

"Who are you?" She heard the man's cold voice. She looked at the house damaged head lights and at the cold looking man. She was done for. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. It looked like all the words she wanted to say got stuck in her throat.

"Albert, tell her the price and let's go. We are running late." He sounded a little impatient. Fiya knew it was now or never.

She sat down on the floor, opened her legs and waved her hands frantically. "Am doomed, am done for. Someone should please help me! Woo.... Woo..." She fake cried.

She thought the good looking man would have pity on her. He stood in front of where she was sitting. "Stop stalling". His clear voice resounded. What he said shocked both Fiya and Albert. Fiya looked up and saw the man's black eyes looking at her.

When she looked up,the man saw her face clearly. She had fair white skin and a round face. She looked pretty cute especially with her big green eyes. The man was stunned at her beauty. She could top any model in the country. For a moment,only silence reigned between them.

The man was silent because he was awestruck by Fiya's beauty. While Fiya was silent because she was confused as to why the man was looking at her. 'Is there something on my face?'She thought to herself.

The cheoffeour cleared his throat finally making the man and Fiya come back to reality. "My people will contact you about the car". The handsome man spoke. His voice was calm and collected. It didn't take no for an answer. After saying that, the man turned his back to leave. But Fiya followed after and called out to him "Mr!" The man turned back and saw Fiya looking straight at his black shiny eyes. "What is it?" He replied coolly.

"You are young and you are capable. You look matured". The man raised an eyebrow as if saying 'so?'

"So why did you hire a driver. You can see clearly can't you? Then why employ someone old enough to be your father as your driver. You seat at the back of the car and let an old man drive you around." She turned to look at the old man and continued"As you can see, he isn't suitable to drive anyone around. And the evidence is right before you. If he saw my car earlier I won't have hit your car and none of this would have happened." She turned and faced the man and finally said while pointing a finger at him"Technically,this is all your fault!"

The cheoffeour looked shocked while the man's black eyes became cold. "So it's my fault?" He said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Fiya wasn't afraid and just folded her arms while nodding her head.

The man chuckled lowly."Little girl,I would have gotten you arrested but you see in our country we can't arrest minors." And Fiya's pretty face became red. 'Did he just call me a kid!" She looked furious.

"It looked like I made a mistake. Now I finally understand why you need a cheoffeur. It's because, u have any eye defect!" The good looking man narrowed his eyes and asked "where are ur parents little girl?"

When he uttered that statement, Fiya lost it and said angrily "Look here grandpa, it's not fault dat u have a sight problem and your driver failed to see my car coming!"

"Who are you calling Grandpa?"The man's voice was as calm as usual but Fiya could sense the the danger in his voice. "You are underaged and don't know how to drive. You obviously crashed into my car and still put the blame on me and to worsen matters you still dare insult me?" The man said coldly. "Do you know who I am?" He said unhurriedly. His gaze was intimidating and enough to scare normal people out of their wits. Unfortunately, Fiya was not an ordinary person instead she said "Grandpa should no better than to bully others". The handsome looking man smiled and said "Well if am a grandpa shouldn't you be respectful to me. I mean you did wreck my car and failed to own up to your mistakes." Fiya was getting frustrated. "And why should I be respectful to a grandpa who only knows how to bully." Then the two people stared bickering like little kids.


Albert,the cheoffeour was surprised. Surprised because, his boss wasn't someone who could get angry at people much less fight with them. He stared at the two people fighting and shook his head.


Leornado was enjoying this pointless argument with this girl. It was amusing.

"Boss?" Albert called out respectfully

"What?!" They both turned to look at Albert with a displeased expression on their face. Albert was taken aback by their sudden outburst. He cleared his throat and said "We are running late sir". Leo glanced at his watch and to his suprise time had really passed and it was all thanks to this immature girl. "This isn't over kiddo. We will meet again". He said as he entered the car. Fiya sneered and entered her car also. And they both sped away.

Little did they know that they'll meet sooner than later....