
My Boyfriend Is Half Robot

Lia is a beautiful and intelligent girl who has a unique interest in the eyes of her friends: aspiring to become a robotics engineer. Lia often gets bullied at school because of her interest, but she remains steadfast in her dreams and passion. Lia has a strong determination to pursue her dream and takes pride in her fascination with robots. She is also skilled in playing video games with a robot theme, which gives her a lot of knowledge about robotic technology. On the other hand, Jake is the heir of a conglomerate who was born with a super strong robotic hand. However, he keeps his robotic hand's abilities a secret and finds it challenging to maintain that secrecy amidst his curious friends. Jake tends to be shy and not very confident in front of a crowd, but he has a kind personality and always helps others when needed. Lia and Jake meet at school and become close friends due to their shared interest in robots. However, their different backgrounds and characteristics become obstacles in their friendship. When Jake starts falling in love with Lia, conflicts and obstacles arise because Lia feels unable to accept Jake with his robotic hand. However, over time, Lia begins to open up and understand that Jake's robotic hand is not important if it doesn't change his good personality and character. Lia eventually falls in love with Jake, and they start a complicated romantic relationship due to their differing backgrounds and characteristics. They learn to embrace each other's differences and strive to understand each other's perspectives and desires. Despite facing many difficulties and conflicts in their relationship, Lia and Jake ultimately decide to stay together and fight for their relationship. The love story between Lia and Jake serves as evidence that true love knows no boundaries and differences, but only requires trust, understanding, and a willingness to fight for each other.

Ariefwiguna · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Face Against Max

Max is an ordinary boy who lives with his father, a famous robotics expert. His father, Dr. Brown, is working on an ambitious project to create a robot that can be a part of everyday human life. However, when the project is nearly completed, an accident occurs, and his father passes away.

Max deeply misses his father and feels lonely. However, when he discovers his father's plans to create a robot body that is identical to a human body, he starts considering using it. He becomes obsessed with the idea of becoming stronger and invincible and eventually decides to take the robot body and attach it to himself.

After the operation, Max's body is now 80% made of steel material, and he realizes how powerful he has become, but also how different he is from other kids at his school.

Once Max gains full control of his robot body, he feels incredibly strong and mighty. He believes he can do anything without limitations and feels superior to others. As a result, he starts behaving arrogantly and constantly showcases his strength to the public.

Jake sits in the living room, holding the TV remote and turns on the local news. The worried voice of a reporter is heard from the TV screen, "We have the latest report on the 'Robot Man' rampaging in this city. He has damaged several buildings and vehicles in the downtown area."

"Mom, Dad, watch this news," Jake says anxiously. "There he is, 'Robot Man' causing destruction in the city."

Jake's mother quickly approaches the TV, "Oh my God, that's terrible. Are there any injuries?"

"No reports of casualties, but some people have been injured due to the building damage," Jake answers fearfully.

Jake's father joins the family in the living room and looks at the TV screen seriously. "It seems Brown succeeded with his experiment," Jake's father says in a low voice.

Jake is confused, "Who is Brown, Dad?"

"Brown was a robotics expert who became famous for his obsession with creating human-like robots. Unfortunately, he passed away during an experiment. Dad thinks it's his son who carried on with his experiments," Jake's father says sadly.

"So, is the robot really like a human?" Jake asks curiously.

"Dad is not sure. But it seems the robot has the ability to make its own decisions and has high artificial intelligence. However, such abilities can be very dangerous if used improperly," Jake's father says seriously.

"But how did 'Robot Man' escape from the laboratory?" Jake's mother asks.

"Well, that's still a mystery. Perhaps Brown's child gained access to the laboratory and accidentally released the robot," Jake's father answers.

"I hope they can capture the robot as soon as possible. Who knows what could happen if the robot is left free to roam the city," Jake's mother says worriedly.

Jake ponders for a moment, "But, Dad, is it possible for the robot to have feelings like a human?"

Jake's father scratches his head, "That is still a debated topic among robotics experts. Some experts say that robots cannot have feelings like humans because it is a special feature unique to humans. But there are also experts who argue otherwise, suggesting that robots might have the same feelings as humans since they are designed to mimic human behavior."

