
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

Did You Two Make Out

Light got into her apartment she meet Abigail dancing dressed in pink shorts and a transparent black top her hips moved to the music.

She smiled pulling light over to the bed boosting her moves in a silly manner.

" Wo...dance with me light today is a good day " Abigail spoke in a cheerful tone trowing her hands in the air her body moving to the music.

Light joined her in dancing shaking and laughing loudly watching the wide childish grain on her best friend face.

":So...what the celebration about tell me the good news " Light asked waiting for her friend response Abigail danced going over to the jamb box turning off the music.

" Guess who is crowned law queen because of her best grade and kicking boots at every subjects " Abigail happily gave her friend the news.

Light screamed in joy going over to the jamb box increasing the volume.

" This is great news we have to keep celebrating" Light spoke shaking to the flow of the music as Abigail joined in.

Dancing for hours the dropped flat on the bed breathing out heavily Abigail stretched her hand picking up her phone from the table disconnecting the jamb box .

she sat up facing light who's eyes were short closed trying to steady her breath.

" So gist me " Abigail spock smiling brightly having a teasing grain on her face.

" Gist you about what ? " Light asked also sitting upright staring at her friend wink at her.

" You didn't show up last night I guess you were having a lot of fun at Anthony place so what happened tell me..." Abigail screamed attacking light with tickles.

Light jumped backwards trowing pillow at Abigail trying to ran from her fingers.

" Stay away from me you frick my lips are slide and besides nothing happened between us but I can't say the same for you I saw you and peter on the school headline today so spill it I still smell a male perform in the room what happened between you too " Light spoke changing the topic over to Abigail.

" No fair you snick I asked you first how dare you switch the topic on me " Abigail spock glaring at her friend trying to corner her.

" So just tell me did you two make out " Light asked staring at Abigail with a raised broil.

Abigail gasped covering her mouth with her palm .

" Our saint marry knows what a make out means who is spoiling you " Abigail spock shaking her head side ways faking a disappointed look.

Light rolled her eyes sitting on the bed her hands crossed against her chest.

" I'm not five everyone knows what a make out means just because we don't talk about it doesn't mean I have no knowledge of it did you too have sex or not " Light asked having a wide smile on her face.

" We almost did but I guess it against your crush dum roles to fall in love or have sex with a virgin" Abigail spock in a sarcastic tone her voice sounded a bit pissed.

" What do you mean by they can't fall in love or have sex with a virgin" Light spoke her voice sounding low she replayed the kiss Anthony and her shared under the rain it didn't look fake and how he had made her feel special in class.

" Who knows what it means only your dum crush can explain that question to you maybe if you both meet tomorrow give him a dirty slap for me or a flick on the head to reset his brain how would he make such a dum role now I am starting to doughty his friendship towards you" Abigail spoke feeling pissed again remembering how peter left her hanging.

" So you both didn't do the did that means their no point falling for Anthony because he can never love me back maybe that why he pushes me away their no need going out for a date tonight then " Light spoke in a sobber tone staring down at her fingers as she played around with them.

Abigail eyes widened going over to light she only spoke out her mind but she didn't want to disheartening light on views about Anthony feelings towards her peter lost his own chance of having a very hot virgin for a night she was mad at him and kinda heart broken but it wasn't that much of a big deal.

" Light what the hell are you saying Anthony invited you for a date and you say your not going don't mind me or my own angry ranting your not going to miss that date for any reason in the world am certain Anthony as his reason for placing such a role on his gang members" Abigail spock quickly trying to drive any negative thought In light mind.

Light stared at her friend opening her mouth then slowly shorting it like a fish

" Bu..but what if that roles also applies to him as well Anthony looks like a good leader who would never put his own feelings above his own people am sure he would definitely pick his gang over me I can't fall in love with some one who can't fall in love back with me what if he just see what we have truly as a fling" Light spoke out in a hurry feeling broken hearted by her own realization.

Abigail frowned deeply flicking her hard on the forehead giving her an are you kidding me look in her eyes.

" Light you over think things Anthony is not doom look at everything you both have been true together you told me how many times he as showed up just to save your ass isn't enough reason to believe he as also falling in love with you don't sweat it wear a smile and go out for this date bring me juicy gossip " Abigail spock smiling widely seeing the blush on light face.

