
Chapter 1:

I looked around. Everything was as silent as a church mouse, but I knew better. Ar first, I had thought I was the only one here, but my instincts said otherwise. My eyes quickly scanned the vicinity for any clues , traps, or anything suspicious or out of place, but nothing seemed off about the warehouse. I was starting to think I was at the wrong location, but I couldn't bring myself to leave yet. My ears were sharp and alert whilst my eyes were swift and observant. I softly walked searching for something but I was left disappointed. I sighed and turned to leave when I heard an odd sound from the floor. I slowly retraced my steps until I came across a very suspicious crack on the floor. I carefully kneeled down and examined the cracks, and it turned out to be just a crack. I was super disappointed, I had hoped to find something in this abandoned warehouse, but maybe I put my hopes up too high. It was an abandoned warehouse, after all.

"Nothing here," I said to myself, quite disappointed. I had hoped for some action. It's been a while. I exited the warehouse but took one more look at it.

"You had me fooled there," I said to it before hoping on my motorcycle and driving off. A few minutes later , I arrived back where I began. I scanned the giant building, and a thought crossed my mind. It lingered for a while but then disappeared. I walked into the building and straight to the receptionist.

" I see you're back," the receptionist said in her cute and sweet voice. I nodded at her and returned the smile. I noticed a concerned look flash across her face, and I knew if I didn't leave immediately, I would be in for a whole lot of questions. "Young lady, I know what you're thinking, and I have every right to be worried. You're my only child, "she said sternly

"I know, mom, and before you ask, I'm ok," I replied, trying to look as OK as I can be but there was just no fooling her.

"Stop pushing yourself so hard love", she said with the most loving voice ever.

"I won't mom. I'm OK for real. I'm gonna go home now, see you there, and please try to be early, " I blew her a kiss and was about to dash out of the door when I bunped into someone.

"OMG, please be careful," a masculine voice said, and I apologised.

"Sorry Stern," I said, truly sorry

"Where's are you rushing off to now?" he inquired. I looked at Stern. He was a man in his mid forties, brown hair with a few gray strands here and there but still young looking, tall but not too tall, and has a serious crush on my mom, it would have been called that if mom didn't know about it and also didn't reject him. He was also the owner of the hotel and very kind.

"Have to go home and prepare for school tomorrow and cook dinner," I quickly answered, very eager to get outta here.

"You know you and your mom can stay here, wouldn't mind, and it would be closer to work and home," he suggested for the umpteenth time. He was always coming up with ways to coax mom and me into staying at the hotel, but mom kept rejecting his offer and him. It was really nice of him, though.

"No need, Stern, we're ok,"

"Oh, that's OK, but my doors are always open for you guys," he said, disappointed

"Thanks, will remember that," I yelled whilst bolting out of the door. I once again hoped on my motorcycle with home in mind. I searched my memory to try and find out if I had seen a clue and missed something, but heck, it was pointless.

' Did I go to the wrong place?' I questioned myself, but it was like talking to a wall. Nothing useful was coming on. I arrived home without any problems and parked my motorcycle. The motorcycle was dear to me. I had bought it after saving for a long time and I was proud of it. My house wasn't fancy or big. It was small and cosy and just right for mom and me.The moment I opened the door, my stomach growled as if knowing I was home. I fixed myself a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of green tea. I enjoyed a silent meal in my room thinking of nothing. It's like my brain shuts down whenever I eat, and that's a problem because I like to eat. A lot. After the meal, I started pondering about my failure today. I went back to the drawing board(literally). All the clues and leads were pinned on the wall behind a poster of the BTS. My favourite boy band ever. I removed the poster and studied the masterpiece of mine in the form of newspaper cutouts, pictures, and a lot of string. I stared at it for a whole 25 minutes, but I couldn't find any loophole or any mistake on my part. Everything was correct, and it confused me even more. I was distracted by an incoming call. I lazily answered the call, and on the other line was Bobby, one of my besties.

📞"Hey Bobby." I said, quiet annoyed by the interruption.

📞" By the sound of your voice, I can conclude you are absorbed in something important, and I just distracted you," his voice sounded from the other end.

📞"It's good that you know so I won't have to tell you. Now, why did you call? "I said impatiently .

📞"Oh, I wanted to remind you about the science project Mrs Kurk gave us."

📞" Oh shit," I cursed loudly.

📞"Please tell me you didn't forget."

📞"I did, and I'm screwed," I said, feeling bad for myself. The science project was a buttload of work. Mrs Kurt had assigned everyone the name of an animal, and they had to find one and research about it, then present it in class and answer some questions. I couldn't afford to not do it. The assignment was work extra credit.

📞"Hello. you still there, "Bobby's voice woke me up.

📞"Bobby, I need that extra credit." I said more to myself than him and quickly cut the call without giving him a chance to say anything

I searched my brain until I remembered the animal I was told to find. I felt as if the universe slapped me in the face when the name clicked . Where the heck was I supposed to find an earthworm in the middle of the night. It would have been better if I had to find a cockroach but an earthworm. I couldn't go digging for earthworms at this time. 'What to do?' I questioned myself, but I couldn't come up with anything.

"That's it!" I yelled and took to my heels only to almost collide with mom at the front door

"And where are you going?" she asked, noticing my panicked face

"Forgot to do my science project. Will be back in a moment, "I yelled, dashing out of the door. Instead of taking my bike, I ran as fast as I could to my only hope. I was panting by the time I arrived at my destination. The panic had taken a toll on my stamina. I frantically banged at the door, and a man opened it.

