
My Brother's Letters

[Series 1 : Ch 1-7] May 3 …… Nana, am I really bothering you? Take away your happiness? Sorry, Nana. I'll never tired say sorry to you. I'll go away, it's going better for you? It's not fair, I know, suddenly sneaked into your life and messed things up. Before all I leave back, brother wants to give you a present. May I? [Series 2 : CH 8-15 ] All piled up. I am a gay. I won't deny, since I've been active in SSE (same sex experience) even though I don't want. Still I am more than just SSA (same sex attraction). I, after a dozen years of therapy, have not been as romantically attracted to women as I am to men. And this is what makes me cry, I even still have feelings for Martin. Even though he has ruined my life, I can't deny that feeling is still there. Coupled with the sexual violence that I experienced, I suffered from fugue amnesia and post traumatic stress disorder. I was sick at the thought of sacrificing the future of a woman and maybe my children if I had to be with a man like me for the rest of his life. "Don't force Tandrie to get married, Pa." Finally the word slid off. This is my first refusal as a father's son. I was able to fulfill papa's other wishes, but not for that. "Sorry Tandrie can't complete half of Tandrie's religion." [Series 3 : Ch 16-last + 2 Extra] Albert was in front of him, returned with all perfection. And as Reyna said, Tandrie's single is a big opportunity for back to old love. There are only two ways, go or marriage a woman. The first option is difficult for Tandrie, and leaves and breaks off his doctoral study which has just started. That's so irresponsible. The second option, build new love with a woman. Let's just bold, italic and underline the word woman. This is more difficulty for Tandrie. Maybe even the biggest. Tandrie is still not straight, even though he believes he is not gay. However, a piece of his life as a gay bottom made him struggling to be straight. So, what should I do? #StraightPride

Dena_Inka · Urban
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24 Chs

15. Rest of My Life

Reyna still couldn't believe it. The day really exists. She has long prepared herself, part of the past mistakes, She will be single following his brother. She will devote 100% of his life to his brother.

But today she is getting married. Okay, let's repeat Reyna Kusuma Atmaja is getting married. At just 29 years old, ignoring the discordant voice that says she is an old maid, she can't help but be happy about the fact that she is getting married to Furqon.

While being made up by a make-up artist chosen by the Furqon family, Reyna's mind wanders to the time where she and Furqon met for the first time, the campus where they studied.

Nothing really special, but who would refuse the charm of a student majoring in medical? The most prestigious majoring in Indonesia, oh one can say for asian-parents. Moreover, their campus is included in the top 5 universities. Furqon is clearly a figure who is not arbitrary. Born from a family that is not far from a family of health workers.