorry excuse.

"No, I'm not worried about that," he went on, trying to place a hand over mine, but I quickly pulled my hand away. He hesitated before he retracted his hand, "Don't make me beg you. Please, reconsider this. I just…."

"You just what?" I tried to dig, slightly intrigued by his speech, even though I felt I had already made up my mind about getting rid of the mark.

Before he could answer me, the headmaster and doctor returned to the room. Both looked troubled, and when their gazes flew to me first, I felt they had been discussing something about me. I chewed on the inside of my cheek; the suspense was killing me, but then they said something I hadn't expected.

"Alex, a few things," the headmaster started as the doctor nodded, both making their way back to their seats by us. "Firstly, forget what I said about your great-great-grandmother; that can be held off for a later date. Secondly, we overheard your conversation and I highly recommend just letting the mark fade on its own. Thirdly, Doctor Kim and I believe you should give Xinith a second chance. He's really not as horrible as you imagine him to be once you get to know him; I would know since I practically raised him myself."

"Fine, no, and no. That's my answer to your three suggestions, however rude that may sound. Secondly, there was a mistake in my living arrangements. I'm living in the male dormitory; I'm pretty sure I should live with other females instead. I want to move out of Xinith's room."

"I won't take offense to that, but as far as your living arrangements go…," the headmaster tugged slightly on his long beard. "I regret to inform you that there are no vacancies in the female dormitory. If you really don't want to live on campus, I could make arrangements off campus, but I need you to keep something in mind, child. I cannot guarantee your safety off campus."

- End of Chapter Twenty-One -