"My God, what happened to yo?" he said, and I raised one finger to indicate my need for some time to breathe.

"Good evening Grandpa Gustav, and do you possibly have earthworms?" I said, holding my breath. Gustav or Grandpa Gustav, as everyone calls him, was an animal lover and kept birds and fish at his house, so I figured he might have some worms unless he uses industrial food for his animals.

"Good evening, young child, and I do have some worms, but I'm not sure if I have earthworms. It's better if you come in and look yourself, " he said, noticing my distraught. I wasted no time and followed him to a small homemade glass cage filled with dump soil and some plants. I pretty much guessed that's where the worms were.

"I would like to learn how to make those, but first I need to find an earthworms." I complimented his impressive work and proceeded to take a small trowel. I began digging away silent, praying on finding what I was looking for. The first worm I came across was not what I was looking for, and the next few worms were disappointed. I was close to giving up when I noticed a lump move, and an earthworm revealed itself. I quickly grabbed it and heard Gustav chuckling.

"Wel, I don't know what you want that worm for, but you look very happy to see i," he said, chuckling again

"This worm is very important," I said, looking at the worm.

"Well, I'm happy you found it, and you should be going no, young one. These streets are not that safe, especially for a teenager, " Gustav said clearly, concerned about my safety and scaring me a little.

"Are you trying to scare me. Because it's working, " I said, shivering

"I can neither agree or deny," he smirked, and I laughed. Gustav put the worm into a small flower pot with soil , and I bid him goodnight. Walking on the road with a clear head was way scarier than running with a panicked mind. I gulped down my fear and took hurried steps towards home, careful not to break, the pot in my hand, and lose the worm. I kept glancing back and forth and side to side fearfully. Lumps of fear kept appearing in my throat, and I tried to swallow the, but each was worse than the last. I walked faster with every step then, and I heard it. Footsteps of someone who wasn't me. I turned around sharply but there was no one which was scarier. I started to walk and I heard the footsteps again but when I turned around there was no one. I didn't think twice before breaking into a run. Somehow, I didn't drop the pot and reached home safe, but I was shaken.

"I see you're back," mom shouted from the kitchen, and I smiled warmly. "So how much did you scare yourself?" she asked with a big grin that turned into a smile.

"Not fun, mom!" I said, still shaken.

"O, it's not funny, and I'm sorry," she said, but I wasn't convinced she didn't find it funny. I just rolled my eyes and went to my room to keep the plant pot safe. The good side of the animal I was given was that I knew a lot about worms since I love gardening it's essential to know worms and other garden critter, so I didn't have to research anything. There is nothing about garden critters that I don't know, especially worms. I know my worms. I took a quick shower to pass time and also tried to calm my scared soul. Moments later mom called me for dinner and I couldn't be happier when I saw my favourite food on the table.

"Hmmmm, chicken dumplings, rice and chicken curry my favourite," I drooled

"Extra spicy like you like it and stop lying to yourself , you don't have favourite food. You eat like a pig but stay as thin as a match stick. Only God knows where the food you eat goes, " mom said, pointing at me with a spoon.

"OUCH, that was deep mom." I said, faking being hurt. We burst into laughter. Mom and I behave more like besties than mother and daughter. If I wanted, I could even address her by her first name and talk about relationships and boyfriends, but I hate that topic. I do address her by her first name sometimes, but not always. Dinner was delicious and lively, even if it was just the two of us. I don't have a dad, and I don't even know whether he died it left us because I have never seen him or even his picture, and mom never talked about him. As a child, I was always curious about my dad and wanted one like other kids. I failed to see that mom was fitting in both roles and let other people's words and thoughts affect me. I kept asking questions after questions about my dad, but mom always successfully avoided them, and the older I got, the lesser I cared about other people's thoughts or my father and stopped asking questions. I was happy with having only a mom. I smiled happily as I hopped to my room after cleaning the kitchen and the dishes. Mom and I had somewhere important to be tomorrow, so the earlier we retire to bed, the earlier we wake up. I set my alarm for 5 am. to check whether my project is still alive or not, and 6 am my normal waking time. I got swept away into Dreamland after saying my prayers, of course, dreaming of my perfect prince charming.


'What a pretty and fine lady you are', he said, smiling at me, and I blushed.

'Oh thank you', I said cheeks red as a ripe tomato. We stared into each others eyes, and I felt myself being pulled towards him. He gently grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, then leaned in. My heart flared. This was it , my first kiss and that too with my Prince charming. our lips had almost touched when an annoying sound buzzed in my ears. I tried to block it, but it kept ringing, and everything started to fade away. My Prince is charming and my kiss.


"Oh, come on. I had almost gotten my first kiss with my Prince charming, and you ruined everything. "I scolded my alarm. I had the urge to hurl it at the wall, but I changed my mind. The time read 6:01. I scurried to the plant pot to check for the worm because 'someone had dismissed the 5am alarm because they were too lazy to get up. I stared at the soil and was relieved when I saw tiny lumps of soil move and the worm revealed itself. I took out my ironed school uniform. It consisted of a white shirt and a pleated black, white, and grey skirt. It's just that I can't describe it but it is beautiful. I jumped into the washroom. I was done and ready for school in no time. As always, mom had already left for work but kept my breakfast ready for me. I quickly gobbled up the food and hit the road on foot for obvious reasons. I was going to meet Bobby and Fairy along the way anyway.