
My cherry will explode in Apocalypse

What is the most important thing about rebirth before the apocalypse? Grain storage? No, it’s trying to find the most important person in the past life! Reject the so-called relatives who have evil intentions! The abilities of the previous life have followed, and their golden fingers have suddenly become very big. Mutant plants, farming space, enough to feed himself and that man! Su Ruizhe took out a handful of cherries and chili peppers with a simple smile: “Honey, these ingredients, oh no landmines, you take them and throw them out when you meet a zombie! But don’t eat it!” Zhan Yun: “…” Wife is good at everything, but just a little silly… #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Andere
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114 Chs

Chapter 47: Precious peas

There is a dark-skinned, seemingly honest and honest little warrior looking excited at the exhibition cloud. "What you just used is the ability? What is your attribute? Yeah? How so powerful, can you suppress those very powerful zombies at once?"

"Yeah, right, little brother, do you have any abilities?" Someone asked around Su Ruizhe. They didn't care how big the big ones were. They were beaten by Su Ruizhe a few shots. The body is just like a scattered shelf, it is too powerful.

"Oh, why didn't the little guy just come? I think he definitely has the same ability." This should be Zheng Jiahe.

Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe were surrounded by soldiers and asked various questions. They did not know which question to start to answer. It felt very stressful.

At this time, a forty-year-old, shaved, and tall and straightened officers came over. "Hey! Like what! Go back to your position!"

"Zhang Lianchang!" The small soldiers stood up straight and bowed to the ceremony. They were all like the gourd with their saws. They dared not make another sound and quickly returned to their respective posts.

"Two, please come with me." Zhang Lianchang led them to walk inside.

Several people went upstairs and came to the door of a room. Zhang Lianchang tapped the door at the door and shouted loudly, "Report!"

"Come in." There was a deep, thick voice in the room.

Zhang Lianchang walked in with two people. The room was not big. There was only one table and three chairs. There were some debris in the corner, which was obviously just sorted out. There was a burly middle-aged officer waiting for them. The man had a scar on his forehead and looked very serious. He saw that the badge was not low.

"Head, two guests have already brought." Zhang Lianchang took the lead in introducing them to Zhanyun. "Two, this is our head of Chiang."

"The head of the Chiang regime is good."

"Two good, come here, please sit down." The head of the group smiled and said that they sat down. "In the next Fourth Army, the head of the independent regiment, Jiang Xuzhou, still don't know the names of the two?"

"My name is Zhanyun, he is Su Ruizhe."

After several people sat down, Zhang Lianchang went out and took the door.

"I have already listened to them. Thanks to the two shots, or else our injuries will be more serious."

"Don't dare to be."

"Two, time is not much, I will open the door again. Two should be the abilities?" There are only three of them left in the room, and the head of the Chiang delegation did not cover up.

"Yes." The two did not evade and directly admitted. "I can control gravity, he can manipulate plants."

When they shot, they were ready to expose their abilities, but they concealed their second abilities.

In the future, the status of the abilities will rise with the passage of time. They are now hanging a number on the government side, always benefiting more than the disadvantages, and they believe that the government should already know the things of the abilities. .

"Sure enough, the two should already know about the nucleus?"

"Crystal nucleus?" The exhibition cloud did not respond to the question.

"Yes." said, the head of the Jiang took a transparent crystal nucleus from the trouser pocket and placed it on the table. "This is the nucleus, an energy crystal taken from the head of the zombie, but Several zombies that were killed before."

The clouds in the exhibition cloud are shrunk and the muscles are slightly tightened.

"Do not misunderstand the two, I have no other meaning, those zombies were originally killed by you. It is also necessary to take the crystal nucleus. I just want to judge whether the two crystal nuclei are different. I believe that The position was also discovered, and the zombies were special." Jiang Xuzhou was sincere and sincere. "I swear by the honor of the military, I have absolutely no malice against the two."

Su Ruizhe gently grasped the hand of Zhanyun and directly answered Jiang Xuzhou's words. "Yes, we think that those should be evolutionary zombies, because they are several times the speed of the body and the hardness of the body. Hard to deal with."

Su Ruizhe had an inexplicable affection for the Fourth Army. When he was detained in the secret laboratory of the Institute, he heard about the name of the Fourth Army.

At that time, the Lincheng base was within the jurisdiction of the Fourth Army and would often send people to the Lincheng base to inspect. The Fourth Army explicitly banned human experiments, so every time someone with a Fourth Army came to inspect, those researchers would be very careful, and the time to torture him in a secret lab would be reduced.

Therefore, Su Ruizhe is willing to believe that Jiang Xuzhou is really not malicious to them.

"This is the nucleus of the zombies." Su Ruizhe took a pale red nucleus from his pocket and placed it next to the transparent nucleus on the table.

The light red nucleus is larger than the transparent nucleus, and the faint red has a mysterious taste, making it look as beautiful as a work of art, making it impossible to imagine its source.

"Is the nucleus of the evolutionary zombies all in this color?" Jiang Xuzhou took the nucleus carefully and looked at it. It was found that apart from the color and size, the two crystal nucleus did not seem to make much difference.

