
Chapter Thirty Six

It was two days and Alicia could finally go home. Emilie spent the entire morning preparing and buzzing with excitement. Her girlfriend could finally come home. Emilie walked into the hospital with a grin on her face and a pep in her step. Alicia barely said anything over the past two days, but Emilie was still excited to show her around the house. She walked up to Alicia’s hospital door and knocked on it. She looked shocked to see Mr. & Mrs. Delaurentis on the bed with Alicia.

“Good morning Alicia,” Emilie says. She turned to Mr. &Mrs. Delaurentis, “What are you doing here? “She glared at them.

Mr. Delaurentis stood from the bed. “We are here to see our daughter.” He folds his arms together.

“Well, you can leave. She has to get home now.” Emilie looked over at Alicia and mouthed if she was okay. Alicia shakes her head no and tears up. “I need you all to leave now before she’s having a panic attack.