
My Corpse Familiar is too Strong

Carrying around her casket inside of which was her loyal zombie familiar, Alexandria rapidly moved up the ranks. Going from a newbie apprentice to a feared mage she with her familiar crushed everything in her path. However, she still wasn't satisfied, why was the school building a statue of her familiar but not her. Why was my familiar banned from fights? Why does teacher and my seniors keep asking to borrow my familiar? Why is my familiar growing so fast? Confused from all this she thought back to when she first created her familiar. Oh, that's not right? Is my Familiar Alive? Join Alexandria and her familiar Alex as they work together to reach the peak of magic.

Mr_Palados · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Corpse Contract

It was cold. The sky was covered in grey clouds that dropped crystal white snow from the sky.

A lonely figure was walking amongst the white ground. There was nothing, but the steps of that lonely figure.

That figure was Alexandra Qill a incoming student of the well known School of Death. The School of Death is one of the few public magic schools in California. The admission rate was very high as the school became known for it low standards. As long as one had the slightest mana in their body they were likely to get in.

Of course, this didn't mean that the school was fair, there were clear bias of which students would get resources and those that had to struggle to even get basic Mana potions.

Unfortunately, Alexandria wasn't one of the lucky few. She was the daughter of a fallen Nobel as her family was on the brink of falling apart. Their only hope was if Alexandria became graduates as a mage. However, her talent for magic was severely lacking to graduate as an official mage was a small possibility. She didn't have enough Mana to even summon a familiar so she had to do it the old fashion way.

Shaking her head to get clear up her thoughts, she arrived at her destination. A wooden gate, with the words Life Graveyard staring to fade out due to the lack of repair.

This was a cemetery, the resting place for the dead. Not paying anymore mind to the gate she quickly went inside.

A couple of steps inside the pungent smell of rotten meat covered the entire cemetery. The bodies of people and animals were thrown into piles without much thought or care.

Seeing this scene Alexandria's eyes sparkle as she approached the nearest pile. Most of the corpses were covered in snow making it difficult for Alexandria to tell their appearance only able to make out the outline of their bodies.

" This one's no good, it's missing an arm. This one only has it upper half... too small... too old... these are mostly rotten away by now."

Going from pile to pile trying to find the perfect body to become her zombie familiar she finally found the perfect one.

The was body was of a young man. The man very tall and had a well proportion body. The young man was obviously a foreigner as his features didn't match that of any of the locals.

"A Perfectly preserved body, it's my lucky day." She let out a light smile before becoming Stern as she dragged the man's body away from the rest of the pile of corpses.

Taking a deep breath she looked at the man murky eyes, the stillness of the body would have made everyone else uncomfortable but to Alexandria this stillness and silence was better then being at home.

Bring her attention back she place her hands on the cold, stiff skin as she injected her Mana into the body to form a spiritual connection.



Anyone there?

Where am I?

Darkness surrounded Alex after his car accident. At first Alex thought that he was in paralyzed in a hospital but the faint sounds of wind and the chill that it brought made him know that he was outside. The thought of being buried alive popped inside his head and quickly fermented as time went on.

Help! Anyone please I'm still alive. I'm not dead!

Alex knew for a fact that what he was doing was useless, as his body was paralyzed he couldn't speak and could only scream in his heart for a miracle.

In the faint distance, Alex heard the sounds of footsteps, at first he thought that it was just an illusion. But the footsteps kept getting closer and closer before arriving in front of him.

Yes, Yes please I'm still alive take me to a hospital. I'm just temporarily paralyzed!

Alex felt a bit of pressure touch his chest before a wave of heat drilled into his body. The darkness in his vision rapidly faded away showing him the face of his savior. It was a girl that looked like she was in her early 20s. She had long black hair that reached her shoulders, pale white skin, and a pair of black eyes that could suck out the soul of all that look at it.

Thank You Goddess! Thank you Thank you Thank you! For saving my life I will engrave this debit in my heart and repay you for the rest of my life.

The warm stream coursed throughout his body reaching first his arms. Alex tried to move his fingers which at first failed but very quickly he was able to twitch his fingers from time to time.

The stream swiftly moved onto his lower body and his legs. After regaining some control legs Alex felt that the women in from of him had to be a angel that God had sent to save him. How else could he go from being entirely paralyzed to being able to move so quickly.

The stream of heat soon reach Alex's throat and mouth. He tries to thank his savior but only groans and hoarse wheezing came out.

Alex wanted to let out tears but none came out since his head was still paralyzed. The thought of being buried and dying alone with no hope in sight just to be save would have made any man leak out some eye water.

Eventually the stream of heat traveled up reaching inside Alex's skull, reaching his brain.

As the stream of Mana reached the brain Alexandria was covered in sweat however she felt a sense of relief as everything had was going more smoothly than she expected.

As the stream touched Alex's brain, he felt that he had been touched by a burning needles causing him to scream.

F**k, the hell was that Ms. Goddess please be more careful that shit hurt. What, Mana... Familiar... contract?

As Alex calmed down from the pain, bits of information popped into his mind. After organizing the pieces of information that he got he understood his situation.

She's trying to make me her undead slave!