
my Christmas present is a five year old baby

Nightowl20 · Urban
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1 Chs

The Unprecedented Incident

Fate has way to wind destinies together!!

The night of my eighteenth birth became the biggest misery of my life as I got betrayed , disowned and heartbroken all in one single day...

It started when the clock struck twelve and I Knocked on the hotel room door of my boyfriend whom I wanted to surprise by giving a surprise....but tada here i got the biggest surprise of my life in return when the door opened to reveal my sister wearing just a shear thin robe. And i can hear my boyfriend's voice from inside calling out ,"Babe , the bath is ready".

Before I even try to deny what is iiin front of me his next sentence proved me wrong even without van argument.

A smirk pull over her face as she called with the same sugary voice , "Just. a second Honey", and shut the door right on my face.

i stood there standing in front of the door for a long while. just trying to believe what I saw....even as much as my heart was in denial.

After standing there for a while. , I moved towards the elevator and stepped inside.

Still lost i just stood there until a ding sounded and i stepped outside the elevator and had just walked a few places when i realised that this isn't the ground floor and infact another floor.

still feeling somewhat out of it i calmed myself down and turned around back to the way i came from towards the elevator.

i pressed the button to call for the lift and stood there waiting , still trying to come to terms with everything .

A ding sounded and i looked up to see a person coming out of it.

Before I can take a good look at him he collapsed on top of mwee. His weight all on me. if i wasn't standing against the wall i would have fallen on my back with the weight of the man.

i tried to lift him in off me but he stayed still unmoving. i tried to push him but he just moved violently against me and pulled slightly back as i took the chance to breathe.

And so i inhaled and before I can inhale the second time , my breath got stuck in my throat as the man pulled back , showing his face which after seeing , i complete forgot to breathe as i can feel something heavy stuck in my throat and i can feel myself parched with beauty of the man standing in front of me.

My lips parted on their Accord in response to the man and before I make sense of anything the man opened his eyes which were the hottest shade of brown that i have ever seen just like dark mocha chocolate , the man snaked huis arms around me and pulled my face up.

And his lips descendant on me like a tornado leaving me completely and utterly gobsmacked.

His lips moved on my frozen ones as it stirred my broken heart to jump in itself.

And in the next moment I forgot myself completely and kissed the man back .