
My cherry will explode in Apocalypse

What is the most important thing about rebirth before the apocalypse? Grain storage? No, it’s trying to find the most important person in the past life! Reject the so-called relatives who have evil intentions! The abilities of the previous life have followed, and their golden fingers have suddenly become very big. Mutant plants, farming space, enough to feed himself and that man! Su Ruizhe took out a handful of cherries and chili peppers with a simple smile: “Honey, these ingredients, oh no landmines, you take them and throw them out when you meet a zombie! But don’t eat it!” Zhan Yun: “…” Wife is good at everything, but just a little silly… #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Andere
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114 Chs

Chapter 40: Rescue plan

Song Chengshu saw Zhao Bing fainted, and immediately went to check and found that his body temperature was amazing, but he was actually having a fever.

"What happened? Is there any other injury in Zhao Paichang?" The gunshot wound on Zhao Bing's arm has been bandaged. He did not see any other blood in other parts. It should be no other wounds.

Several soldiers looked at each other and they did not remember that there were other injuries on the platoon.

When Song Chengshu couldn't ask for one, he simply took off the clothes on Zhao Bing's body. He found a shallow scratch on his back neck, perhaps because he was scratched by the nails of the zombies. The wound was shallow and there was no blood flow, so it did not attract attention.

He opened Zhao Bing's eyelids and looked at it. The pupil is still normal. Although the eyes are also a little congested, it should be the normal performance caused by staying up late and tired. People who are not infected with the virus are so **** and exaggerated as long as he can resist. The invasion of the virus should be able to pass.

"Doctor, how are we in the platoon leader?" Several small soldiers were scared, and they were afraid that Zhao Bing would become the same as his comrades.

"It doesn't matter now, he should be fighting the virus. We can't do anything. It depends on him."

A small soldier fell to the ground and looked at the painful face. Zhao Bing, who was bitten by the gums, could not help but drop a tear.

"I blame me, if the platoon leader pulled me, it should be me now lying here..."

"Now it's no use saying that you are still looking for an ice pack, at least to help cool down."

After listening to Song Chengshu's words, the soldiers went to the pharmacy and found only three people to take care of the wounded.

Song Chengshu looked at Zhao Bing's heavy sigh. Now Zhao Bing needs nothing more than a glass of vegetable juice, but vegetable juice is also the most unlikely thing to appear here...

When I came in, I was too hasty, and the car was parked outside. I wanted to pretend that it was taken from the car.

However, the sudden cracking of the glass shattered the attention of everyone.

"You are watching them here, let's go out and see!" Zhanyun said decisively to the three little warriors.

"That... well, if there is danger, call us now!" The three little fighters thought they were soldiers. They were dangerous and they should be in front of them. But there are still a few unconscious comrades lying here. They are not at all. May go away, only let the show cloud go out to see the situation.

"it is good."

When they first came to the corridor, they saw several zombies smashing through a glass window and trying to climb in. The windows of the hospital are tempered glass. It is not easy to break it. It seems that the strength of these zombies is really getting bigger.

"Let me come and let me come!" Zheng Jiahe rushed up, and the golf club in his hand had screamed at the zombie's celestial cover, exploding the zombies.

It's just a zombie that has been killed in the past, but now it takes two or three times to die. The skull seems to be hard several times, and it takes Zheng Jiahe to spend more effort.

Seeing that Zheng Jiahe had finished the zombies, Zhang Yiliang stepped forward and planned to use the soil system to seal the window, but was stopped by Song Chengshu.

Song Chengshu took out the dagger and smashed a few nucleus in the zombie heads that were opened by Zheng Jiahe.

Song Chengshu cleaned up the crystal nucleus with water and cleared it, and then let Zhang Yuliang go to seal the window.

In order to prevent further zombies from coming in, Zhang Yuliang simply sealed all the windows and doors on the first floor, and they certainly couldn't get in again.

When closing the window door, Zhang Yiliang consumed a lot of abilities, but fortunately, it can be supplemented with crystal nucleus.

When they returned to the clinic, the soldiers had already returned from the pharmacy with ice packs and were physically cooling Zhao.

"Nothing?" They asked Zhanyun and others to come back and immediately asked with concern.

"Nothing, a few zombies broke the window and it was blocked."

"That's good." The soldiers settled down. They took out a few packets of broken biscuits, and some bags filled with saline, and divided them in half to show them. "We don't bring much food, only There is this biscuit left, you take it to the girl and the child to eat it. These salines are taken in the pharmacy. Drinking less, there is no problem."

Normal saline is salt water, which is harmless to the human body. In the absence of water, it is also possible to add salt and water, but not too much.

Su Ruizhe, they all have some movements. These soldiers obviously have not rested one day and one night, and they have been injured because they were concealed by survivors. They are tired and hungry, but they also consider women and children, and divide the food left. Gave them.

No wonder all said that the military is the most lovely person in the world.

"No, we have food in the car, have already eaten." Wu Jing hurriedly resigned, and returned the things to them, even the winter and winter shook hands.

The soldiers saw that they really didn't need it. This took things back and ate them.

"What are your plans for the next time?" Song Chengshu could not help but ask.

"We don't know." The soldiers smiled bitterly. "When the platoon leader wakes up, let's talk about it. It should be a way to go back and save other people."

"But you are so a little bit...?"

