

Ava feel so helpless . Those boys with a smirk on their face move towards Ava . She don't want to cry in front of these shameless creatures but tears already filled her eyes.

One of the boy start touching Ava face, lips and then her neck. 

Just as he about to unbuttoned her dress door opens automatically and room's things were moved automatically . All four boys got scared of seeing these unexplained things happen.

Ava see the boy whom she bumped is standing and the edge of the room and glaring all those boys. His glaring is enough to melt an iron. First in a second he grab color of the one who touch Ava and then throw him out of the window scene rest three was run.

Ava was still crying, but now she feel safe and at same time she able to know that the strange boy who help her right now is not a Normal because he just hang boy up by using his one hand.

The boy move towards Ava and quickly untie her hand, leg and mouth. Then offer her water but she refuse it. 

"How did you do this? Are you magician or what ?" 


'Yes '

While taking with him Ava notice that the image of that boy is not appear in the mirror.

Now she get to know that the one who helped her and whom she is talking with is a spirit.

She got more scared.

"Oh that's great I need to go home , thanks for helping me"  Ava said