
Chapter 02:the life that changed(too much suprises)

| as Alex after doing all work and eating an dinner went to sleep he at one point felt as if he is sinking and when he opened his eyes everything was blurry and he could only hear incoherent voices which he couldn't properly hear. he didn't know what was happening and got scared and cried a lot to be get back to normal and only slept when someone fed him some bittersweet milk and he felt as if everything was warm . As weeks passed by he started to slowly see things clearly and hear clearly and got to know that he has reincarnated as an baby and as an girl too which left him in disorientation . The house was pretty big and was more of an mansion while he didn't personally see it but when once he was looking inside his room here and there he did which was quite big and was obviously his new mother's room so he predicted that it should obviously be big .surprisingly his new mother who took care of him now her spoke english and she could understand what her parents were saying which too took her by suprise as both were females and they too were suprised how she was born as an female. she thought maybe they did IVF and thought they would get an male and left it at back of her mind as days passed and while drinking milk from her mother's breast was embarrassing and not able to control bowels was extra embarrassing she got to arrange her thoughts and came to some conclusions first of all why was she ok with everything that happened to her? and conclusion of it was she didn't really have anything other than her online degenerate friends who won't even get to know she died in her past world and she too wanted to leave it behind and not open a can of big worms to complicate things .why did she easily accept her new gender and started identifying herself as she ?and conclusion was she did feel the absence of little Alex a bit out of the norm and felt bad but she did always wanted to feel what it was like to be an girl . And the final conclusion why did it occur to her ?then she thought of that weird questionnaire and it left goosebumps throughout her body and she sweated a little thinking of her future but her adult mind while not able to relate with absence of puberty felt an elation for it . As the days passed she got to meet both her parents which were too caring of her both were giants and had good fit with proper curves and f cups one had blue hair and brown eyes and other one had black hair and yellow eyes and her older sister who was an cute little girl with two blue coloured ponytails hair blue eyes and which confirmed her guess of the questionnaire being true and then she got to know their names first being her birth mother whom she will call mom named Sarah and her father mom whom she will call mother was named Ashley and her big sister who was 2 years older than her ,whom she will call sis was named Sasha and she was named Alex which was the same name as her past life she usually was in crib or in lap of her mom or mother and it was hard not to notice ahem but they did hid it quite well and were more of the growing type not permanent size ones otherwise playing that is nothing r18 with her sis .


Days passed and years went I was finally 10 years old and the anxiety of nothing about slavery being mentioned was on all time high because on one side I was a bit scared on the other side I was getting pretty excited. I wasn't really allowed to go outside and was getting homeschooled but in ten years I went to every corner of the mansion and gardens which was quite big with garden fountains , green blankets of grass , lawns , flowering plants and other stuff while there was an place which I wasn't allowed to enter in mansion i.e basement which was going to get renovated when I turned 17 and the only thing I knew about it was the basement was an single room as big as the mansion and was going to be my room , in meantime I often played with my sister who became somewhat busy after she awakened her powers which was to create light projection i.e 3d light which could interact with real world and I would just have gone crazy over such thing she started her academy life while it wasn't board school she usually got tired and spent less time with me and speaking of powers they usually manifest in an person when their body starts the puberty phase and going into details my mom has power related to pheromones and she can order someone and hypnotize them and can also make one go crazy and where as mother has power to control magnetic fields like magneto obviously not on his level but somewhat there and I think I already know my power as I am an female so my powers are more body oriented and it is to adopt to conditions . In this ten years I got to know this world is earth just that it is lot more advanced and due to powers the development changed to other sectors. the history of this world is that when the biggest cult present in the world which not only wanted to tarnish the special previleged people but also demean their position by manipulating people in creation of new genders not only distracting the youth but also making an joke out of people which led to formation of many genders which one scientist who got frustrated due to his wife left him after ten years by saying now she is lesbian and his son and daughter to started acting and getting subtly brainwashed he went bonks and decided to create an certain dna which will make every next generation to be born same and only futanari gender remaining so the many genders get perished and his plan worked where he through suffocation created the first futa which changed the world and became one united nation and as the male and female genders became endangered in the year 2993 they decided to make an new calendar where futas were considered as homo futians and The 3000 became 1 with start of futa calendar where evey thing was the same except Sunday was renamed cumday and in present the year was 986FD a lot of things have changed in last 9 centuries as futas developed powers and got more into their powers development wars did occur but it was less , the law of enslaving males and females as sex slaves was published due to their numbers going below an million in year 523FD as lot of people accepted it and the majority let it get passed it contains of marking an slave once he/she reaches 18 and official start of slavery they can't do anything to less than 18 ones otherwise the fbi would come after meanwhile the most they can do before 18 is to just give them therotical knowledge once they start puberty phase and make them ready for whatever they were going to do after 18 as males were even less in number than female they didn't have lot of regulations but females had to produce atleast two childs in her 18-400+ life for government as females had high chance of reproducing females and I was one of the miracles who was born from futa and the reason doctor gave was that my great grandmother was an female . So as I already know of my powers which is basically adopting which activated yesterday as I had my first menstruation as it was quite painful for a solid 8 hours but it got easier due to my ability . I knew I was gonna get menstruation but it was quite terrifying as blood came out . Both my mom and mother became quite happy and smiled mischievously at my direction and today was the day I was gonna get my talk so they both sat infront of me while I was standing infont of them they told me to sit on single chair which led to the current situation of us facing each other 

