
Chapter 37

Aidan, present time...

Ivy had her back turned toward me, but I knew she wasn't sleeping.

"Ivy, you sleeping?" I asked tentatively.


"You ever think about when you were a kid? What's your favorite memory from back then?"

Ivy stayed silent for a moment, letting the question hang in the air.

"County fairs," Ivy muttered eventually, not bothering to hide her irritation. "Winning a goldfish, okay?" her words were clipped.

"County fairs, huh?" I let out a laugh. I shifted, propping my up on one elbow. "You know, my favorite memory is something less... wholesome."

Ivy turned just enough to give me a wary glance. "Oh?"

"Senior year," I began, a smirk playing at the corner of my lips, "in your bedroom when I sneaked in one night after getting beat up by my dad..."