

1:30am It's a cloudy night so I stick's to the main roads for light. Out of nowhere an elderly gentleman approaches me and after letting out a cough as if to prepare for a large speech he says to me "good evening young man." Naturally I pretended I didn't here him and kept walking then from behind I felt something hit my head. So I turned around to yell at the old geezer, but he was already gone all that was left was a strange looking bracelet on the ground. Out of curiosity I reached down to pick it up, and the darn thing sprung alive latching it's self around my neck. I sat there racking my brain on how to make sense of what just happened.

The conclusion was obvious I'm definitely dreaming, so in order not to waste this treat because I don't dream very often. I decided to head into the foggy area which the old man came from, and That led me to the front of a hotel. Immediately after stepping completely out of the fog loud noises where coming from the roof. The bang from a gun shot, the sound of metal colliding, and what really got my attention was the loud howl of an animal.

I thought of going up there to get a closer look then there was a loud boom and a wolf like creature came falling down the building. It's body was covered in burns, and sword slashes. The beast looked pretty cool, and this is my dream, so I should be able to do what I want. As I approached the beast he attempted to rise, but I still walked up to him eventually we where face to face and I said in a sympathetic tone " You need some help?" The beast kinda of looked confused; however that meant he understood me. The beast stood up and it looked me right in the eye and told me" My body is done for and soon the Hunters well come and finish me off. I will give you my power, so that you can inherit my status as king. You will rule the beast of the east in my stead." before finishing his sentence he fell back to the ground and ask for me to come closer I wasn't to sure how he planned on giving me his power, and I definitely never agreed to being no beast king. as I started my sentence to decline he latched on to my arm in one chop and I felt as if I was being eaten from the inside out. The pain was to much for me to bear my body started to lose consciousness. right before I completely passed out I noticed as a flaming sword came down and chop the monsters head off.

as I started to wake up I could hear a group of people standing near me and arguing from my right there was a soft feminine voice, and to my left a relaxed possibly mans voice due to how deep it was.

from the left "Burn him" this had me really worried because I'm pretty sure him was applying to me "I can't he's an innocent bystander" Those words rang in my ears as if heaven it self opened up just for me, but that happiness was short lived the trigger happy dude to my left wasn't done "what kind of innocent bystander has a hunter collar, and sprouts a tail and ears. I know every hunter in the area and he is not one of them he must have snuck into town meaning he's dangerous" Tail and ears? the fuck is this dude talking about, and I can't believe he wants to kill me because that dirty old man put this thing on me. I'm counting on you miss guardian angel" I guess your right he is a bit suspicious" what? by this point it's only a matter of time before she decides to fillet me.

The dust caused by the woman on the rights pacing had reached my nose. The sneeze I was holding in was getting harder and harder to contain until I couldn't take it anymore. It had reached it's peak my mind was racing trying to find a way out of this situation and then right before the sneeze of a life time came out. I let out a fart so hard my body completely forgot about the fact it had to sneeze. Although I couldn't see them I could feel the judgemental eyes peering down on me. It took a second for the smell to reach their nose completely, but when it did I heard as they backed off a bit. This was the golden opportunity I was waiting for with every ounce of strength I had.

I prepared my self to run; thus with one good leap I started my escape. Pushing off the ground with all my strength launched me straight into the air instead of preparing me to start running. At first it was exhilarating the night wind blowing felt amazing on.at this moment time had completed stopped for Kevin nothing else mattered in the world all his brain could focus on was the tail blowing in the breeze. he was completely hypnotized into staring at that tail that he didn't notice the mirror like barrier he was rapidly approaching.

Back at the hotel the two hunters L and C where discussing their next plan of action. C was a calm and collected man that just watched as his prey made it's escaped. L on the other hand was freaking out " what do we do he's getting away" C simply nodded his head, and walked over to where Kevin was standing last" This made L a bit angry, so she stormed in front of him and started to question C his action didn't make any sense to her as they contardict themselves"After all that talk about killing him your just going to let him go?" C crouches down and takes a bit of the spoil into his hand then looks up at L with an irritated look"This is why I don't like working with Hunters from the head office you all only deal with big cases so you don't even know how to look at the big picture by piecing together all the little things." This really made L mad but before she could even respond a loud thump was heard coming from the way Kevin leaped. C slowly rose to his feet, and walked off in the direction the noise came from. L grabbed C by his shoulder about to lecture him about proper etiquette when speaking to a superior. He shrugged her off and without turning around started pointing twoards her feet. At the soles of her feet where he was just crouching was a bit of Frost as if someone had lowerd the temperature in that one spot she was still confused so she called out to him"what does this have to do with anything?" C scratching his head and walking simply said" why did we come here in the first place." L turned around and looked at the corpse of the dead king of the east remembering that he ruled over the attribut of ice. This brung up many more question in her head, so she chased after C wanting to understand the situation better. The two of them walked about half a mile until they eventually came to the edge of the barrier where Kevin was found unconscious.

upon arrival C pulled out a flip phone communicator to report his findings of 1 injured Hunter and mission complete all beasts within the barrier have been eliminated.