

"What the hell are you doing here jose?" I yelled in my alpha voice.

Yes, Jose was my younger brother who went against me for the respectable Alpha position. But I don't know why he was here.

"Whoa!! , cool down brother , this is not the way to welcome your beloved brother"

Is he joking in front of me? I just want to punch Jose's face but I don't have time for this.

"I don't have time for your sh**y game Jose, please go away to the forest before i give you a purple ring to your eyes".

"Relax brother, I just came here to help you , don't you remember bro? You told us that you will be coming to our place today with your human mate, so I came here to help you. Are you ready ? Where is your mate .... sorry sorry human mate?"

VAMS'S pov ;

I know about my brother more than any others. I know that he is here to destroy my life, also he is actually here to make a move on my mate.

Because he is not a gentleman when it comes to women, so I should protect my princess from him.

"Hello bro, get out of your thoughts. Are you ready to pack the things and where is your mate is she in your living room or...... the bedroom "

"I think it will take some time to get her, so you can go to the palace for now. I will handle the things and will come there after some months"

"Awww, is my ruthless Alpha big bro falling for his human mate??, no worries bro I'm here to help you to get her. So I will live with you...."

"Stop there Jose, I don't want anybody's help to get my mate. Just go away with your stupid thoughts "

"Oh come on brother, can't you see i came all this way to help you. I know you are not trusting me after our fight, but please give me a chance to prove myself again" i asked him wholeheartedly because i wanna change.

VAMS'S pov ;

I can't believe my eyes because he never begs anyone but now he is doing that, also his eyes are telling the truth this time.

I think something made him do this and I think this was because of our sister.

Yes we have a little sister Rudy, she came after her trainings, but when she came that was the time were my father's soulless body lying on the floor, also she was not happy to see my brother fighting against me for the position, after that incident she started to change my brother's character.

Also Jose loves Rudy so much because Rudy has gone through many tough situations. One of the situations was her mate's death, yes her mate died in a suspicious way nobody knows about it, but Jose was with her all the time. He turned out to be a good big brother and also became her best friend in those tough days. Also he has a special space for her in his heart.

"So Jose, what made you think about helping me?" I asked with a smile.

"You know who made me like this, our sisy Rudy. She wants us to be together to build a strong pack and our brotherhood relationship"

After hearing his words I could see his true guilty feeling in his face, so I invited him to my house and told him everything that happened very soon that night.

"OMG, where is my angry brother? Who are you and what did you do to my angry brother? Tell me"

"Oh shut up your drama Jose. It all happened all of a sudden but it made me love her slowly, you know how we lost our strength after our father's death. I saw the same feeling in her eyes. She has no one on her side. My instincts changed after hearing her story. Also I really felt something in my heart when she touched my hand, and.........."

"Oh my goodness , you both touched each other, oh no brother tell me every detail don't hide anything i'm your lovely brother........."

Okay now i can't control this,


"Arggggggg, hey why did you slapped me, it will spoil my soft skin and its texture"

"Oh shut up Jose, i just waked you up from your weird stupid dream, if you can't listen to the real story then I'm stopping here"

"No no no, sorry!! Please continue your boring..... oh sorry beautiful story with your human mate"

"Jose!!, her name is Nive"

"Okay okay tell about your Nive"

Then I told him about Nive's father and mother's death. Also about that place where we both went on that moonlight and spent our time.

"Okay Jose, so now I'm going to continue my studies with her. So i wish to go alone, if you want to stay and help me then you have to stay in the house, because i don't want any trouble because of you. Also i can't always close your holes in your mouth which will ruin my plans''

"Wait wait....... do you think that i will stay in this house alone while you were having fun in the college with your mate? This is cruel !!!"

"Hey then what are you going to do now?" I asked him with a gulp in my throat.

"Iam also going to study with you, also you know that i also discontinued from college after our father's death"

Yes Jose is five years younger than me, also we both joined in school, completed and joined college at same time for both of our safety. And discontinued at the same time.

