
Chapter Seventeen


She walked over to the closet, opening the top drawer. The leather box taunted me. She lifted the lift, staring at the object. The next day, she planned to offer Alicia her collar.

That would be another rule broken. She never collared a submissive before taking her. Never. What exactly was she doing by offering her collar to Alicia without having her first?

She couldn’t answer that question. She only knew she was.

Emilie held the choker in her palm and tried to imagine how it will look on Alicia. how her long, delicate pale neck would look with her collar around it. She would wear it all week, and even though the world would see it as just a pretty necklace, Alicia and Emilie would know the truth- she was mine. Emilie could treat her as she wanted. She could please Alicia how she wanted. She would pleasure Emilie as she wanted.

Emilie set the collar back in its box and closed the drawer. To collar a submissive.

But she also promises herself she wouldn’t take things so far. Yes, Alicia was her submissive, but she’s also her girlfriend. Emilie knows she has to treat her like a detailed flower, and god she was a delicate rose.

Collaring someone was significant to her. Emilie was always monogamous once she collared a submissive. Monogamous for however long the relationship lasted. She never shared a collared sub with other doms, and her subs never had to worry about her playing with anyone else.

Emilie sighed and sat on the bed. She picked up the leather-bound volume of a tenant of Mario Praz The Romantic Agony and flipped it. Her eyes fell on a random passage. She clutched the book tightly.

“The exotic and the erotic ideals go hand in hand, and this fact also contributes another proof of a more or less obvious truth,that is that a love of the exotic is usually an imaginative projection of a sexual desire.”." Emilie read out loud.

She wondered if Alicia would give in to her sexual desire, the erotic feeling inside.


Erotic in desire.

A burning coiled.

As absurd as it was, it was the perfect, safe word.

Emilie woke up at four-thirty and shower after she left to the kitchen to make herself and Alicia breakfast she hasn’t eaten since the steak, which is dangerous, and she needed all her energy.

At five-thirty, she heard Alicia upstairs walking around. Emilie knew she was wondering what she was doing. She knew Alicia had questions and might be afraid to ask, and Emilie hope she asked.

“Oh, Alicia you didn’t know what I have in store for you, 6:00 I have 7hours before Amia gets back,” Emilie spoke out loud.

At 6:00 Alicia walked into the kitchen" Good morning, Alicia." she waved at the seat across from her. “Did you sleep well?”

Her eyes were dark-rimmed. She hadn’t slept well at all, but Alicia looked at squarely in the eyes—she’d obeyed the last command.

“No. Not really.”


She looked over the spread on the table and then looked at Emilie with a raised eyebrow. “Do you sleep?”


Emilie watched her eat, enjoying the play of her jaw and the look of delight when she bit into a muffin. Her eyes sparkle as she chewed.

“Talk to me.” she wanted to say. “Ask me questions.”

Emilie wondered if she asked her to talk. Would she think of her pushy? would she be talking only because she was dominant, and she asked her to talk?

Her mind slipped back to yesterday, the way she looked spread out on the bed. Naked, flushed, and panting.

Once she wore the collar—

Stop it!

She needed to ask first, then all of her nasty thoughts after.

“You have an important decision to make today,” Emilie said. “We can discuss the details after breakfast and your shower. I’m sure you have a few questions for me.”

“Can I ask you something, Daddy?”

“Of course,” she reassured her again. “This is your table.”

“You didn’t ask if I followed your instructions last night.”

Emilie nodded, right she probably should have asked that, even though she already knew the answer.

“Did you?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

We are not in that room, and she still calls her daddy. Alicia was trying to kill her.

Emilie took a sip of coffee. “I believe you.”


“Because you can’t lie—your face is an open book.” She had to know that, though. “Never play poker. You’ll lose.”

“Can I ask another question?”

As many as you want. “I’m still at the table.”

“Tell me about your family,” she said.

Really? Emilie wanted to ask. Of all the things she could ask, you’re asking about her family? But that was what she wanted, so Emilie talked a bit about my parents and her sister.

“Getting back to what I said earlier. I want you to wear my collar, Alicia. Please consider it while you shower. Meet me in my room in an hour and we’ll discuss it further.”

After she left the kitchen, Emilie cleaned the dishes and went to her bedroom to prepare. When she heard Alicia in the shower, she laid out a bathrobe with a matching bra and panty set on her bed.

Alicia walked into the bedroom right in time. The red color brought out the pale beauty of her skin, making her look luminous. Her blonde hair fell softly down her back and her eyes glanced around the room.

Emilie watches as she tugged at the robe. She was nervous again.

“Have a seat,” Emilie said, and she sat down on the cushioned bench like a regal princess.

Emilie took the collar from the box and faced her. “If you choose to wear this, you’ll be marked as mine.” she held the collar out, wanting Alicia to see. “Mine to do with as I wish I wouldn’t cross your limits, Alicia. You will obey me and never question what I tell you to do. Your body is mine to use as I wish. I will never be cruel or cause permanent harm, but I am not an easy master, Alicia. I will have you do things you never thought possible, but I can also bring you a pleasure you never imagined”

‘I want you,’ Emilie wanted to scream, ‘And I want to be yours.’

Alicia stared at the collar.

“Do you understand?” Emilie asked.

“Yes, I understand Daddy.”

