
Chapter 70- Kidnapped.

Raina's POV.

The game was getting tougher and fiercer, it was like they had to win each other or nothing. It was like a hidden prize was there waiting for whoever won and the prize was definitely something they all needed.

Bas and his father were in some sync with defending the ball, the way the switched between each other was really beautiful, it became more beautiful when Bas's Grandfather joined, and Lyn also joined, they kept flipping between each other and by being the score keeper or recorder, I was feeling the pain of standing for a long while watching vampires play handball.

I didn't even feel it at first because I was too engrossed in the game, but thumping my feet when I felt like there was no blood moving made me realize than I stood for too long.

I scanned the area slowly searching to see if I could find any extras to sit, I couldn't find it nor did I see it, the few ones around were occupied, I bit my lips in frustration, I could feel my irritation already, it felt suffocating like I really needed to sit or I wouldn't feel better till I do.

I thought of talking to Bas but they were all so engrossed in the game, I didn't want to disturb him.

I paused when I felt a shadow beside me, I clutched my clothes when I saw the shadow come closer, I wanted to shout, but I was too tired to even shout out to Bas or Lyn and Gabriel for help.

I turned to the shadow figure and was startled to meet a vampire staring at me with red eyes, it was terrifying, I noticed him as one of the vamps who were spectating at the other extreme, he looked at me with a small smile and I raised my brows at him in question, he just kept giving me a small smile.

I noticed him bring a chair to me and I stilled, I didn't know how he knew that I desperately needed a chair, the only person who could guess what I needed or how I feel easily and was always in sync was Bas, but this vampire somehow knew that I needed a chair urgently, I wondered if he read minds too, I shifted back slightly because I had a little edging distrustful feeling in me that he may have planned with the other vamps who were staring at me now to do something to me.

I straightened my back and kept my chin high, whatever he planned I didn't care but I wasn't going to get the chair from him till I understood why he even came here in the first place and why be brought a chair, how the heck did he even know I needed one urgently, the questions kept throwing back and forth at each other in my mind.

"I'm not here to hurt you or anything, though you're really tempting, but we've been trained by the council to not be rough or hurt humans unnecessarily." He said with a small smile, showing his pearly white teeth,. getting a good look at him right now, I realised he was actually good looking, he was talk, he look fit and it matched his body size, he had an square face which softened when he kept giving me a small smile, most vampires I met where ridiculously good looking and also very beautiful for the females.

"Why are you really here?" I asked softly, as much as I wanted to know his reason for coming here, I didn't want to be rude, it could get me into lots of trouble which I didn't want to get into right now.

"To give you a chair." He said coming closer, I shifted back on impulse and hit the tree that was close to me, I winced slightly with the pain I felt and I prayed softly, that I didn't hurt myself than this, Bas has warned me about bleeding were Vampires stayed.

"How did you know I needed a chair to sit on the in the first place?" I asked still staring at him warringly, he rolled his eyes and chuckled, "or are you just here to irritate me like some of the vampires here do just because I'm some human girl." I blurted out without realising,I bit my lips slowly, hoping what I said didn't annoy him in any way, he just smirked softly.

"No, I'm not here to annoy you and if I am or if I wanted to do something to you, Bas will come at me in seconds." He said and I turned my attention to where the game was being played, they still went at each other fiercely, they hadn't scored since then.

"How would he know, he's concentrating on the game right now." I said.

"He saw me when I came here and he can literally read minds remember, so if I wanted to hurt you, he would know that easily." He said and turned to Bas who winked at me while throwing the ball to Group B's court.

I relaxed slowly and the vamp just kept staring at me with a small smile, I just remembered that he called Bas by his nickname and only those close to Bas did that, and I gasped at him in shock when I remembered that he could guess that I wanted a chair.

"Are you like Bas?, Do you also read minds too?, Can you also read mine?, Because Bas can't read mine." I asked.

"So many questions, I thought you didn't want to talk to me." He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

I kept glaring at him and he made a tutting sound with his teeth, "no I don't read minds like Bas, that's not part of my vampiric abilities, I'm an empath, so I could easily know you were tired as I felt your emotions, and it was pretty obvious you were because you've been standing since the game started, it's been an hour plus, so you'll definitely need to sit." He said and I relaxed finally after realising I could trust him.

"See relaxing wasn't so hard was it?" He said as he offered the chair and I sat down immediately, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, apart from Lyn and Gabriel and of course Bas and a little of Bas's parents, you're the only vampire who has been genuinely nice to me." I said and he paused for a while.

"I can see why Bas likes you apart from the fact that you're his mate, you're a very refreshing person." He said and I smiled mouthing thanks to him, he also nodded with a small smile.

"Can you record the score and stop flirting with Matteo." I heard Diana say loudly and jt realized that Group A has scored again and I didn't even pay attention because I was talking to Matteo.

"Typical Diana, always bitting at every thing.", Matteo said.

Matteo got the marker from me and went to the scoreboard writing down the score for Group A, it was now 70:40.

"Can't she do it, or has she suddenly gotten lazy, it's not like she's in the game with us." Diana said venomously.

"She's tired from standing and if you've all noticed, it's been an hour plus since this game started." Matteo said, Diana glared at him and left returning to the pitch.

"Flirting with others mates now are we?" I heard Victor ask and sighed loudly earning a laugh from Matteo.

"So as I was saying," he came back and broke a big branch from the tree and sat close to me, "I'm Matteo, but you already know that don't you." He said with a smile.

"I'm Raina, but you already know that don't you." I copied him and he laughed.

I heard the whistle blow and I turned my attention to the game again, I saw all of them greet eachother, it looked like the game was over.

"The winner of the game is Group A." Bas's mother said with a smile winking at her husband.

"And as usual during the Hunt, the winning group gets the first big meal hunted." She added.

"Okay looks like the game is over." Matteo said and I nodded.

Bas, Lyn and Gabriel came to where I was immediately using their vamp speed.

Bas enveloped me into a warm hug, getting me up from my seat and I laughed hugging him too.

"Really, you're hugging her all sweaty to show You've missed her or you want to show off to your friend here." Lyn said and Bas rolled his eyes.

"I can do what the hell I want, why don't you help me by shutting up." He said and I chuckled.

"That's enough fighting Kids." I said and they all laughed.

"I like her." Matteo said to Bas.

"Yeah, as you should." Bas replied with a smile.

"We need to go hunting now, so I'll drop you off at the castle garden and you can go from there since it's a little farther." He said and I nodded.

He carried me and I saw myself at the Garden in seconds, I mouthed thanks to him and he kissed my forehead bidding me farewell, he sped off and I smiled, the smile left my face as something hit me and I saw the darkness come before I passed out.