
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Five

Third Person POV

Jerry is so happy that his daughter is here and things seem to be going towards positive direction. When they break the hug he saw the tears running down her cheeks he quickly dried it off cause he have vowed not to allow his daughter shed any tears again for any reason. Am sorry for everything, Jerry apologized again. It's okay Dad you have apologized enough what is left is the way forward, Ella told her father. Jerry nodded his head, I understand so what is the way forward? Jerry asked his daughter. Ella widened her eyes cause this is the first time her father is asking for her opinion.

Why are you looking so surprised, I told you that I will change so this is a start, so tell me what you want to do from now on and consider it done, Jerry told his daughter. Ella looked at Max who held her hand tightly to show his support, Max nodded his head, silently encouraging her to say what's on her mind. Ella cleared her throat and opened her mouth to start talking, I want you to stop interfering in my life especially personal decision, Ella told her father. Okay what else do you want? Jerry asked cause he is ready to do everything his daughter ask for.

Ella smiled at her father cause she can see how eager he is to show that he have changed. That will be all for now if there is any other thing I want you to do for me, I will let you know, Ella said to her father still smiling. Jerry smiled back at his daughter cause he can see light at the end of the tunnel. Does this mean that am still your father? Jerry asked gesturing between him and his daughter cause he want to be sure of his stand with his daughter.

If I have not forgiven you, I will not be here, Ella replied her father. Jerry smiled widely, that's good to hear, I promise to be the father you long for from today onwards, Jerry said to his daughter. Dad I know that you already know who Max is but I want to formally introduced him to you as my boyfriend, Ella said. Jerry looked at the two and smiled, I know you two have a good chemistry going on and I promise not to announce your wedding without you two asking me to, Jerry said and Max and Ella laughed at what he said.

Ella is so happy with what is happening now, she now have the family that she always wish for. The father that love her and willing to go extra mile for me, a boyfriend that is willing to prove himself to me and world best friend Sarah. I asked the Chef to prepare your favorite food for you, Jerry told his daughter. Ella and Max stood up and walked towards the dinning area to eat the meal prepare for them. Ella can't wait to get home and tell Sarah all that happened today cause she know that Sarah will be so thrilled.

Ella finished eating and have little chit chat with her father before she announced that she want to go back, Dad I will be going now, Ella announced. Wow so soon I was thinking that you will want to sleep over, Jerry said to his daughter cause he is not ready to let her leave now, he still want to spend time with her. That will not be today Dad, maybe another time, Ella said cause she want to take her time to be sure that she is not making any mistake. Okay then I will wait for next time but on a second thought why don't you come back this is your home remember, Jerry requested from his daughter.

Ella already anticipated that her father will request for her to come back to their house and this are the reason she want to talk with Sarah first. Dad I will come back and like you said this is my home but before I will come back, I will have to talk with Sarah first and tell her about our reconciliation and the fact I will be moving back, Ella said. Jerry understand the point his daughter is trying to make and he know that he also owe Sarah an apology for the way he treated her in the past and also thank her for been a good friend to his daughter.

I understand what you are saying, I just hope you will round the whole thing up as soon as possible cause am getting tired of staying in this big mansion alone, Jerry said. Ella know that this is the first time that her father is really at home for long, she can bet that her father don't know much about his mansion since he don't spend much time in it. He is always travelling all the time. I will round it up as soon as I can, Ella said to her father. Ella can you do me a favor? Jerry asked his daughter.

What is the favor? I hope it's something I can do? Ella inquired. Of course it's something you can do, I will not ask you something that is beyond you, Jerry assured his daughter. Okay tell me what it is then, Ella asked her father to go ahead with his request. Jerry cleared his throat that seemed dried and sip water before he started talking. What am asking for is that when next you are coming that you should come with Sarah cause I need to apologize to her cause I owe her an apology, Jerry said.

Ella jaw is on the floor, she can't believe that her father of all people will like to apologize to Sarah, who he considered as a nobody. Just how much have this man changed. Is not like she is complaining rather it is the opposite, she is really happy that her father is changing for the good course. Of course I will bring her with me next time I will be coming to visit you, Ella assured her father. Ella and Max left after they are done with their little chit chat.