"That's the way, always can't leave them alone?" A little soldier smiled a bit.

The clinic is not very big. In order to allow the soldiers to rest better, Zhanyun found another room to rest.

"Show brother, what do we do next?" Zheng Jiahe asked in a low voice.

The situation they want to know has been asked, but it is very different from what they imagined. The garrison of the city of S is now being controlled by a group of civilians. They don't know when they will wait for the rescue. Although it is said that Su Ruizhe is eating and drinking, but now the zombies are getting stronger and stronger, it's always better. Follow the big forces safely.

"Rescue will definitely come, it's just a matter of time." Zhanyun answered affirmatively. "But before that, we can help them rescue the soldiers who were arrested in the military camp."

"Only a few of us?" Song Chengshu asked a little unbelievable.

"How? Don't you dare?" Zhanyun raised an eyebrow. "They only have two abilities, we are six."

"But... they have guns..." Those people robbed the arsenal of the military camp, and they must have been armed.

"What? Is our firepower weaker than them?"

Song Chengshu thinks about this, they also have Su Ruizhe this mobile arsenal!

Su Ruizhe said with a slight lip, "In fact, I thought of a way that I don't have to harden, maybe I can steal them."

"What is the way?" Song Chengshu looked at him with his eyes bright.

Su Ruizhe raised his hand and a thick green vine appeared in his hand.

"what is this?"

Su Ruizhe manipulated the vine with his power and climbed onto the wall. Then everyone heard a little unspeakable chewing sound. The vines had a gully, as if they had been smashed by something.

"Birdstone vine!" Zheng Jiahe, the otaku, first responded and shouted the name of the vine.

This is in the game, the kind of plant that can be planted on the tombstone to devour the tombstone. Nowadays, it is used to devour the wall quietly, but it also has the same effect.

Soon, the vines sneaked out a big hole on the wall.

"Great! So we can enter the military camp quietly!"

"There are Zhao Bing and their familiarity with the topography, and they definitely want to be bigger."

"But after you rescue them, how do you place them?"

"Take it back to the villa area first. There are so many empty houses there, you can always live."

The crowds quickly decided the next plan, and now they waited for Zhao Bing to wake up.

Only in the middle of the night, Zhao Bing's high fever became more and more powerful, and the body was still shaking. The little soldiers came over and asked Song Chengshu to go twice. But awakening this kind of thing, Song Chengshu really can't help, can only comfort them a few words.

In the end, Song Chengshu was not at ease. He asked Su Ruizhe to take out a bottle of mixed juice from the space, and gave half of it to Yu Dongdong. The rest was mixed with some vegetable juice and was taken to the little warriors. It is said that they drink the rest, add vitamins to Zhao Bing, can enhance the resistance.

The little warriors did not understand this. They felt that drinking some juice could fill the stomach, so they thanked Song Chengshu and took it to Zhao Bing to drink.

I don't know if Zhao Bing was lucky, or the juice mixed with vegetable juice played a role. When the sun rose the next day, Zhao Bingqing woke up.

When I saw the platoon leader opening his eyes, the little warriors who were worried that they didn't close their eyes for a night had shed tears.

When they heard the movement, they also ran over in the exhibition cloud. "How? What awakening is awakened?"

"Abilities?" Zhao Bing just woke up, and there is still something to return.

"Yeah, you were scratched by the zombies. Fortunately, you have passed away and have not been infected. Now that you are awake, you must have awakened your abilities. You must try it!"

Zhao Bing is still a bit stunned, but after Song Chengshu told him about the use of the abilities, he felt the power of the body and then tried to control the power.

The next moment, Zhao Bing's palm emerged with a hot flame.

"Hah, it's a firepower!"

The author has something to say: Hey, this special card today, so sorry for the late update! ! ! ! Cough, cough, ~~~ After the update, I am ready to go to the hand~~

These days, I was originally uncomfortable because of a cold. As a result, my family still had a rat. I couldn't sleep at night, and I couldn't climb it during the day. It was simply miserable! Yesterday, I asked the aunt to clean all the corners of my house. I swept a bag of peanuts from the sofa. Auntie said that it might be a mouse from this thing. There are a lot of teeth on it. It seems that the mouse didn't seem to be in trouble last night. What happened? But I was still trembled. I also used a big box to build a fortress at the door of my room, lest the mouse ran into my room! Anyway, I don't open a house to cook, put all the food in the cupboard, close the door of the room, and cut off the water for the mouse. It should be better...

The day before yesterday, she called the girlfriend and wanted to borrow the cat from her house. She categorically refused. He said, 'My family is more afraid of mice than you.' Suddenly speechless.

[Little theater on the street]

Zhao Bing: It turns out that I have a huge army...

Zhan Xiaoyun: Everyone is moving the chair and telling the story. Su Xiaozhe took the peanut seeds out.

Zhao Bing: ... We saved a thousand or two people later.

Everyone: Uh huh!

Zhao Bing: Later, two abilities were coming.

Everyone: Uh huh!

Zhao Bing: Then many soldiers gg.

Everyone: ... I want to say something, but I don't know what to say. →_→

Zhao Bing: Probably you feel the same!

Song Chengshu: emmm... Probably, maybe, maybe.

Zhao Bing: I am so sad...

Song Chengshu: Festival mourning.

Zhao Bing: Sad to awaken the power!