
The show.

"phew" I breathed in relief when he left. "What's wrong" Bianca asked "Nothing" I told her. We went to the table to eat out food when I saw a red haired girl coming towards our table. She came and said "isn't this the thing you were protecting???" excuse me I am not a thing but I didn't say anything. "she has clearly seduced our boss that he walked up to her. something he has never done before" I looked at Bianca and she smiled "are you done??" Bianca asked. "what do you mean" asked Sasha confused "I told you before that if you have a freaking problem with your feelings go tell the boss" "you bi" "we aren't here to play or to fall in love" she said cutting her and off " so mind your business if you dare address this matter again there will be a blood shed" she said before standing up to come face to face with Sasha and said "DARE ME" in a heavy voice I never thought she could have. Unknown to us,there were three pairs of eyes watching the whole show. I stood up and told Bianca that we should just leave cause we were now the center of attention. Sasha didn't want to be humiliated she slapped me. *pak* my head flew to one side before I lifted my face with a glare I slapped mine back with twice the intensity *pak* *pak* "ahhhhh,you b***h I will kill you" "I keep quiet doesn't mean I wouldn't retaliate. Try fucking with me again and I will screw you up. or,the kill you mentioned it will be fun" I said with a crazy smile on my face. "yes gurl show this thing her place" said Bianca while putting emphasis on the thing. we both laughed and packed our stuffs.


"Omg did you see those girls,they were sooo bad assed. Especially that Bianca girl. she's beautiful tho" Tristan said. "oh please, anything cute and in skirt is beautiful." I said trying to irritate him. He just smiled and said "your workers are crazy over you. now tell me who do you pick. to be honest that Sasha girl is hot" "just leave" I said clearly the one irritated. he just laughing and Jason joined I gave him a look but he laughed the more. Friends.Crazy set of friends I have.