
My Book System

John is an orphan who is passionate about magic. Ever since he discovered the existence of magic, he can think of nothing else. Unfortunately, Jhon was just an orphan who didn't have the means to learn even the basics about mana. But all that changed when one day he was cleaning out the orphanage and found a strange book entitled 'The Way of Learning' ------ English is not my first language. This is my first novel :)

TakeEasy · Fantasie
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Potato Soup

John was all excited, he had a new mission and in his brain he was the basic knowledge of mana, normally this kind of knowledge only belongs to nobles and extremely rich peoples. Before he did anything else, John took the food he had just prepared and brought it to the woman who had brought him up in the orphanage

[ Orphanage - Main Room ]

" Hey Mom! I just prepared this potato soup, can you check if it's good?" John always lived with little, he would never waste food, so he brought her food.

The woman was older, she had wrinkles on her face and wore round glasses, she greeted John with a big and motherly smile.

"John! You've never cooked before, has anything special happened to you?" She was soon attracted by the smell of the food and looked at the plate.

The soup had a slightly reddish-yellow color. The food exuded a spicy aroma that combined the smell of potatoes, onions and tomatoes.

She took a spoonful and tasted the soup. The moment she put the wooden spoon in her mouth, her eyes lit up and in a few seconds she had eaten all the soup.

"Wow! I didn't know you could cook, John! This soup is as good as the ones they make at village feasts!" She was really impressed with the soup.

"It's no big deal, mom. By the way, I also wanted to talk to you about something important, I've decided that I'm going to take the entrance test for Magic Academy" The boy spoke, looking the woman straight in the eye, for when it came to magic, he had a greater determination than anyone else.

"Magic Academy..." He muttered to himself and thought for a long time before speaking again. "I know this is your dream, John, and I will always support your dream" She said with a smile before giving the boy a hug.


After that, John started thinking about what he was going to do next, The academy would only start in 1 year and to enter the academy you need to have basic control about mana, an elemental spell and most importantly, talent. Fortunately, John found out through 'Status' that he has a S talent for mana control! Now that John had the knowledge of mana, it was time to study it and learn how to control it!

" Hehehe! It's finally time for me to start my path as a wizard!"

[ Bing ]

[ You got a new mission ]

[ Teach yourself to have basic control about mana ]

[ Reward - Fire Basic knowledge And Fire Talent Minor Upgrade ]
