
Chapter 319: "Aren't you afraid that this god might suddenly come to life?"

Kerr Cowell looked helplessly at the message in front of him. What else could he say?

Admittedly, the whole process was simple to describe but definitely cumbersome in reality.

The interrogation alone was worth discussing for a long time. Of course, these matters had nothing to do with him. After all, whether x was a CBD guy or a federation guy, it was all the same to him, as long as it wasn't his guy.

As for being afraid of x reporting them to the federation?

Report what?

Report that their actions violated federal regulations in several places? This kind of thing has been out in the open, and reporting it or not would no longer make any sense.

X wouldn't collaborate with the federation to set a trap for them, if he was smart; if he wasn't, there would be no such person as x in this world any longer.

After chatting with x for a while, he learned some information about this God Civilization.