
My cherry will explode in Apocalypse

What is the most important thing about rebirth before the apocalypse? Grain storage? No, it’s trying to find the most important person in the past life! Reject the so-called relatives who have evil intentions! The abilities of the previous life have followed, and their golden fingers have suddenly become very big. Mutant plants, farming space, enough to feed himself and that man! Su Ruizhe took out a handful of cherries and chili peppers with a simple smile: “Honey, these ingredients, oh no landmines, you take them and throw them out when you meet a zombie! But don’t eat it!” Zhan Yun: “…” Wife is good at everything, but just a little silly… #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Andere
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114 Chs

Chapter 81: Lincheng Base

Zhangyun, they still drove the off-road vehicle and left the southern base. During this time, because of the heat of the day, everyone was used to the night, and the work and the rest were reversed. Now suddenly driving in the big day, everyone feels that they are not used to it.

There is no need to open air conditioners in the car, open the window, and the cool breeze blows on the face. It is really rare to make people feel refreshed and good weather, but Zhanyun and others are not so good to appreciate the scenery. They are worried about the coming cold.

Zhanyun decided that the next journey, except Su Ruizhe, Yu Dongdong and Zheng Jiahe, the three people without a driver's license, the other six people took turns driving, and rushed to the northwest base day and night, leaving them with less time. ...

Only the situation was worse than they thought. At night, the temperature dropped to fifteen degrees, the window had to be closed, and Su Ruizhe took out a few thin coats from the space for everyone to wear.

Everyone did not dare to stop, no matter the day or night, they were desperate to hurry, even eating, but also in the car to smash two bread to solve, only need to go to the toilet, will stop to rest for a few minutes.

When the driver is driving the vehicle, the first officer is responsible for the alert, while the rest of the people take the time to sleep.

Despite the fact that everyone is so rushing to the clock, it is still not able to weather the dramatic changes.

The next day, the temperature continued to drop, and it had already gone to zero. The sky that had been clear for more than three months finally got a hint of haze, the dark clouds gradually gathered, and the wind began to get bigger and bigger.

Zhanyun looked at the darker sky outside, and his heart was heavy.

"You can't continue on the road. It seems that it will be raining soon." Zhanyun looked at Cheng Qi. "Look there is any place nearby to stop and rest?"

Cheng Qi and Cheng Jiao immediately searched on the map. Now there is no satellite or network. GpS navigation has long been unusable, and only the most primitive way of looking at maps can be used. Cheng Qi and Cheng Jiao grew up in the army and were very comfortable with the map.

What's more, this map is the latest version of the post-era reform that was handed over to them by the head of the Chiang Kai-shek. It not only has the route before the end of the world, but also the base of the survivors known to date. There are also safer gas stations and rest areas along the highway that have been cleaned up by the military. After all, road traffic is now the mainstay.

"The nearest distance is... Lincheng Base." Cheng Qi said after carefully checking the map, "about ten kilometers away from us."

"Lincheng Base?" Zhanyun heard a deep frown. "Don't go, find out if there is a rest stop."

That is where the former Su Ruizhe ruined his life, and he must have left a huge psychological shadow to Su Ruizhe. How can he let him go to the disgusting place?

"Ah? Why?" Cheng Qi didn't know what Su Ruizhe was born again, so I don't know why Zhanyun had to go far and farther, give up a survivor base that is close at hand, safe and comfortable, and have to find a farther rest. station.

"Let you find it, what do you want to waste?" Yan Yun said with a face, impatiently said.

"Looking for it, why are you so fierce..." Cheng Qi's grievances continued to look at the map.

"Don't look for it, let's go to the Lincheng base." Su Ruizhe suddenly said.

"Xiao Zhe!" Zhan Yun looked at him very disapprovingly.

"Brother, it's okay." Su Ruizhe smiled slightly. "I am not the same as me."

He is now much stronger than in the past, and he is no longer a naive boy. He now has a trusted companion, the ability to protect himself, and the defense of the Lincheng base. The base has not made any threat to him.

What's more, the weather is so bad now, if you take the risk and continue on the road, it is not only for themselves, but also for the entire team.

Zhan Yun had no way to take him, sighed, and finally let Zhang Yuliang drive the car to the direction of the Lincheng base.

From the highway, I entered Lincheng County from the lower gate.

When their car first entered the city, they saw an explosion and fire, and then a ragged van rushed past, followed by a small group of zombies.


"Come up." Zhanyun said calmly.

Look at the car and keep igniting the fireball outside. The main force should be a fire-powered person. It will be active in Lincheng County. It must be a person at the Lincheng base. Follow them and save the way. Trouble, you can save more time.

The car was rampaged. It was just the same way of driving. It was rubbed into the poles or the side rails several times. This kind of driving technology, if it was placed in the last days, I am afraid that the driver's licenses have been revoked hundreds of times. But now no one will manage it.

That small group of zombies was quickly opened by the car, and it was easy to escape to the base, but it was a problem.