After Jake's father further investigates, he discovers that the rampaging robot in the city is not the result of Dr. Brown's son's experiment, as he previously assumed. It turns out, the robot is Dr. Brown's own son who operated on himself to merge with the robot created by his father.

"Jake, it turns out that the robot is Dr. Brown's son who operated on himself to merge with the robot. He is trying to revive his father through the robot's body," Jake's father said sadly.

"It's truly tragic," Jake's mother said with concern in her voice.

"But why did he go berserk and destroy the city?" Jake asked curiously.

"Your father thinks there might be something wrong with the robot's program, or perhaps Dr. Brown's son lost control while trying to operate the robot," Jake's father replied.

Being a robotics expert himself, Jake's father felt challenged to find a solution to prevent similar incidents in the future. He decided to delve deeper into how humanoid robots can be operated safely without endangering others.

Jake's father began researching and gathering information about the latest robotic technology. He also discussed with other robotics experts to find the right solutions to address the issue. Jake's father was enthusiastic about pursuing this project and hoped to find the right formula soon.

"Jake, I have found some recent advancements in robotic technology. It might help us address the issues in the city," Jake's father said with excitement in his voice.

"Really? How did you find them, Dad?" Jake asked eagerly.

"I have conducted extensive research in the past few weeks and finally discovered some more advanced and safer robotic technologies. I also spoke with several robotics experts and discussed ways to prevent similar incidents in the future," Jake's father replied.

"That's amazing, Dad! What's the next plan?" Jake said proudly.

"The next step is to test and evaluate these new robotic technologies. I hope this will bring us closer to a solution for such incidents," Jake's father said enthusiastically.

"Dad wants to try these experimental results on your robotic hand, Jake. We'll see if this new robotic technology can address the issues with your hand," Jake's father said.

Jake felt excited upon hearing that. He had always been interested in robotics and was glad to assist his father in this project.

"How are you going to do it, Dad?" Jake asked.

"I will incorporate some tools into your robotic hand to test its safety and effectiveness. Afterward, I will examine the results and see if any improvements are needed," Jake's father replied.

Jake felt enthusiastic and eager to try his father's new robotic technology. He knew it was a great opportunity for him to help his father and improve the stability of his robotic hand.

While they were conducting the experiment, Lia, Jake's school friend, suddenly came to visit. Lia, who was always cheerful and enjoyed playing games, looked worried and surprised when she saw Jake and his father discussing robotic technology.

"Jake, Dad, I just saw the news on TV! My classmate, Max, became half-robot and caused havoc in the city! What are you doing here?" Lia exclaimed with concern.

Jake and his father looked at Lia's confusion and tried to explain their situation.

"Lia, don't worry. We have no connection to what happened in the city. Dad is just trying to develop new robotic technology to assist those in need," Jake said.

"That's right, Lia. We only want to help and develop safe and useful robotic technology for humans. We don't want this technology to be misused and cause harm," Jake's father added.

"Sorry, I got too worried. I just didn't want you to get involved in a big problem like what happened in the city," Lia said, relieved, with a smile.

Jake: "Don't worry, Lia. In fact, Dad is searching for a solution for your friend so that he won't cause further damage."

After their discussion, Jake and Lia started talking about Lia's friend who became half-robot and caused destruction in the city. Jake felt that as a half-robot human, he and Lia had a responsibility to find Max and help him.

"Lia, do you know where Max is?" Jake asked.

Lia shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. I haven't been able to reach him since the incident happened. He just disappeared."

"Maybe we can find him with the available technology," suggested Jake's father. "I can use a scanning system to track the signal from the chip implanted in Max's body."

Jake and Lia agreed and together they helped Jake's father scan the signal from the chip implanted in Max's body. After a while, they successfully located the signal and found out Max's whereabouts.

"I mean, we have to find him and help him immediately," Lia said.

"Right. We have to find him before he causes more damage," Jake added.

Jake, his father, and Lia then prepared themselves to search for Max and assist him. They left the house and headed to the location where the chip signal was detected. However, they didn't know what they would find there and what had happened to Max after he became half-robot.

