

All Bella wanted was to live a normal life with normal people but things didn't go as she planned.Working at JLMK company was her dreams always.She buried all her past behind her if that was what she thought.But things kept on getting worse.Bella Anderson a smart, intelligent young lady who thought she could start a new life but it wasn't like that. Sean Walter the hot and arrogant CEO with his good looks.Delivishly handsome but dangerous.He got it all money,Looks,Fame. Sean carried a dangerous vibe around him, Cold,Distant, Intimidating but handsome.Every girls dreams man.But he doesn't have the time for women. ...... "Is this some kind of trick again bella?" Sean asked as he began listening to every thing he just couldn't believe it. "Sean it's not what you think" Bella pleaded put in front of this situation what was she even thinking. "So have been fooled again" Sean said to him self. "It's not what you think Sean" "What am I supposed to think about right now!!!"Sean raised his voice. This story is amazing.Will bella tell Sean are story or we she hide it or will Sean tell her what's his plan.Will there both fight for their love or it will lead to a disaster find out what will happen between this two both hiding their dark secrets. Notice: guys I don't know how to write long novels.my novel are not long and not short is just normal.thanks I hope you understand.And this is my first book so please give it a try and I'll try to update the book cover. Thank you

favigold · Fantasie
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36 Chs

Scare me

[The next morning...]


Bella woke up early today she needed to confirm whether she was,fired or not!.She got out of bed as she made way to the bathroom she looked like a mess right now.She splashed water on her face, before brushing her teeth.While brushing she thought of possible sceneries that could happen.

'Sigh...How do I face him?what if he really fired me? should I stay back?'She thought after a while she came to decision.

'No I won't back down,I have to face him whether I like it or not' Bella thought.

She quickly made her way to the kitchen she thought of what she could prepare fast for her and Nicki.An idea popped into her head.

Knock! Knock!

Nicki was still in her dreamland failed to notice bella knocking on her door.In her sleep she frowned in displeasure with whoever it was.

"Sigh... She's sleeping I'll just barged in and scare her..."A silly thought popped into Bella's head.She opened the door slowly and made way to the bed she climbed on it.

Bella saw Nicki sleeping like baby she looked cute.A grin appeared on Bella's face she thought of scaring Nicki to her bones.Bella brought a small knife which was not harmful at all the edge wasn't even sharp so it couldn't hurt anyone.

"WAKE UP!!!"And bella yanked Nicki forcefully bring the knife near her chest like stabbing her.

[Author: Lol...Bella's wants to scare Nicki this morning...sob poor Nicki doesn't know]

Nicki heard someone yelling and yanking her forcefully she was forced to open her eyes.Ths first thing that she saw was a knife at her chest ready to stab her to death,and a lady on top of her ready to kill her with bloodshot eyes,Nicki suddenly felt scared was this how she would die!

'Before I die at least let me Michael Larry and touch him at least!'

Wait what was she thinking her first thought was Michael Larry.Like seriously!!!

Nicki closed her eyes in hear her voice barely heard"Please don't kill me...I beg you"Her voice in fear she closed her eyes for the impact of the knife pierced into her chest,but what she heard was a sound of laughter in the room.Confused Nicki saw the person's face she felt like plucking the person's eyes out she yelled in anger.

"BELLA ANDERSON ARE YOU THAT HELLBENT ON KILLING ME LIKE THIS?!!!YOU ARE AT IT AGAIN HUH?!!YOU PLAN ON MAKING ME SCARED LIKE THIS HUH?!!"Nicki was really cut up in anger she failed to notice that bella had gotten of her and left the room.

Nicki left the room in anger and saw bella in the kitchen.Nicki yelled in anger.

"Arghhh I wanna beat you?!!Get your ass down here bella?!!You crossed it all and I wanna let you get a taste of your own medicine?!!"Nicki yelled in anger.Bella just looked at her and smirked.

"Nicki it's still quite early... lower your voice or else you want neighbors to think otherwise..."


"Why the hell did you do that?!!!"Nicki yelled at her.

"Oh I did very well...I scared your bones out right..."Bella said with a proud look.


"No you didn't scare me but...you tired to kill me..."Nicki huffed and walk away.

"The knife wasn't even sharp and it's not harmful you can even try to cut yourself but it won't cut you..."Bella explained but Nicki already left the kitchen and walked back to the room in anger.

"Humph what a wicked soul..."Nicki thought as she recalled the conversation she had with bella while having dinner.

***Mini flashback***

"Bella sometimes I feel insecure..."Nicki voiced out her worries.

"Why do you think so...?"Bella asked,she something was definitely bothering Nicki.

"I don't know... but sometimes I feel insure.So I want you to do something for me"Nicki said but also asked.

"Ok what is that?"Bella asked.

"I want you to scare me,bella"Nicki pleaded.


"What?! why do you want me scare you"Bella couldn't help but ask.

"Just help me do this,bella I really want to know how I can..."Nicki paused.

"How you can... what?"Bella asked.

"How I can discover my fears...and something like that..."Nicki said.

"Is something going on?"Bella felt something was wrong and out of place.

"NO!!!"Nicki suddenly yelled.


"Will you help me or not?"Nicki said nonchalantly as she continued to eat.

"You don't have to yell at me like that?!!!"Bella got angry and yelled at Nicki.

"Look I don't have your time...Just do what I ask you to do which is scare me..."Nicki said

"Fine I'll scare you!"Bella got up and left the dinning to her room she was so angry.

***End of flashback***

"Arghhh she's not the wicked soul...Nicki you went to far she just tired to help you..."Nicki said she went overboard with bella last night and this morning.

She was the one that asked for it but she,got so cut up in anger and talked to bella like that.She messed with her already wet hair in anger.She got dressed in her office skirt suit.She looked professional she arranged her hair and did her makeup.

She checked her diamond wrist watch it was already 7 o'clock.She wore her black heels and left the room.

When Nicki arrived down she already saw bella dressed up corporately.She looked professional and also looked ethereal such a goddess.Bella really looked good in black it added to her beauty the more making her outstanding.

Bella already ate breakfast.Shs got up from the chair and took some files about the shares of the company with her.When she looked up she found Nicki staring at her.

'What's her problem again!'Bella thought.

Sigh...why does she have to deal with her this morning.Bella looked up and suddenly spoke.

"Let's get going, I don't want to be late..."Bella said Nicki nodded before she stepped out of Bella's apartment.

"See you..."Bella said as she finish locking her apartment.

"Wait I'll drop you at the company"Nicki said suddenly.

"No...I'll take a taxi...Oh look I found one"Bella got inside the taxi to the company.