
My cherry will explode in Apocalypse

What is the most important thing about rebirth before the apocalypse? Grain storage? No, it’s trying to find the most important person in the past life! Reject the so-called relatives who have evil intentions! The abilities of the previous life have followed, and their golden fingers have suddenly become very big. Mutant plants, farming space, enough to feed himself and that man! Su Ruizhe took out a handful of cherries and chili peppers with a simple smile: “Honey, these ingredients, oh no landmines, you take them and throw them out when you meet a zombie! But don’t eat it!” Zhan Yun: “…” Wife is good at everything, but just a little silly… #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Andere
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114 Chs

Chapter 98: Strange zombie

When the car slowly entered the R&D base, it was full of rows of chimneys and factories, which looked extraordinarily spectacular. It's just that the well-lit research and development base is full of black lacquer, and there is no trace of light. The cement wall looks like a hundred and weak, and the glass door of the factory is broken. It looks very depressed.

According to the clue given by the head of the Chiang Kai-shek, the manufacturing workshop of the snow cruiser was in the largest building behind the experimental building in Zone B of the R&D base.

"So... where is Zone B?" Song Chengshu stopped the car. Because of the heavy snow, there was a lot of white everywhere. All the signs were covered by ice and snow. They couldn't see where it was Zone B. It is also a laboratory building.

"Drive a circle, let Cheng Jiao and Zhao Bing use the ability to remove the snow layer on the exterior wall and signboard of the building." Zhan Yun said.

"it is good."

When I got off the bus, it was a cold wind, although Cheng Jiao and Zhao Bing wrapped in thick coats, wearing masks and gloves, wrapped around the scarf, and couldn't help but shake when they got off the bus. They have never experienced such cold weather, and the wind blows on the skin, just like a knife.

The two men stunned and got out of the car. One used the flame to melt the snow on the sign, and the other used a strong wind to blow away the snow layer on the building to reveal the hidden sign.

Only the zombies in the R&D base smelled the smell of food and began to gather slowly. The snow was too thick, which affected the speed of action of these zombies.

They are unequivocal, and they start shooting when they take out their guns. After this period of actual combat, Zhang Yuliang, Wu Jing, Zheng Jia and their prospects of the guns that had never been touched before the end of the world have become very good. These scattered zombies were quickly killed.

"This is the c area, the B area is over there." After finding the position, Cheng Jiao and Zhao Bing immediately returned to the car and headed for the B area.

Only Yu Dongdong's body became stiffer and his instincts told him that the zombies that made him feel dangerous were nearby.

Because they were unfamiliar with the terrain, their car circled between the c and B areas, and finally stopped outside the side door of the experimental building in the B area. They needed to enter the experimental building and pass through a long corridor to reach Rear plant.

Seeing that the sky is getting darker, Zhanyun doesn't want to waste time. Simply get off the bus and put two George Barton into the space. Go through the experimental building and go to the back of the factory to find a snow cruiser. Anyway, there is a space abilities of Su Ruizhe. After finding the car, naturally it is easy to take the car out.

The flashlight was in the hands of everyone and carefully entered the test building.

As soon as Fang Yi entered the test building, they saw several dead bones that had been completely rotted at the gate, dried blood, and some broken limbs, which looked very horrible.

"Brother, be careful..." Yu Dongdong stretched out Su Ruizhe's down jacket angle.

"Don't worry, keep up with us." Su Ruizhe touched the head of the child and immediately followed the exhibition cloud into the test building. Although it is night when the end of the world broke out, there are still many people working in the R&D base working overtime. It is not surprising that there are some zombies hidden in this building.

The building was very quiet, and their footsteps seemed to be magnified several times, which sounded loud and loud. The place where the flashlight shines is not covered with dust, but it is covered with blood stains, giving people a feeling of creepy feeling.

Just as they were about to cross the building and enter the long and narrow corridor, they suddenly heard '啪嗒', something fell from the sky and was lying not far from them.

"What?!" Several people suddenly changed their face, and they flashed the flashlight to the unidentified object and found it was a rotten intestine that looked disgusting.

Zheng Jiahe looked up and looked up subconsciously, facing a pair of scarlet eyes, and scared him.

"There are zombies..."

There is no need for Zheng Jiahe's reminder. Zhanyun has already launched an abilities in an instant, pushing everyone away with gravity, thus avoiding the zombies who jumped from the second floor.

The zombie looks very miserable. The flesh and blood on the left shoulder to the abdomen are all bitten clean. There are several places where you can see the tooth prints. The left palm is gone, leaving only a bare arm bone. But the right half is intact... Apparently he was attacked by zombies before his death and was bitten to death.

However, the left arm of this zombie is not ordinary gray, but the white color is like jade. It looks like a hard texture. The sharp look is like a sword, which makes people feel instinct.

