
My Childhood Friend is Like a Stone

Ten years ago, little Cyril said. “Even if I die with you, I’m not going to marry you!” So Adrienne’s first love seemed to be over. And one day after coming of age, Cyril regrets what he said about death. “Why do you keep making me looking forward, you b*stard! I keep getting it wrong because of you—” The last word fell hopelessly between the lips. Adrienne’s shaking shoulder was gently wrapped in Cyril’s hand. “It’s not an illusion.” “…What?” Her childhood friend, who had been as indifferent as a stone, changed the minute she gave up everything.

Fei_Kim · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

"Give it back if you don't like it."

Adrienne reached for the bouquet as if offended by his direct attitude. Cyril took a step back just as she was about to touch the green stem.

"Who else would you give this to if it weren't me. I'll just take it."

Adrienne raised her brow as if it were ridiculous. Cyril swallowed a smile, anticipating the nagging that was about to come. He didn't realize it when he was younger, but it was so much fun when Adrienne got annoyed. He felt he had accomplished his goal when her blue eyes blazed with rage.

That was why he had to bother Adrienne now and then, even though he knew he should just say thank you. Perhaps it is now through the use of a few words. It used to feel like a loss to deal with their lack of communication, but Adrienne is easily annoyed these days, so it was a reasonable guess. He wants to make fun of her at times like this, so Adrienne's remark about him, 'You're a little mean,' might be correct.

But no matter how bad Cyril was, he couldn't be worse than Adrienne, who was in the same situation. Cyril took a step back, hiding the bouquet behind him.

"You just have a pretty face, and your personality is—"

"Young Master, it's time for the check-up. Oh, the Lady was with you. Shall we postpone the time a little?"

Just when Adrienne was just starting to get angry in a roaring voice, Jerome appeared.

"No, Jerome. I'm going to go now."

Cyril whistled at the perfect moment, and Adrienne muttered. She groaned and walked out.

"You look happy."

"I'm not."

"Of course not."

Cyril immediately denied it, but a yellow petal fell in front of him just in time. Only then did Cyril look at the floor with the presence of a bouquet hidden behind him.

"You may not be happy, but shall I prepare a vase for you?"

"Are you making fun of me, don't laugh."

"How dare I do such a thing."

The string was pulled by Jerome, who opened his hand. Surprisingly, the maid who arrived while Cyril was settling in for a checkup was already holding a vase. The maid, who had made eye contact with Jerome, smiled slightly and accepted a bouquet from Cyril, which she placed in a vase.

Cyrill remained silent, looking at the two with a disapproving expression on his face. Eventually, an armful of Coreopsis flowers and a transparent vase were placed by a window. It was a position that Cyril could see as soon as he lay down on the bed.

"You don't hear your heart beating so loud these days, do you?"


"You don't wake up at dawn.

"Not very much."

Jerome, who was carefully observing the symptoms, put down his pen. Jerome removed his glasses for a few moments, rubbed his eyes, and said, "You've improved a lot. I'm telling you the truth."

He smiled, but couldn't stop his voice from shaking as he put on his glasses again. Jerome is the father of a 5-year-old daughter who died. It was a story he had told during his time in Thesar. Cyril would not have been able to give up after losing his young daughter. When every doctor in Thesar declared surrender, Jerome was the only one left.

"Thanks to you."

"You can't make fun of adults."

Cyril didn't say much. Even if he didn't say it, they knew each other.

"Oh, there's good news from Duke."

"Good news?"

Jerome, who had just stood up and picked up his leather bag, added that he seemed to remember it only now.

"Yes, I'll bring you a letter as soon as possible. I believe you're waiting because we're in the process of checking you in—"

"What's the good news?"

"Can I tell you right now?"

"Say it."

Cyril lifted his chin. It meant that I should stop wasting time and speak quickly. In any case, Cyril thought it was a minor issue. As is usual in a letter of regards.

"Then, Young Master, congratulations. A second hope is said to have bloomed in Thesar."


"I'm confident Young Master will be a good brother."

But this time was different. The news was neither expected nor surprising. It was the birth of his younger brother. A younger brother who could be the heir.

Unconsciously, Cyril held his breath.


Cyril hasn't been like this in a long time. He didn't have a seizure like before, but he did get chills during the summer.

It was the birth of his younger brother.

Despite the obvious good news, Cyril was dissatisfied. His heart felt like it was pounding and dropping. A sense of crisis and anxiety. For a brief moment, Cyril felt the anxiety that had been suppressed for so long.

