
failed love

Wake up !wakeup! Miss it is time for your flight it would be take off at 10:30am "  a man standing at the wide widow. He wore a black suit and a white   inner shirt  and a navy blue tie, he was at his 49's , he is handsome . His features are sharp , pointed nose , short straight hair that was styled to his back, deep blue eyes and a clear white skin . He was looking at his watch constantly,  he waking a young girl who was sleeping.

Wake up  or you miss the flight " he reminds her Again . The young lady who was dozing in a large bed immediately stood up she was wearing a pink pajamas holding  a white cute Teddy bear at her left hand . The room was large fill with many exciting thing , the painting on the wall lavender pink , it was decorated with many interior design .

" Mr. Wright you should had told me earlier I could had prepared sooner " she said worrying of getting late for her trip. 

" Apologies ma , I should Wake you sooner but you are deep asleep " looking    worried

" get my bags ready  I will ready in few minutes " rushing to the bathroom picking up toothbrush to brush her teeth. At the dress room , she sat down  facing a mirror looking  at her pretty face, she had a perfect face , her slim jaw line , her cute big  ocean blue eyes looking like a doll, her perfect pale skin that ignite the moon shining at the stream ,Her cute pink lips like a sweet petal flowers .

At the plane , she was wearing  a nude colour jacket and a sunglasses. She sat at Window side facing Mr Wright  who was busy with his laptop, they were in the vip so it was silent like a dead yard they could hear their breathing only .

Miss, how was your night ? "

Stop with the respect ! Just call me mira"  she said holding a glass of champagne

"Miss Ye  chu'er you had a quite temper throughout the night. Was something wrong ? " he asked not getting a answer

" was it Davies? Did you break up with him ? "

" of course,  it was a nightmare  and he lied about everything " showing her emotions .

" I can't just forget everything"

Two day earlier

"Wow ! It is such an beautiful view " a girl who is sit in car watching the view from the window excited by the view outside. She opened the car window to feel the wind on her delightful face ,she was wearing a blue jeans and a light pink channel top. She style her hair curly to her waist,she put on a light makeup it perfectly suit her look, her lashes was long gives look of doll and her lip was pink shade. She was holding her phone take pictures of  herself.

" wow look at the trees they look beautiful here France" pointing to the direction to the man sitting next to her

" indeed it is ma" he said

" too much of respect Mr Wright, just call me mira since we are on a trip" giving a cute look on her face.

Mira was the daughter of a rich business man in Hong Kong. Her father , Mr Wong  owned many companies  under his business had a lot existing firm plant that are popular in Hong Kong. Mira was a mixed Asian race in the Asian society, her father was a half Asian and half American as well with Mr Wright who also mixed Asian that works under her father for so many years.

Mr. Wright who was busy working on his laptop look at the direction and give her a light simile. His face and his features look like young man in is twenty's, his short black hair and his soft lightwhite skin like that of a baby . He was  a handsome looking man of his age .

" Mr Wright when would we get there soon ? "

" At the earliest " he respond shortly who was a few words man.

" mira you look anxious since we left the airport "

" oh you noticed "

" is it because that your father allowed you to go on your First trip without him?"

"No, it is because I who be meeting someone new today "

" who ? If I may ask "

" do you know that guy I have been telling you that want to see me "

" the guy on the social media " looking disapointed

" of course,  that guy resident here France for along time he is also a mixes Asian  like me but his birth mother is from here"

" oh I see, is that why you want to go out badly so you can see that guy , seem he had to you a lot of information about himself " she nodded her head to respond

" Yes ,he told me lot about himself and that why I want check him out " she said naughty

" well , it is your father decision to let you out for some time since  you are a growing girl after your long argument with him, I hope your father would not found out the reason behind your trip" he advised

"He wouldn't found out so please don't tell him that I am meeting someone in the trip" she plead with her cute eyes

" I won't tell him but you shouldn't allow your feelings to be your down fall miss"

" I won't,  I am a strong girl and a independent woman that would live to her legend " boldly said

" what about ming ye ? "

" what about him is that I don't like him , he is so annoying "

" you lie , because he was your father choice "

" he is not cute, he just a random rich rude boy of his family " acting cute

" of course,  rich marries rich culture practice by higher class people " he smiles at her

The car stops at the front of a tall building.

" it is time "he  get out from the car

" where are you going to ?"she asked

" Your father assigne me for a job " he replied

" ok,  I will be out for a while " getting out from the car

" to where? "

"To see my new boyfriend " she left him

On her way she quickly texted him her location immediately his locations was sent to her she get the taxi. She went in to a luxurious hotel sat on exclusive table. She ordered a French cuisine she waited patiently to receive her guest more like a lover.

"  bonjour, do you want to din alone or you are waiting  for your guest so I would prepare a table for two" the waitress holding the meun

" of course,  i have a guest "checking  the menu on the tab

" I would like to have this and a expensive champagne " pointing at the table

" ok, " she was little confused looking at the lady age the waitress quickly meet the chief at the other room.

"Chef ,a lady like you prepare a delicacy serve with a expensive champagne " speaking in French

"A customer request this meal ?who is the person who order the meun" The chef asked

" a young  lady at that table requested it. She looks younger than anybody who came at this restaurant " pointed lady who look more like school girl sitting calm, she was waiting for someone.

" go and get the champagne I will speak to the guest " hand over is apron to the waitress .

He walk to mira who was waiting patiently for her guest.

" bonjour madame,  I am chef donny from  France 5 star restaurant "

"Bonjour , nice to meet you , how can I help you" she replied nicely

"As a special guest in our restaurant  we specialise a new menu for you "hand over the tab to her

She took the tab and scroll over it , she can't really chose because every thing there at the menu looks delicious she hand over the table to him .

" I will like to have everything there in the menu "

" madam do you want everything in the meun ? " he repeated

" of course , literally everything and also these cake at first strawberry flavours " she requested

" ok" he left to prepare the list

After 20 minutes,  a handsome man walk in , he was wearing a black shirt and a blue jeans and a black wrist band like a lucky charm,  his delicate handsome face was get every stare of every girl in the restaurant . He left the two buttons of his shirt unbutton leaving his neck exposed.  He walk in heading to the direction of Mira siting busying pressing her phone update her friends , he sat quietly without being noticed by mira smiling at her phone.

"Bonjour miss ' he greeted

" bonjour,  have you been waiting long? "

" yes I have waited for so long to meet  a beauty like you " he smiled at her. She heard a young man voice was different from the one she spoke with earlier,  she turn to look at who spoke to her but surprisingly was the Davies that she had waited for a quit minutes , she saw that he was different from his picture on social media he looks more handsome , his delicate face and soft pink lips waiting for her kisses.  She was totally dumbstruck.