"Everyone is careful, this is a three-level zombie." Zhanyun said quietly.

Although it is only three levels, Zhanyun can feel the pressure that this zombie brings to him. If you give this zombie enough energy, I believe it will soon be able to evolve to level 4.

Just after the display of the battle, the zombie suddenly retreated, and the whole figure fell into the darkness. They immediately illumined the flashlight in all directions, but could not find the zombie that escaped.

This shows that the zombie is extremely fast and flexible.

"Winter, can you find the zombie?" Zhanyun looked at Yu Dongdong.

"I will give it a try." Yu Dongdong closed his eyes and began to search around them with his mental power. His mental power seemed to be a big net, slowly spreading around.

Suddenly, Yu Dongdong opened his eyes and couldn't talk to him. He suddenly slammed into Su Ruizhe's body. The round children wearing thick down jackets hit Su Ruizhe with a small cannonball.

And a sharp bone blade, pricked out from the wall, can wipe the neck of Su Ruizhe, if there is no such thing as Yu Dongdong, Su Ruizhe may have been in the same situation.

Zhang Yiliang's eyes slammed into the direction of the bone blade, and used the soil system to instantly disintegrate the wall, but the zombie still disappeared.

Obviously, this zombie is not a normal zombie, it has very weird abilities.

"It... moves very fast..." Yu Dongdong's small face is tight, his head is turning in all directions, desperately trying to lock the position of the zombie.

Everyone is also looking around, but there are only walls around, nothing can be seen.

"Be careful!" Yu Dongdong pushed the Su Ruizhe by his side, and lost Su Ruizhe to be thinner before he could be promoted by this little guy.

I saw that the white bone blade pierced instantly, and then rubbed Su Ruizhe's foot and shrank it back.

"What is going on here?! The zombie is staring at Xiaozhe?!" Two consecutive attacks against Su Ruizhe, people can not help but have such a conjecture.

"Like we can use the nucleus of the zombies, the zombies swallow the flesh and blood of the abilities and help them upgrade. Xiaozhe is the highest among us. Maybe the zombie is not necessarily targeted at him." The cloud looks dignified.

Su Ruizhe also agrees with Zhanyun's idea that passive defense has always been a solution. He took a lot of nuts from the space and directly converted it into a nut armor with his ability. It covered the whole body of Su Ruizhe, and the style looks like The armor worn by the Western knight is almost the same, the color is ugly, and it is the unique khaki of the nut.

Subsequently, Su Ruizhe transformed a set of smaller armor and put it on Yu Dongdong.

Zhang Yiliang once again launched his abilities, using his ability to make the ground of their soles harder and firmer, hoping to make the zombies unable to walk through them.

However, his preparation did not play any role. The zombie made an attack from the bottom of the floor unexpectedly, but was blocked by Su Ruizhe's armor. It's just that Su Ruizhe can feel that there are some cracks in the bottom of his armor. This is the armor transformed by the four-level ability, but it is cracked by the strike of the third-level zombies. It shows that the attack damage of the zombie is Absolutely not to be underestimated.

"I rely on... Is the zombie a grandson?" Several times, the attack was carried out through the walls and the ground. Zheng Jiahe couldn't help but vomit.

"Shut up!" Cheng Jiao immediately glanced at him. Is such a dangerous scene a joke?

Zheng Jiahe shrank his neck and looked around again with vigilance.

Just when everyone was preparing for Surrey's defense, Zhanyun suddenly felt a trace of danger. He subconsciously used the gravity power to vacate, and saw a bone blade stabbing from the ground following his ascending motion.

The zombie attacked Su Ruizhe three times, and even turned to attack the team's ability level in the second exhibition cloud.

Everyone suddenly became stunned. This zombie attack is hard to defend. If it is not for the show cloud to vacate in time, I am afraid it has already been pierced. If this zombie changes the target again, can they all hide in the past?

For a time, everyone changed their faces.

The author has something to say: [Little theater on the street]

The head of the Chiang Kai-shek has two eyes: the golden thighs have to go north, don't want me!

Zhan Xiaoyun: What do you say? ! speak politely! Hey! Don't hold my wife! Hey you!

Head of Jiang: Golden thigh! The world outside is very complicated! If you are hurt, please come back! Here is your warmest harbor! I am your strong backing! I am willing to fight the whole world for you!

Exhibition Xiaoyun: You say it again! You say it again! See if I don't kill you! Ok, Xiaozhe, let's go, never come back!

Su Xiaozhe: emmm, good!

Head of Jiang: Golden thigh, do you really want to abandon me? me! Help!

Zheng Jiahe: The head of the Chiang regime seems to be mad by our departure.

Dr. Song: Accurately speaking, it was mad by Xiaozhe's departure.