
My cherry will explode in Apocalypse

What is the most important thing about rebirth before the apocalypse? Grain storage? No, it’s trying to find the most important person in the past life! Reject the so-called relatives who have evil intentions! The abilities of the previous life have followed, and their golden fingers have suddenly become very big. Mutant plants, farming space, enough to feed himself and that man! Su Ruizhe took out a handful of cherries and chili peppers with a simple smile: “Honey, these ingredients, oh no landmines, you take them and throw them out when you meet a zombie! But don’t eat it!” Zhan Yun: “…” Wife is good at everything, but just a little silly… #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Andere
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114 Chs

Chapter 85: Fire in the rain

When Lin Jia helped them to finish treatment, he was the same as the whole person, and he couldn't stand the station.

"Thank you Mr. Lin." After the five-year-old Lin Jiadao thanked him, he said to the younger brother behind him, "Mr. Fu Linlin went to rest next door."

Su Ruizhe looked at the two younger brothers who supported Lin Jia to the second bedroom. The second bedroom was slightly like a residence. At a glance, the double-sized bed was seen. The sheets were looked at by the new ones. Lin Jia After being lifted to the bed, I fell asleep almost as soon as I got a pillow.

"Mr. Lin's abilities are special. Every time I use it, I will be particularly tired. It will be fine to sleep." Wu Ye saw Su Ruizhe frequently looking at Lin Jia's direction, knowing that he was worried about the other party and explained.

Su Ruizhe nodded undecidedly and did not accept the meaning.

Since it is all right, Wu Ye will let Li Bin, who is in charge of registration, come over and register for Zhanyun and others. He will be careful with him. He will chat with them on the side of the meeting and want to take more from their mouths. More information. The strength of these people is too strong. If you join the base and can use it for their brothers, it would be tricky. If you can't, it will be tricky.

Zhanyun is too lazy to talk nonsense with him. It directly shows that they are just passing by to avoid the rain. They are not planning to stay for a long time. They did not say where they came from. They only said that they planned to go to the northwest. The five lords listened to this and only a little peace of mind, I hope that the rain will stop quickly, so that these hot potato will be quickly sent away.

After registering their basic information, even though they are already psychologically prepared, Wu Ye and Qi Ye are still shocked. No wonder they only have nine people who dare to go on the road.

"How? Do not believe? Need us to prove it to you?" Cheng Jiao is a slick thorn.

"No, no... no need." Wuye was really afraid of the aunt's grandmother, and waved her hand again and again. "The things in front are misunderstandings. It is not right for us. In this way, the residences of today are provided by us, and the articles are not taken. "

"This is almost the same."

The five lords really dared to speak up, accompanied by smiles, and brought the people down the stairs.

The five masters arranged for them a three-story small building, which is already considered a good room type. The furniture in the house is also quite full, but it is particularly messy because it has not been cleaned for a long time.

"You let us live here?" Cheng Jiao frowned when he saw the environment of the house.

"I can't help it, I can't help it. The empty house at our base is like this. There is furniture in this house, and it can be cleaned or cleaned."

Wuye really did not tell lies. This world-facing city base has no solar power supply. The development situation is incomparable with the past life. It has been tossed for more than three months, and it is only a small-scale base. There are no specialties in Lincheng, so there will be no other bases dedicated to the city.

I will come to Lincheng here, basically come to go, according to the rules of the Lincheng base, pay the grain, you can just find an empty house to live, pay rent on a monthly basis, other bases will not manage, the house The furniture and cleaning all have to be solved by themselves. The house was originally intended to stay in the house, but it was too close to the garbage area on the other side. The environment was too bad, and he re-find another house.

He thought that it wouldn't matter if they only lived for a day or two.

Cheng Jiao still wants to say something, but it was stopped by the exhibition cloud. Zhanyun only wants these people to get out of the way so that they can rest well.

"Thank you. We can live here." Zhan Yun said to Wuye.

"Well, do you want me to find a few people to help you clean up?"

"No, we come by ourselves."

"That's good, we won't bother you to rest." Wuye nodded and was ready to leave.

Just when Wuye and Qiye and others were about to leave, Qiye suddenly felt a pain in his ankle. After a cry, he looked down and found that his ankle was bitten by a little black cat who didn't know where it came from. .

"Little black!" All the people in the exhibition cloud squad thought that after the black bite of Zheng Jiahe, the strange scene happened, and suddenly he was shocked. He worried that Xiaohe had exchanged his body with the seven-year-old...

Unexpectedly, after the black bite had finished the Seven Lords, he held his small head and walked away with a catwalk. The scenes they imagined did not happen, and everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't help, this kitten is a pet raised by our family. I want to avenge the little owner of it. Haha." Zheng Jiahe smirked and smirked twice.

The accident of shooting and injuring a child was originally a loss for him. Now he bites the cat. He can't bite it back. The seven-year-old looked at the wound on his ankle with blood beads, and had to knock down the teeth and blood, and five. Grandpa left together.

"That, then I am leaving. Let's rest early." Xu Fengying knew that it was not good to continue to disturb them, and he left.

When everyone left, Zheng Jiahe grabbed the kitten and said, with the big eyes and small eyes, "Don't do anything that is not dry, bite! How dirty?!"

Xiao He's fluffy little face showed a very humanized disdainful expression. He opened his mouth and smashed it. He spit out two small fireballs.

"Hey!" Zheng Jiahe's hair was picked up by the fireball.

