

Lilninjacat18 · Urban
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15 Chs


Two days passed and the day of the King's birthday had arrived. The entire airport in the city of Cordina was full. Even though the invite was limited to certain individuals, there was still some people who brought their entire family along. There was no ticket available as all the airlines had been booked as well as hotel rooms.

Tonight was a busy night in Cordina, a small and not so hidden country in France. Cordina is a beautiful and prosperous country and has beautiful sites that attracts tourists yearly. The security of the country was tight after what happened to Evie's family. But tonight was an exception as people of different caliber were trooping into the Country. The entire street even roads decorated.

Cordina was ruled by the Whites of the Bissets. The Bissets had been ruling Cordina for more than ten generations the country has grown tremendously since then. The royal palace was located in the heart of the country. The palace that was usually empty was now filled with different relatives, both close and distant relations.

The party is been held in the grand hall of the palace which has been decorated for the party. The theme if the party was red and white. The hall was already filled with people even though the party had yet to start and some people have yet to come the party. The reporters invited were exclusive and from big entertainment companies. They signed a contract that states that they won't publish anything without it been checked by royal family's PRO. While the guests who came earlier were chatting with each other, the immediate royal family were inside discussing.

Inside the royal chamber...

The immediate royal family were sitting inside a luxurious room all deck up for the party.

A middle-aged man was standing at the center of the room. The man had short black hair with streaks of grey. He exuded a regal and dorminating aura as he stood in front of his family members. The man was no other than the King, Reeve Bisset of Cordina. "Now that everyone is here, I..." He stopped talking when someone interject. Turning his sharp eyes towards the source of the voice that dares interrupt him, the King.

"Not all of us, your majesty." A young lady with beautiful features spoke. Her tone was soft and the look in her eyes held a tinge of innocence and curiosity. Sensing everyone's gaze on her, she smiled before saying. "I mean our cousin Evielyn isn't here yet. " Micah said in a small voice when she noticed the sharp stare of the King.

Micah was the second Princess of the Bissets royal family. She had delicate features and was known to be kind and gentle in nature. The king didn't say anything instead he subtly looked at his father's reaction.

"Those that aren't present know better than to miss an event like this. " King Reeve said as glanced at everyone in the room. "Moving on, I want everyone to be on their best behaviors." He paused letting his words sink in their minds. "Also there will be a family meeting after this party. You are all dismissed. " He said as he walked away with the Queen on tow.

Inside the grand hall was filled with laughter as the guests got acquainted with each other. There some who took the opportunity to gain connections and more influence while some sought of suitors for their children. Micheal walked with pride as move across the hall recieving greetings from every direction. He noticed Miran who was walking besides him was slightly nervous as she kept staring at the large double doors. Understanding her worries, he said. "Don't worry she will come."

"Are you sure."

"Of course Miran.." He said. His eyes skimming through the crowd looking for somone. "She wouldn't want to miss it for anything. There was a glint in his grey eyes that still looked vibrant inspite of his age.

Miran frowned at her husband's words. She opened her mouth to ask question but was interrupted by a familiar voice. She turned to see both the patriarch of the Mu's and the Sawyers walking towards she and Micheal.

"Oh! Just look at the father of the celebrant still looking good and sharp. " Mu Tian said as he step forward and hug Miran after which Williams also hugged her. Micheal's lips twisted in displeasure.

"Take your wrinkled hands off my wife." Micheal said. Miran only giggled at her husband childish behavior.

"What is wrong with you pal. It's been so long since I've seen Miran." Williams jest.

"Miran dear how are you?" Diana asked as she and Miran hugged.

"I'm doing fine and you?" She returned the question.

"Great." Diana said answered with a bright smile.

"Where are your grand babies? I don't see them around." Miran glanced around trying to spot one of the Mu's grandchildren.

Miran chuckled softly. "Oh they are alright! You know how they don't like too much spotlight." She said.

"Too much spotlight indeed." Mu Tian scoffed. "Where is darling granddaughter-in-law? I don't see her around." He asked Miran.

Micheal scoffed. "Who is your granddaughter-in-law? Don't be delusional. My Evie is not ready for marriage. " He harrumph.

"Well, you are not the one getting married now, are you?" Willams teased his friend.

"Miran dear and I has already discussed this. And we feel it will be a great idea to bring our families closer." Diana said with excitement at the prospect of Evie marrying one of her grandsons. Micheal gritted his teeth in frustration. There is a possibility that Evie might agree to this marriage. One, Mu Tian grandson's were handsome. Two, two.... he doesn't know. Though Evie wasn't his only grandchild, he favored her more than the others and he didn't bother hiding it.

Beloved readers, I just want to clear something. Anywhere you see Micheal please know that its still Elder Whites, Evie's grandfather.

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