Upon arriving at the chip signal location, they found an old, deserted building. They entered and started to investigate Max's whereabouts inside.

"Max, where are you?" called Lia.

No answer. They continued searching until they finally found Max in a large room in the building. Max was sitting in the middle of the room, staring at a large screen mounted on the wall.

"Max! We've come to help you," Lia said.

"No need for help. I'm already strong enough now," Max replied in a heavy voice.

"What happened to you, Max? You need to return to being human," Jake's father said seriously.

"No, I don't want to become human again. I'm strong enough and unbeatable like this," Max said, showing his robotic hand.

"But Max, you can't continue like this. You're causing destruction in the city and endangering others," interjected Lia.

"No, I'm not causing destruction in the city. I'm just showing my power," Max replied with a cynical smile.

"Max, you need to return to being human and find the right path. You can't let your power control you," Jake's father said.

Jake then approached Max and showed his robotic hand. "Look at my hand, Max. I'm also a half-robot human like you. But I can still control my power and live my life well. You can do the same."

Max looked at Jake's hand, then he thought of testing his abilities with Jake because he didn't want anyone to be stronger than him. However, Max didn't know that Jake's power far exceeded Max's capabilities, and a battle ensued.

Max raised his hands and emitted a series of lights around him. The lights seemed to enhance his strength and make him even more powerful. However, Jake remained unfazed and took a defensive position.

"You won't win, Max. Your power can't surpass the capabilities of a true human," Jake said.

Max smiled cynically, "You're wrong, Jake. My robot power is much greater than the abilities of an ordinary human. You can't defeat me."

Jake and Max then attacked and fought each other. Max's attacks were so powerful that they shook the ground. However, Jake didn't back down and managed to dodge Max's attacks. Jake's power seemed too strong for Max, and he began to feel threatened.

Lia shouted, "Jake, be careful!"

Jake quickly turned his body and managed to avoid Max's attack. He then counterattacked with full

force, causing Max to fall to the ground. He felt a little pain and embarrassment from his defeat.

"Alright, I admit defeat," Max said.

Jake offered his hand to help Max up. "You're not defeated, Max. You're just learning. You can still become a good human if you're willing to learn to control your power."

Max nodded and looked at Jake's hand. "Thank you, Jake. I'll try to control my power so I won't cause any more harm."

Jake's father smiled proudly at Max's decision. "Good, Max. You've made a wise choice."

Lia joined in and hugged Max. "I'm glad you've come to your senses, Max. Now, let's go home and plan how to help you become fully human again."

"Max won't become fully human, Lia. Max has merged his body with the Robot. The best we can do is to control his impulses, and don't worry, I already have a formula that I made similar to the one I used on Jake," Jake's father said.

As the atmosphere fell silent, Lia suddenly jumped for joy and shouted, "yayyy... I used to dream of becoming a robot, but now I'm surrounded by real robots, and lucky me, those robots are my own friends!" Lia exclaimed excitedly.

Jake's father, Max, and Jake smiled as they observed Lia's enthusiasm.

Back at Jake's house, Jake asked, "So, what about my confession of love, Lia?"

Lia hesitated, "Uh... I... I..." Lia seemed confused.

Jake teased, "Could it be that you're more interested in the new Robot now?"

Lia replied, "Jake, no matter how amazing Max is, it's you who makes me comfortable, but I'm afraid, Jake."

Jake asked, "Afraid of what?"

Lia explained, "I don't know how my mom would react if she found out I'm dating a half-robot human. I'm afraid she won't approve."

"Don't worry, let's not reveal the secret about the existence of half-robot humans," Jake assured her.

"But my mom knows that you're a half-robot too," Lia added.

"Huh? Since when?" Jake asked.

Lia replied, "Since the beginning when I decided to visit here and make sure that you're really a robot."

Jake fell silent, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"But it's okay, I want to be your girlfriend, Jake. I don't want to keep lying to myself. From the moment we met, I already liked you," Lia confessed.

Jake smiled and asked, "What about your mom?"

Lia said, "I think I can handle it."

Jake felt touched by Lia's words and happily hugged her.