
My Boom Boom Boy

Myredboi_kirishima · Teenager
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1 Chs

Introducing Me!!

Hey there ! I'm y/n and I'm a future pro hero . My quirk is El Diablo ( the devil) , I know I know why the that name , well guess what? I'm originated from Mexico but got adopted by my parents who are Japanese and moved here to Japan so I know two languages ,Spanish, so I could at least have some sort of memory of my culture, and Japanese cuz I kinda have to . I'm also learning English. ANYWAYS !!

My quirk can create and control fire also coincidentally I have the tail , horns , fangs , and wings of the devil. My dad also taught me how to use a scythe so is it a coincidence? I think not :) .

My mom is One of the top ten hero's , right now she holds ninth place , her hero name is weather women , her quirk is being able to control the weather as far as 2 mile .

My dad isn't a hero but a bounty hunter , my dad is one of the most skilled , he doesn't have a quirk which boosts his ego more . At the age of 12 he began training with weapons, he has learned and mastered to use every weapon . He told me that he would train me on any weapons I want when I was also 12, I choose a scythe because I thought it was interesting.

Life is great , thankfully my school life never really judged me on my appearance and I have great friends but there is one that I've stuck with since kinder and that's Katsuki Bakugo, my best friend. I remember when we were little kids we would play in the sand box ,push each other on the swings , and for some reason share a popsicle , they were good times but for some reason reason he changed, ever since he got his quirk he became more rude towards others . I'm great full that he stayed with me , although he would be sarcastic or sometimes rude to me he would never go as far as yelling or insulting me .

I guess you can say I'm on his good side . It's currently summer break I guess you can say , I'm training to become a hero just like my mother and to be one with Kats , that's my nickname for him lol . One of the reasons why I wanted to become a hero was to help this world become a safer place , I've always done something to help my community or I've joined protests to help spread our message. I just want to get involve and help , that's my joy in life .

The end of chapter one

" sorry if this chapter is all Over the place , I'm just trying to get some things out there so you know who and what you are so you don't get confused! I'll be updating soon so stay tuned !!"