":Oh.. shoot he will soon be here and I don't have a nice dress to wear " Light spoke in panic rushing over to her waldrop scattering her dresses on the bed she stared at her whole closet and not a single one of her dresses were good enough in her eyes.

Abigail sighed staring at light eyes calling out for help she helped her check out her dresses trying to pick a nice evening dinner gown but non of her cloths were good enough .

" Light I think we have a fashion problem on our hands you don't got a single dress to go out for a evening date " Abigail sighed deeply placing her hand under her chin in thoughts she would have given light one of her own dresses If light body wasn't so smaller than hers.

" What am I going to do abi I can't just suddenly call off our first ever date this moment means a lot to me help me out here abi think of something" Light spoke almost screaming in anxiety grabbing onto her hair she stared at the wall clock groaning loudly seeing the time draw near.

" Bingo... I got a perfect solution but are you ready to pull true light that means totally lost of shyness" Abigail smirked having a suspicious grain on her face.

Light was excitant at first feeling wherry of her friend stare before she finally responded.

" Yes am ready " light spoke holding her breathing waiting for Abigail to spill out her suspicious idea.

Abigail walked over to her waldrop opening it up with a key she brushed her fingers true her dresses pulling out a black gown with a wide smile on her face seeing the look on light face .

" Remember this lovely, one of the gowns Anthony bought for you during your first shopping together oh. ..the nice memories " Abigail spock pretending to wipe of fake tears of her face faking an emotional state.

" I..I'm ..n...not wearing that rubbish Abigail it to short and to opened if I wear this dress it might open some part of my boost and full back and can't pull off such a dress It better if I don't go " Light didn't like how the dress looked like imagining herself in it made her feel naked already.

Abigail frowned mimicking her loudly in an sarcastic way she rolled her eyes.

" Look who wore a biking suit way more revealing than this dress and she is whining and ranting for me like a little kid am not your mum or dad and you asked me for my help so take it or leave it " Abigail spock dropping the gown by her side.

Light stared at the dress groaning loudly in pissed off manner taking the dress and storming off into the bathroom grumbling as she walked off.

Anthony screamed banging his hand on the mirror table he scattered his hair for the fort time he need to return back to his simple low cute keeping a long hair was annoying him.

He had been trying for hours to pin the stupid thing to rest at the back of his neck but no matter hard he tried he didn't come out perfect just the way he wanted.

He wondered why he was acting so childish wanting to look perfect for light he grumbled sitting on the bed a long sigh leaving his lips.

He draw out a small cupboard taking out a cigarette pack and a lighter he was about to light up the cigarette in-between his fingers when he pictured a imagination of light covering her nose not wanting to be anyway were close to him because his breath smelt like smoke he trow the cigarette pack on the floor so as the one in-between his finger .

Grumbling out loudly in frustration he took the hair pin pushing his hair backwards gently placing the silver pin in carefully finally it stayed in place.

He pulled his red suit properly checking himself out to make sure he looked good enough a smile appearing on his charming handsome face liking the resolute he was seeing he hoped light liked it too checking the wrist watch on his wrist the time only an hour before he would have to leave going over to Abigail place to pick light up

He wondered what to do while he waited taking the red roses putting on his shoes.

Light stood Infront of a mirror Abigail having a gentle smile on her face admiring light innocent beautiful face dulled up with alight simple make up.

The black dress hugged her slender body perfectly exposing her back and in front it showed a bit of her boost the cloth not covering it enterally .

Abigail helped her with her black chain purse and black rope lace heals light stared at her own reflection feeling dazed.

if she felt this taking by her own beauty she wondered what look Anthony would have when he saw her.

She didn't like the lent of the gown or the fact it opened some skin showing her boost and back it was to inviting.

" Anthony won't be able to take his eyes off you all night it already five light he be here soon please don't act wired you know our routine don't get nervous" Abigail spoke encouraging light giving her a tommy up as the door was gentle knocked.

Light heart skipped a bit hearing the sound coming from the door being lightly banged.

" Wish me luck " Light spoke walking steadily to the door she held the door handle feeling nervous she breathed in and out deeply before turning the door nub.

Anthony didn't seem to notice her his back was turned around speaking to himself her heart sank staring at how drop dead gorgeous he looked even from the back.

He turned quickly freezing in time gazing into light eyes admiring her from head to toe both soul spell bounded in a trance.

Keep reading guys byeeee ♥️♥️✌️