
Chapter 41 You are impossible

Putting her phone into her pocket, Zoe lifted her gaze back to Martin’s face. Her heart clenched when she thought of how close she’d come to losing him.

Suddenly uncaring that Martin was in the middle of a conversation with Zachary, Zoe wrapped her arm around Martin’s waist and leaned into him.

Martin turned his head to her slightly. He was still talking to Zachary, but now his attention was mostly on Zoe. As it should be, always.

“I missed you,” Zoe said softly. The words seemed so inadequate to describe the aching, hollow feeling in her chest that she had lived with for months.

It felt like Martin’s eyes were looking right into her soul before Martin squeezed her hand, leaned in, and kissed her on her temple. “I missed you, too,” he said.

Zoe laced their fingers together and grinned at him helplessly.  

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Zachary said.

Zoe flushed, realizing that Zachary was standing just a few feet away and had watched the entire exchange.