Didn't they send him to Cassinel to get rid of Cyril?

Leave no trace of his presence in Thesar—so that the new heir can proudly ascend to the post. Cyril's spirit was consumed by the negative delusion. Anxiety about getting sick again sparked the delusion.

"Cyril! I heard you have a brother!"

The door swung open, and Adrienne walked in. The news appeared to have already spread. He had to have sent a letter to the Count as well, so it's no surprise that his daughter Adrienne knew.


He didn't have the energy to respond and wasn't in the mood, so Cyril hid his head under the covers. When he first arrived at Cassinel, he felt the same way.

An ominous feeling of being abandoned from Thesar forever.

After a while, he heard the door quietly close. Adrienne seemed to go out again. He's glad it didn't bother him, but it was an odd feeling.

'I need to reply back.'

The brief regret was quickly overshadowed by rising worries. 'Congratulations. I should say that I can't wait to meet my lovely brother—' His heart aches just thinking about it, so it won't be easy.

Brother, Thesar's new hope.

Cyril's eyes, which had been drooping with worry, slowly closed. The energy of medicine seemed to gradually take over the body.

'I'll send you a letter—'

Cyril eventually fell asleep.


The darkness had already fallen by the time Cyril opened his eyes again. It wasn't too late to notice the lamp that lit up the garden. Cyril was used to the calm atmosphere.

On the days when he woke up alone—.

"Are you awake?"


Cyril, who was in a sentimental mood, was taken aback. When he turned his head in the direction of the voice, he was met by a brother and sister who looked exactly alike.

On the other side of the window, the brothers and sisters pulled up a chair to the left of the bed and sat next to each other.

"What? Reid. You explain."

"I'm just sitting here waiting because Adrienne—"

The hesitant lead hid the end of his words. To put it bluntly, Adrienne had directed him to keep an eye on Cyril while he slept. Cyril let out a short sigh in response to the shocking words.

Adrienne, simply stared at Cyril, blinking, as she used to do when she was younger.

"Why are you sleeping with a man—"

"This is Reid. Reid de Cassinel Bluea."

Adrienne, who was pointing to Reid, spoke with the proper pronunciation. It seems like a long time ago that she was crying because saying his name was difficult, but it was a huge improvement.

"I know."

"And I am—"

"Adrienne de Cassinel Bluea. What are you doing?"

Adrienne gave Cyril a nod as he took the initiative. What in the world is she doing? Adrienne said abruptly as she repeated the concerns he has been dealing with for the past year.

"I was born later than Reid. Reid's alive here."

"That's scary, Adrianna—"

"Look, it's not a ghost, it's Reid." Adrienne even poked Reid. Reid was born timid, despite being twins with Adrienne—. Cyril, who was expressing his condolences, came to a halt. It was because he felt something in a meaningless conversation.

"Cyrill, when your brother is born, you'll still be there."


"You won't disappear."


The additional voice was more powerful than ever. Only then did Cyril realize. The fact that he is no longer a loner, and that a small girl who appeared to be lacking is already growing up and comforting him.


"Reid, eat everything."


Reid, who was picking vegetables quietly, shook his head. The boy pulling out the green vegetables hidden beneath the steak had a sullen expression on his face. Adrienne took over as a watchman at the table where Count Cassinel was absent. As a result, there was only one twin left to keep an eye on.

'Say no if you're going to do that.'

Cyril thought as he put his portion of the meat in his mouth. It's something that gets pointed out every time, so Reid was being told to correct his eating habits or not to interfere at all. (t/n : I'm not sure about the last part?)

That was enough for him to enjoy being nagged. With the repeated situation, it wasn't unreasonable for him to think that way.

"That's right, Cyril. There will be no training today."

"Looks like a mess again."

Reid was surprised by the blunt remarks. His gaze returned to his sister before returning to its original position. Cyril ate lamb-baked cherry tomatoes with a fork, unaware of the commotion. He didn't like the sour taste at first, but he got used to it and found it tolerable.

This was also someone's. It's not like he'll die if he doesn't eat some tomatoes, but someone gave him some to eat and get healthy soon.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry, Cyril."

"Yeah, it's Cassinel's job to keep the border secure, so it's not a big deal."

It wasn't a big deal to fix other people's food, either.

There was silence in his calm reply. Cyril looked up at Adrienne as he drank the rest of the drink slowly. The blue eyes were filled with concern.