
My brave Lizzie

Elizabeth had an accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. The result also left her Agoraphobic which means fear of going outside. She lives in her brownstone house which was souped up by her family for wheelchair access. Her life turns flipside after one of her neighbors leaves and is replaced with a former marine with PTSD.

Ghaadha · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

I watched the neighbors and finally got bored but like I said whenever I reached the door instincts kick in. I have trouble breathing. My body reminds me that he was out there and he was going to be merciless. Things got bad when someone resembling him delivered stuff to one of the neighbors and I had a full blown panic attack.

When my pulse stopped pounding on my head I managed to get out of the observation room. I avoided it for a few days and went back. This time after consulting with Mark my therapist. He was behind me asking me if I had seen anything I shouldn't have. I promised him I gave my fellow acquaintances the benefit of the doubt. I also don't bother with their sex habits. I only make sure the person is not going to put me in front of a camera where HE can find me. I only study their interaction for educational purposes. He smiled as I described what I saw outside the window. The delivery guy arrived and I panicked. Mark looked through the telescope and said I had scotoma. My mind was playing tricks on me. So I looked again. Sure enough I saw a red haired man that looked absolutely different from the guy that had me confined.

I thought things were going smoothly. I mean I had a routine. The screamer would show up wanting to know what upgrade was done to the house. Also an update on who is allowed in the house while he is banned. What do they do indoors? I ignore him as a rule and he would try to sneak in. I call the police and he would be warned. Marcus would show up and we would have dinner and help wash the dishes. My boyfriend Dan would show up and we would discuss what classes he took and play video games. He insists that I enroll in a few online classes. I told him I will think about it.

I was enjoying chocolate lava cake when the doorbell rang. It was the screamer with his next scheme to analyze the house he is forbidden to enter. I told him to get a life. He kicked the door and left.

Auntie came by to take me to her beach house which was renovated. I had been cleared of any negative emotions so I got in the car when Ruddy my aunt's butler promised me that he won't let the screamer in the house. I was carried out of the house by Johnathan. He was one of the candidates my family was trying to entrust with my health. I advised against it so he only showed up for outdoor events. As always the screamer was sitting on his porch glaring at us. It was like we had denied him his birthright.

We enjoyed fresh clam chowder and lobster rolls. I was placed on a surfboard and a surfer helped me surf. I watched the kids splash around and make sandcastles. Adults sunbathing and sipping cold beverages. I was carried piggyback where ever I wanted. I took a selfie and found the screamer was not far away. I shook my head as I asked my Aunt that I am tired. I want to rest so I will be extra energized to have fun later. She was excited till she caught me looking back. She put two and two together and we decided to catch what's his name. We hid and obviously he started to look everywhere for us. Finally we found a police officer and explained we have a stalker. He was not an issue to dwell on till we got back.

When I came home he arrived to give me a piece of his mind. I was on the top floor observatory. We both heard a scream. It was Amy. She was attacked by her ex-husband Mac. She came running for help. The screamer protected her and the guy left. Amy's uncle took her to the hospital and the police wrote a report.

That night I saw the perfect Muller family have dinner. After which the husband killed the wife. He stabbed her in the chest several times. I called Nine one one and they arrived as he was stuffing her into the trunk. He was arrested and taken away. My complications has just begun.