*phone rings*

*Conversation over the phone*:

"Hello Nive, sorry sorry I'm really sorry Nive, suddenly i got a guest in my house. Is the time is up?"

"It's okay Vams, we got 30 minutes.

Also the college is just a few minutes away from my house. If you come by now you could finish breakfast and go to college. Also if you want means you can bring your guest here i have some extra breakfast"

"Okay thanks Nive, Iam coming now"

*end of conversation*

"Awww, bro is the room getting hot because of you"

*big laughs*

"You and your big mouth, please don't do anything stupid....."

"You know what makes my mouth shut."

"No Jose"

"Oh come on bro, i just wanted to complete my college with you and my future sister in law. Can't you grant my wish?"

"Okay I don't have time for your silly words come on let's speak on our way"

*Conversation along the way to NIVE'S house*;

"Okay bro I will follow your rules and regulations. In return you should allow me to study in the college with you, okay?"

"Okay deal, i have only two rules for you Jose"

"Oh that's easy come on tell me"

"First rule: you should not flirt with anyone

Second rule: you should not interfere between Nive and me because i don't want to ruin my love because of your stupid love ideas"

"Hey!!!!!!, are you trying to kill me? you are so cruel, this is not fair i can't live without helping you and suppress my caring towards the girls with pretty face"

"We both know you can't follow any of my rules, so stop trying Jose"

"But ..... but i want to study with you, please brother"

"Oh my god!! Jose what are you doing, do you think that your stupid puppy eyes will help you?"

"I think so...... so is that working"

"No and never "

"But please i will don't create any troubles in your love life"

"Okay okay, I will allow you. But you need your certificates."

"Oh yes yes I got all my certificates and my cool clothes in my bag".

"So you came here with a plan on staying for a long time?" I asked him with a death stare.

"I'm way too smart than you, also Rudy told me to take my certificates with me, but i never thought that it will give me this luck"

"For your kind information you are not smart, our sister is smarter than you".

"Okay okay you got that, Rudy is so smart. But i never thought that iam going to study with you also among many beautiful girls''

"Okay please stop your stupid words, we are near Nive's house"

"Oh where??? where????"

"See on your right side idiot"

VAMS'S pov;

As soon as I got near my Nive's house, I pressed the calling bell.....

She came.... my princess came and opened the door, she was even twinkling in the morning. Yes because she is a star also she is my life's moon, my everything.

She moved her cute lips up and down, yes she was speaking.

"Good morning Vams, come in, your breakfast is ready. And who is your guest?"

"Yaaa yaaa, hello Nive i will introduce myself, i am Jose and I'm the handsome brother of Vams" i was so excited to see my sister in law.

"Please excuse me Nive, he was just excited to see you, so that's why he is overwhelmed"

"Its ok Vams , okay let's speak inside come in both"

*whispers* "brother close your mouth, your saliva is coming out" *giggles*

*whispers* " I know you close your mouth Jose".

VAMS'S pov ;

After seated in the dining chairs, Nive served us breakfast.

Also there was her friend Ams, she was speaking with my brother but my eyes were on Nive

She is so beautiful when she smiles, the way her hair moves around makes my heart beat fast.

And after the yummy breakfast, we all started to walk to the college. Her friend Ams also accompanied us, she was also a nice girl but she is more talkative than my brother.

I told Nive about Jose's college admission and she was happy with that. She is a person with a pure heart, I don't know whether she will accept my dark heart.

After our 10 minutes walk, we reached the college, not so bad it was bigger than my expectations.

Finally, I am going to start my love life in this college.

Then suddenly a boy came in front of me. He was taller than Nive but not as tall as me. He had a smirk on his face after seeing Nive......

What!!!!!!! Is he gonna try something on her? I Am sure about the next scene, if he tries to take a move on Nive, i'm gonna punch him within a second.

"Well well well, why that fear on your face Nive? Don't you want to give a warm hug to your boyfriend?".

to be continued......