"Yes, a total of five, all are light red."

Jiang Xuzhou sighed for a long while, nodded and returned the reddish crystal nucleus to Su Ruizhe. "I know, thank you, but I also want to ask, when you killed those zombies before, it seems to be a gun? Know what is the difference with our gun?"

"The difference is bullets." Su Ruizhe said that he took out a small cloth bag from his pocket, pulled out a few peas from it, and then held it with his left hand. When he opened it again, the peas became green. Green bullets.

Jiang Xuzhou was so surprised that he widened his eyes and took a bullet to look at it. In addition to the color, both the feel and the shape were exactly the same as the normal bullets.

"Is this your power?"

"Yes, my ability seems to be able to weaponize plants."

"Are you ordinary peas?" Jiang Xuzhou looked carefully at the peas that were full of particles and looked very fresh.

"Yes, that's the most common pea, I use abilities to maintain it, so it looks very fresh."

Jiang Xuzhou nodded, and then excitedly asked, "I don't know how many peas are in your hand? Can you give me some peas and a few bullets?"

He thinks that some elements in the peas have a restraining effect on the evolutionary zombies. After returning to the researchers, they may be able to make important discoveries!

"Yes, these are the ones that I used to keep before the end of the world. I can give you half of them. If you have bullets, you can take them all." Before Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe returned to the car, they also discussed it. They did not think that Su Ruizhe's pea bullets could cause such a big damage to the evolutionary zombies. They think this may be related to the chlorophyll and certain vitamins contained in the plants.

They can't conceal this secret selfishness. The appearance of the evolutionary zombies proves that the zombies are constantly evolving, and if the speed of human progress cannot keep up with the zombies, the only ones waiting for humanity will perish. Therefore, they decided to make the chlorophyll and certain vitamins contained in plants and fruits have a certain inhibitory effect on the zombie virus. Later, some people will discover it later and disclose it to the government so that the government can prepare in advance.

Now, in the early days of the last days, the seeds of vegetables and fruits, if you look for it, you can always find some, whether it is soilless cultivation or abilities. In short, as long as Su Ruizhe is not allowed to become the 'sole' source of supply.

"Right, when the power is awakened, it may be helpful to eat some fruits and vegetables." Zhanyun added a timely sentence. Since it has decided to show the government and the army, it is better to show it. Anyway, just a reminder of more things.

Jiang Xuzhou paid great attention to the words of the two people. After three more thanks, they also revealed to them the situation of some survivor bases. The survivor base has just been established and is still in the trial operation stage. Although it is unconditionally accepting all survivors, if you want to live, you still have to rely on yourself. The base will not raise idlers. Jiang Xuzhou told them that if they want to enjoy better conditions in the survivor base, they will need to pay certain materials. Tonight, they will enter A city for search and rescue. If they are willing, they can go with the team and collect more materials, which is always good for them.

Zhan Yun immediately said that he had friends in the city of A, so he was very willing to go with the troops at night. After talking about a conversation, Jiang Xuzhou personally sent two people to leave, and ordered people to arrange a separate room for the team of Zhanyun. Finally, he sent this important message to the Southern Military Command by radio transmitter.

The army arranged a north-facing room for Zhanyun and Su Ruizhe. The backlight would be cooler, giving them shelter from the window and laying a mat on the ground. The arrangement was quite elaborate.

It didn't take long for the two to enter the room. Song Chengshu, they carried a big bag and followed several soldiers.

It was too hot during the day, and everyone was basically sleeping during the day. At noon, the army only provided the survivors with food such as water and biscuits, and at night they cooked some porridge.

The author has something to say: Hey, put the ability to weaponize the plant on the Ming Road, and hide the space power is not a big problem~~~ Now remind the government of the importance of the plant, it is always helpful. After the plant is not so scarce, Su Ruizhe is not so eye-catching ~~

Right, add a little, the previously mentioned sacred vines, is the form of the reference plant vs. zombies 2... Plants vs. Zombies 1 inside the sacred vine is a dark stuff, looks ugly~

[Little theater on the street]

Su Xiaozhe: Ah! There are evolutionary zombies!

Zheng Jiahe: Look at my golf club! Was... waved? !

Exhibition Xiaoyun: Look at my gravity! There are a lot of zombies, I am off! Xiaozhe, hug!

Su Xiaozhe: Hey! And I! Biubiu~~

Zheng Jiahe: It's a big killer! In other words, can you make the peas into miniature bombs? When you shoot them out, you will explode when you encounter the zombies. When you shoot a zombie, the scene is absolutely wonderful! Even in the later period, the zombies evolved to grab bullets like a martial arts master, and even if he couldn't die, he could blow him up, hahaha! I am a genius!

Su Xiaozhe: The thinking of the otaku is really different from ours!

Zhan Xiaoyun: The brain hole is very good, it is easy to think too much.

Song Chengshu: The professional soy sauce said that if the peas are stopped with their abilities, the abilities should be similar.

Zheng Jiahe: This is not the boss!