
my dark heart

what happens when everything goes wrong? what happens when the boy trained to be like the devil becomes worse than the devil ? the devil only utter curse and bring ill fortune. the devil doesn't want to perish alone . what happens when greed reaches the next stage? thousands would die thousand would mourn when the devil's last son becomes the king

RavenxRavenx · Fantasie
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6 Chs

chapter 3

"like I said before the priest were playing with fire" Theodore said nonchalantly

"how did you know?" James cold eyes glared at the boy

"how else will a fire start if someone was not playing with it , so I said the priest were playing with fire. I'm tired can I go now?" he said .

"sure you can go, Sophie you too get some rest " her mother dismissed them.

"what did my father mean by the church was on fire?" Sophie asked Theodore

"mom I'm tired I'll tell you tomorrow, good night"

"Good night " she said even through she still had questions


" what happened?, you look troubled " a man seated in the dark room asked Theodore

"nothing much, some priests have started trying to tap into forbidden magic" Theodore answered

"did you stop them ?" the man suddenly stood up and walked towards him

" are you doubting me?"Theo asked to hear the man chuckle

"I trust you " said the man

then all the candles in the room lit up to reveal a very handsome and tall man with well defined facial features

he had long sliver hair and grey eyes that shone brightly

" I heard the news about your dad's death "the man said

" that stupid drunkard deserve to die anyways, he started misbehaving and hitting my mom"

"Sophie?, it been quite sometime" he said as he's fangs came into view

"he cross the line when he tried to kill her" Theo said with his hands turned to a fist

" you gave him an easy death" he said with a hint of displeasure

" I do regret that " he shrugged and walked to his bed

"how is Sophie?" he ask with a smile that didn't reach his eyes

"why do you care so much about my mom?" he answered a question with a question

" I was just asking if she was doing well"

" she's doing very well , you don't need to ask "

the man gave a small smile before changing the subject

" have you mastered powers?"

" we both know that can only be possible if I learn to control my thoughts"

"that's why I was sent to here guide you "

"I'm really tired , you can go " Theodore wave his hands and the man disappeared


" the boy is doing well " Lucas bowed at person sitting on the throne out of skulls and blood.

" even more better than I excepted, At this rate he end up worse than you " Lucas said with a smirk

"Sophie is doing well to , she's living like a human" he said the last part with distaste

" human? " he man finally talked

" I think she doesn't want to remember the past " said Lucas

" will see how long she'll last" the man said and leaned back on his throne

the next day a carriage stopped at the Quinn's mansion.

A fair lady with slender but beautiful features came out of the carriage, along with a boy and a girl of around thirteen. they appeared to be twins

"they arrived" Lucy announced as she stood up to welcome them

" Grandma " the girl said and embraced her in a tight hug

"Rose, my dear how are you doing ?" Lucy said and released the young girl from the tight embrace

"I doing well Grandma, but I missed you a lot "

"I know you did , and I missed you too . Harry wouldn't you greet Grandma?" Lucy urged the proud looking teenager to come . he kind of reminded her of Theodore

' what wrong with this grandkids of mine' she thought to her self .

"hi grandma" he said and adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose

"don't mind him mother , his just being a brat"

" its good to see you Maria " James came out to receive his favorite child

"dad its so nice to see you" Maria said with a smile as she bowed to James

"are we going to stand here all day?" Lucy said before inviting them in

"oh I almost forgot, Sophie and Theo are also around " Lucy said as she saw Theo come down stairs

"Lucy, good morning" Theo said seeming in a good mood and not bothered about his aunt nor cousin.

Maria was taken aback by the forwardness of the young boy , even she didn't have the guts to call her mother by her name

"mother ,is that Theo? " Maria asked

"y -----"

"yes I'm Theodore, and I'm guessing you're my aunt" Theo answered and he sat on couch

"Lucinda, escort Maria and the twins to their respective rooms " James said as he addressed the head maid

"yes Mr Quinn " she bowed and led them upstairs

James sat down and picked up the news paper to read while stirring the tea that Lucy handed to him

" don't you think harry have grown up nicely " Lucy said as she sat down next to him

" hmm" he hummed in response

" I heard the council-------"

"stop ,joining the council is not I want harry to do ( he stops for while before continuing with a softer tone ) it's to dangerous for him " James said knowing were is wife was going with the discussion

"I know it dangerous but it's best for him . harry will soon have a family of his own and he will need to care for them . harry is no longer a child " Lucy tried to reason with her husband " and besides your still in the council you can still help him till his ready "

"Lucy--------- "

" give Maria something to be proud of " Lucy finally used her last card , she knew maria was his favorite since she more competent than Sophie and even married the Duke's son

" I'll talk to the head council " he said and dropped the news paper and sipped from the tea before staring at Theo who sat down quietly staring at him to .

James appeared to be in deep thought, before he dropped the tea cup back on the tray

" Theo , follow me " he said and stood up and Theo followed suite

" where are you going ?" Lucy asked seeing the serious look her husband had on his face

" we'll be back " he said nonchalantly

"oh, okay " Lucy said with a confused expression

this was the first time James told her off in that manner

James and Theodore soon went for the carriage and sat opposite each other

" why are you so awfully quiet today ?" James asked the boy who sat quietly watching the trees outside the widow.

Theodore gaze finally fell on James with a sinister smile placed on his face

"Lucy is a witch"