Mom first spoke to me "don't be nervous dear it's just we are happy for you and us and I know we taught you what you have to go through we don't want to make you feel pretty forced so just relax a bit "

Mother said "you were quite an miracle to us and we want you to live your life however you can until the ceremony so we won't really do anything to you and just set an few ground rules " 

Mom continued " we would just give you some books , magzines and videos for you to watch and if you don't understand something you can ask us we know you are pretty smart for your age and lastly we would like to make changes to your diet and exercise which would officially start when you're 17 but until 13 we would just give some good supplements for your growth and exercises which you have to do daily so dear we ask you to bear with us "

I just gave an nod to it and was quite relieved I knew I wanted to go through this and quite fastly too but not in early age it just didn't give me the right image and I wanted to mentally prepare myself and wanted to travel the world so I asked " mom , mother can I travel before committing to it ?"

Mom and mother looked at each other and accepted it quite easily which was an suprise to me but they made rules that I should wear an artificial harness with skin colour with dick so that I would safe as they will think I am futa as it may get dangerous for female and one of them alternately will travel with me and only after I got thirteen and they went to do their job and I went to play vr games . Time passed I got adjusted my new diet which was I can eat whatever I want until fifteen just nothing too unhealthy I was given the study material which taught me lot of things specially techniques of pleasing a futa like bj ,tj ,massage and others it taught me a lot and made me go crazy but I didn't want to tarnish myself before 18 so I just controlled the urges but I know now the first orgasm I would get will leave me unconscious I reached the age 13 and I traveled various places which I had seen in previous life like the seven wonders of world and the present seven wonders I went to the underwater city named after famed Atlantis and enjoyed my days , I tried various cousines and cultures I went to various naturally formed beautiful places like Amazon , Antarctica , Himalayas, islands, sahara desert , Egypt and a lot more in every state i.e each subcontinent became one state for e.g: Indian subcontinent became one and was called as such , east asia , West Asia , Russia, europian state, northern America, southern America ,Africa and austrailian state I took me more than 3 years to travel the whole world with taking various breaks in between sometimes accompanied by mom sometimes mother and in summer by my sis who doted a lot on me and when I turned 16 I was back to my home which was in previously Texas. it was quite big with more than 100 hectares with farmland , ranch , and gardens, ponds and the mansion and it had quite an big basement which I knew was gonna be mine 

So the whole year after 16 till 17 was spent me playing games watching study material and just relaxing while continuing my exercises and then my family gave me quite an suprise on my 17th Birthday by giving me an big party and the day after my training personally given by mom and mother started where I had to learn etique, how to behave submissively, how to maintain my body which was quite easy due to my ability , physical exercises , gag reflexes using dildos , Breathing , cleaning and all this stuff and their cum was added to my diet which is actually quite healthy and a person can live on it his whole life as it contains everything from carbohydrates to protiens as it was going to become my only food after 18 .I was quite reluctant at first but my mom told me that futa cum gets more verile as they age and everyone's cum differ in taste based on their diet and the first one I drank was moms which tasted as strawberry flavoured milk just more creamy in taste and I quite liked it . When only one month remained they let me sleep cuddling them where we four slept together not doing anything r-18 and every type of my favourite dishes were given for me to eat as they knew it wouldn't really affect my body proportions due to my ability and the cum I have been drinking for an whole year made my body more sensitive and my pain receptors turned into pleasure receptors and my boobs finally became D-E cups and curves formed and my butt became a bit bubbly and I looked quite good with blue long hair styled in ponytail and yellow to golden eyes . On the last day I was just too excited and we celebrated and partyed and it went into an flash on the ceremony started on my 18 birthday .|


A.N:So to make things interesting and lack of new ideas due to previous idea I have decided to change Sarah's power to be killgrave copy so we basically have as I am big marvel fan 

Ashley(Mother): Magnetism (Magneto)-Villain.

Sarah(Mom): pheromones manipulation (killgrave)-Villain

Sasha(sister):hard light projection (I got this inspiration from Helas's creation of swords using her divinity also an villain but later got to know Ms Marvel -Kamala Khan has hardlight manipulation power .

Anya- Basically downgraded version of mystique's powers and antman's without suit and controllable how much to change with only changing shape of body not really able to change whole but also able to change shapes of objects which is inspired from an character from MHA/BNHA (mystique is an villain and antman to is an villain in one of the universe not Scott lang but the original Hank Pym)