It was also the people in the car who were so badly lucky that they were driving open. Suddenly a few zombies rushed out from the front. The driver wanted to directly crush the past. Who knows that one of the zombies turned out to be an evolutionary zombie. After hitting it, Not only did the zombie not be crushed, but the driver was directly taken from the car by the zombies and bitten his throat.

The door was pulled open and several young people stumbled from the car, including a woman in tight leather pants.

From behind, Zhanyun can clearly see that the head of the bread has been flattened in, showing that the zombie's defense and strength are very strong.

"It is a three-level zombie!" Zhang Yuliang's eyes lit up. Wu Jing was in a critical moment when he was about to rise to the third level from the second level. He was a three-level zombie nucleus. It was really a sleepy person who sent a pillow.

Not only did Zhang Yiliang not stop, but instead added a gas pedal and rushed straight toward the third-level zombies.

At this time, the third-level zombies also had the same person on the hand, and dropped the broken body of the man, and they chased the few people who fled.

The woman in the tight leather pants ran and threw the fire ball behind her. It turned out that she was the fire power.

The zombies were very fast, and they immediately caught up. Like the eagle catching the chicken, he grabbed the second person and bit the neck.

Several other people were scared to scream and ran more and more.

At this time, the woman noticed the off-road vehicle that was driving towards them, and suddenly their eyes glowed, and they ran harder in their direction.

The woman looks in fact only ordinary, but the body is hot enough, a leather coat completely outlines her good body, people clean up, the skin is white, it looks as beautiful as adding a filter.

"Help! Open the door! Let me go up!" The woman screamed and waved her hands toward the car, her eyes filled with tears, and she was very weak.

In the end of this lack of food and clothing, most of the women are yellow-skinned and thin, and the look of this woman can be regarded as a superior beauty.

If you change someone else, you must not stop talking to let the beauty come up.

It's a pity... the people in this car are not the kind of people who will be fascinated by women...

When she passed by with the woman, Zheng Jiahe lowered the window and said with helplessness and regret. "Sorry, the car is full."

The woman stopped her footsteps, and then the off-road vehicle in front of her eyes passed through her front like a gust of wind, and smashed her face with a car exhaust...

The off-road vehicle stopped directly in front of the third-level zombies. Zhang Yuliang jumped out of the car and directly used the ability to soften the ground under the zombies. After the zombies sank, he put his feet in the ground. Then cover the right hand with a layer of hard stone and go to the face of the third-level zombies.

The third-level zombie is not stupid. He immediately reached out and blocked it. Its strength was not weak. He grabbed Zhang Yuliang's hand and made it difficult for him to enter.

After all, Zhang Yuliang is not a power-type abilities, and he is no match for the zombies in front of him. Seeing that the other paw of the zombie was about to grab his face, Zhang Yuliang slightly licked his lips.

The next moment, Zhang Yuliang used a stone to condense a right fist on the outer shell, suddenly growing a spike and straight into the zombie's head.

The zombie attack came to an abrupt end and then slowly fell.

In less than two minutes, Zhang Yiliang alone solved the battle.

He bent down, pulled out the dagger, broke the zombie head, hid the nucleus that he wanted, and prepared to wash it and hand it to Wu Jing.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of Xu Fengying, but it made her heart rise.

When she was on the zombie, she saw that the zombie's strength was extraordinary. It was the strongest of the zombies she had ever seen. She thought she was going to die this time, but she did not expect it. I don't know where to run out of a buggy. The off-road vehicle jumped down such a tall and strong man, and this man actually has such amazing strength? !

In just two minutes, it killed such a powerful zombie. This kind of strength, no matter if it is placed in any base, is enough to stand out.

But he came to the city...

Xu Fengying's eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, Lincheng has been recruiting the abilities and given the best treatment. This man must have been attracted!

If she can climb such a powerful man, she will not need to venture out again in the future, and her days will be better than before...

Zhang Yiliang did not know that there were some inexplicable people who stared at himself. He just asked for a little water with Song Chengshu. The crystal nucleus in his hand was carefully washed and put away, and he was ready to get on the bus.

"Thank you for your help!" Suddenly a female voice came from behind him and scared him.

The author has something to say: Liang brother: Hey? Miss who are you?

[Little theater on the street]

Jiang Xiansen: I have to go to a different place. I don't know when I can meet each other. I will give you a solar generator. I hope that I will feel warm in the cold winter.

Exhibition Xiaoyun: emm, grateful.

Zheng Jiahe: How did your style change? very scary!

Jiang Xuzhou: I am sorry, just my brother Jiang Zhouzhou! Here is my correct way to open it. This is a flat-panel photovoltaic power generation unit, its biggest feature is photovoltaic power generation! Not only can it be used in the sun, even in winter, rainy, cloudy, typhoon, it can run for you! With it, from this winter heating is no longer shaking, the end of the world is still the same!

Everyone: ...you still let your brother speak out! →_→