"What is your ghost? Don't you come over and help clean up?" Cheng Jiao glanced at him.

"Little black spit fireball!"

"What?! What is going on?!"

A group of people were surrounded by the little black cat, and Xiao Hei spit two small fireballs for his face.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hekou can't say anything. There is no way to figure out what is going on. He can only guess that Xiao Hei's ability may be able to copy or acquire other people's abilities.

The people temporarily put this thing aside and continued to clean the room. If the vacuum cleaner is too loud and afraid of attracting the attention of others, Su Ruizhe really wants to take out a vacuum cleaner directly from the space.

Fortunately, Cheng Jiao, the wind power abilities and the cloud-like gravity abilities, are very simple to take away those ash. The ability of the cloud to use gravity to control the position where the dust can rise is controlled at one meter. The following heights, then Cheng Jiao used the wind to scream, so all of them were blown out of the window.

Just do this, you can only blow away the layer of ash on the surface, want to completely clean the dust, or use a rag to carefully rub it again, but now it has been more labor-saving.

Su Ruizhe took out a few empty buckets and let Song Chengshu fill the bucket with water. Everyone started to clean up together, and they didn't need to clean it very cleanly, as long as they could live.

The old sheets that have been stained with gray are all thrown away, replaced with new ones, and when they leave, they can take the sheets away.

After two hours of tossing, the house was finally cleaned up.

At this time, the rain outside has become bigger, the thunder bursts, and lightning strikes from time to time, the raindrops of the beans hit the window and made a crisp sound.

This kind of rainy weather and humid and cold weather is really not suitable for the road.

"Well, everyone is tired for a day, let's rest early."

"it is good."

After the people simply washed it, they returned to their rooms to rest, but when they slept in the middle of the night, Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe faintly heard crying.

The two looked at each other with a strange look. They got up and looked out the window. There was no figure on the street outside, but the shanty town on the opposite side ignited a raging flame. Although the rain outside is large, the shanty town has a roof, so the rain will not be able to pour out the flames there.

The shanty towns have a large number of simple and ruined houses, and the fire soon began to spread. There were constant calls for help, and there was soon a smog of smoke.

Opposite is a row of ragged old-fashioned shanty towns, they saw on the way to the five masters. Zhanyun guessed that someone wanted to get warm and heat, and accidentally lit the old house, causing a fire.

It was clear that there was heavy rain outside, but the fire was still spreading rapidly.

The two immediately got out of bed, and Su Ruizhe took out two ski jackets. After they were put on, they hurried down the stairs. When I arrived at the door, I met other people and seemed to be awakened.

"Aliang and Lao Song went with us, and others left." After Zhanyun finished, he pulled Su Ruizhe and rushed out the door.

Such a big rain, the umbrella is useless, it is better to take the rain directly into the convenience.

The four quickly rushed into the opposite shantytown, and Song Chengshu recruited two water columns and sprayed them toward the fire source, successfully suppressing the fire.

Zhan Yun, Su Ruizhe and Zhang Yuliang rushed in to help evacuate the crowd.

After the people in the fired houses were rescued, they saw the situation in the shantytown. The ragged men shook the ropes and shook them in the corner. You can see that there are many hay on the ground. It was used to warm up, but the temperature dropped too fast, the hay could not do anything, and some people raised the fire, which led to the fire.

Fortunately, they showed that they came quickly, controlled the fire, and rescued the trapped people in time, so there was no casualties.

"Thank you, thank you." Several people were quickly surrounded by those people, and they refused to thank them.

"You don't have to be polite..." Seeing the matter resolved, Zhanyun waved his hand and prepared to leave. He was not expected to be shouted.

The author has something to say: Hey, guess who is the person who screams them~~ Lin Jia is definitely going to save it~~ It's raining now~~ Inconvenient~~ Wait for the rain to stop again~~~

It is said that the day is going to see Jackie Chan's new movie "The Blood of the Machine". Have you finished reading it? Look good?

[Little theater on the street]

Lin Jia: Uncomfortable, the ability is running out!

Winter and winter: Your lovely little angel is on the scene! The little angel will save you!

Lin Jia: How can the little angel save me?

Winter and Winter: The little angel will summon Meng Meng's brother, Xiao Zhe's brother will summon the big demon.

Lin Jia: ... the big devil?

Winter and winter: It is the big demon who is holding a savage idiot to my savage brother! You wait, I am going to make the ultimate summoning now! Xiaozhe brother! Help! This five-year-old wants to be defiant for me and my gentle brother! I am so mad!

Su Xiaozhe: What? ! Exhibition Xiaoyun!

Exhibition Xiaoyun: Hey! What is the daughter-in-law?

Su Xiaozhe: It's cool, let the Lincheng base disappear!

Exhibition Xiaoyun: So good! My wife, I will go now!

Winter and winter: Brother, you are free, I am not super!

Lin Jia: Hey, you are superb. →_→

[Small fish theater of salted fish]

Play the pig to eat the tiger team ushered in a new team [healing the injured angel angel Lin Jia]!

Exhibition guard: Thank you, mom!

Winter and winter: I like this gentle big brother~

Su Xiaozhe: Winter and winter, don't you like me?嘤嘤嘤~

喵:喵~[This uncle likes you, qualified shovel officer~]

Exhibition Guard: [Great! This little nephew doesn't like my wife's words. My wife only loves me, it means that my wife only likes me! Happy

Your buddy: professional wise IQ, mad madman, Asian vinegar altar, exhibition escort, has been on the line...