Emilie knew she didn’t, not completely. The excitement pounded through her veins, but one question; she had one more question to go.

“Will you wear this?”

She nodded again.

Emilie held back her excitement. She wanted to jump for joy. Emilie moved behind her, not wanting her to see how excited she made her. She was mine. Alicia had agreed to be her submissive. Emilie fastened the collar around her neck and brushed her hair out of the way.

Emilie admired the way her neck strained against the leather, her eyes were dark with lust.

Damn, she looked good in her collar.

Emilie wanted to turn her around and crush her lips to hers, to tell her how much she pleased her, but she didn’t trust herself to meet her eyes."

“You look like a queen,” Emilie said and pushed the robe from her shoulder.

“Thank you.”

She felt good. Her skin was silk-smooth, still damp from her shower.

“And now you’re mine.” Emilie wanted to prove her words. She slipped her hands into her bra and palmed her breasts, rejoicing in the way her nipples hardened. “Those are mines.”

Her hands continued their course southward, sliding along her sides. “Mine,” Emilie whispered. Purse lust shot through her. Alicia leaned in to kiss her neck and delight in her taste. Emilie bit her. She moaned and trembled under her touch. “Mine,” Emilie said. Never forget it.

“Hm.” Alicia moaned.

Emilie’s fingers reached their destination. She pushed aside the flimsy satin material of her panties. “And this?” she slid a finger into Alicia. “All mind.”

‘Yes, Alicia. Feel what I can do to you.’ Emilie thought.

Her fingers kept stroking until she felt Alicia tighten around her: then she pulled out. “Even your orgasms are mine.” She might understand that eventually.

“Please.” Alicia moaned in frustration.

“Soon,” Emilie whispered. “Very soon, I promise.”

Alicia reached up and touched the choker.

“It looks beautiful on you.” Emilie turned and took a pillow from the bed. She wondered if she would call her out on the next part, or would she accept it? “Your safe word is erotic. Say it and this ends immediately. We wouldn’t go beyond Alicia.”

Alicia nodded.

“My orders for sleep, food, and exercise remain. Do you understand?” Emilie held her breath.

“I understand, daddy,” Alicia said.

Emilie looked at the collar. It looked good on her. Some people will say Emilie overdid it with the diamonds, but she didn’t care.

“Ask me if you have any questions.” Or tell her how crazy she was with that safe word.

“I don’t have any questions. “She bites her lip

Say it. Emilie wanted her to say it.

She needed her to say it.

But she didn’t know what Emilie was talking about.

“Say it, Alicia,” I whispered to her. “You’ve earned it.”

She leaned forward in understanding. “I have no questions, Mistress.”

Daddy. she could have groaned with the pleasure of hearing that word fall from her mouth so much better with her collar.

“Very nice.” Emilie’s c**k was unbearably hard and pressed uncomfortably against her pants. She unbuttoned it. “Now come and show me how happy you are to wear.”

Alicia slipped from the bench and knelt before her on the pillow. Her tongue darted out and ran around the outside of her lips.

Damn, she wanted this as much as Emilie did.

With a sound that was a cross between a sigh and a moan. Alicia leaned forward to take Emilie in her mouth. Emilie placed her hands on her head to steady herself as she took her deeper.

“All of me, Alicia. Take all of me.” Emilie knew it wouldn’t be difficult for her to take more than just her c**k in her mouth. Alicia alone had the power to take both her body and soul.

Emilie couldn’t think about that. All she could focus on was the feel of Alicia’s mouth as she engulfed her. Emilie c**ked, reached the back of her throat, and moved in and out.

“Do you like it?” Emilie sighed, “Do you like me f**king your hot little mouth?”

Alicia gave a muffled groan from low in her throat that caused vibrations to spread throughout her body. Emilie’s toes curled and held her hair tighter.

She sucked Emilie harder, her c**k slide in and out of her mouth. Alicia’s eyes were cast down, and Emilie shivered at the sight of her taking all of her. Alicia moved her lips to let her teeth slide along her length. She remembered.

“Damn, Alicia.”

Emilie tried to hold on to the feeling growing in her balls. She closed her eyes to block the sight of her mouth. But the image was burned into her memory and it was useless to deny what she did to her.

“I’m coming.” Emilie moaned as her c**k jerked inside her mouth. “I can’t—”

Emilie thrust once more and held still deep within her as she released into her mouth. She swallowed, moving her throat around her head, Emilie hissed through her teeth in pleasure.

When Alicia finished, Emilie withdrew and pulled her pants on. “You may go put your clothes back on.”

She stood up, her face flushed with excitement.

“Go to your room, sweetheart.”


This was exciting. Alicia never thought it will have been like pleasurable being on her knees for Emelia.

Alicia ran her fingers over the collar, her collar. She was Emilie’s.

To serve only her and to be owned.

Alicia was her slave and hers only to own.

“My daddy, my mistress.” Alicia licked her lips, staring at herself in the mirror. She felt happy and complete.

Alicia was afraid to touch the collar as it gleam on her neck. It made her tingly inside. People thought it was just a piece of jewelry. She didn’t know if it was the subspace, but to her; it was her collar, her identity now.

Her daddy placed it on.

It allowed her to be free.

Alicia’s body buzzed. The fear she felt at first was no longer there. She wasn’t afraid to please her Emelia.