
My billionaire Frenchman

warning r18 "Chloe, my love, my heart beats solely for you," Charles declared, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at her. "I cannot see a future without you by my side. You are mine, and I am yours. We are destined to be together, forever and always." With a sweep of his strong arms, he lifted her off the ground, he held her gently in his embrace as if she were a precious treasure. Chloe's laughter and gentle protests were lost in the passion of his kisses as he carried her to his room, his strides long and purposeful. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the all-consuming fire of their love. As he laid her on his bed, his eyes never left hers, drinking in the beauty and grace of the woman who had captured his heart so completely. In that moment, Charles knew that he would never let her go, that he would spend the rest of his days making her happy, cherishing and loving her, and basking in the joy that only she could bring him.

Arianalove · Fantasie
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17 Chs

chapter 16

As Chloe stepped into her room, she couldn't help but gasp in amazement at the sheer spaciousness and elegance that surrounded her. The room was like a mini-paradise, with a beautiful terrace that beckoned her to come and relax, unwind, and let her worries fade away. The bed, oh the bed, was a sight to behold - big, fluffy, and inviting, promising her a night's rest that would be nothing short of heavenly, a haven where she could snuggle up and let her dreams take her away. And the furniture, oh my! It was all beautiful, like she was living in a fairy tale. The room was a true masterpiece, a harmony of style and comfort that made her feel like she was floating on cloud nine. Chloe dropped her bag on the floor, her eyes fixed on the terrace, and made her way towards it, her feet sinking into the luxurious carpet like it was a soft, fluffy cloud. She took a seat on the terrace, feeling the cool breeze on her skin, and gazed out at the breathtaking view, her eyes drinking in the sights and sounds of this new world she found herself in. She absolutely loved it, every single aspect of it, and she knew at that moment that she was going to be very, very happy here, that this was where she was meant to be.

After a while, Chloe returned to her room, feeling refreshed and ready to settle in. She began to unpack her bags, putting away her clothes and toiletries in the ample storage space provided. Once she had everything organized to her liking, she made her way to the bathroom, eager to indulge in a relaxing bath. She undressed and slipped into the luxurious tub, feeling the warm water envelop her like a gentle hug. The bathroom was a true haven, with soft lighting, luxurious towels, and a sense of tranquility that melted away any remaining stress or tension. Chloe closed her eyes, letting out a contented sigh as she soaked in the bath, feeling her muscles relax and her mind unwind. She stayed there for a long time, savoring the peace and quiet, and emerging only when she felt fully rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever lay ahead.

Chloe was still in the bathtub, when she was startled by a gentle knock on the door. She quickly got out of the bathroom, wrapped herself in a towel, and hastily got dressed in a comfortable outfit. She made her way to the door, opening it to find a friendly maid standing in the hallway, her French accent warm and inviting. 'Bonjour, mademoiselle,' the maid said with a curtsy, 'dinner is ready. Would you like to join Monsieur Charles and his son in the dining room, or would you prefer to have it served here in your room?' Chloe was taken aback by the question, unsure if it was appropriate for her to join the family for dinner. She hesitated for a moment before deciding it was best to dine in her room, not wanting to intrude on their family time. 'I'll have it here, thank you,' she said with a smile, and the maid nodded graciously before disappearing down the hallway.

After a while, the maid returned with a delicious-looking dinner, and Chloe decided to enjoy her meal on the terrace, which she loved. She sat down at the table, savoring the flavors and aromas of the food, and feeling grateful for this little slice of heaven. As she ate, she looked out at the beautiful view, her mind wandering to the challenges ahead. She thought about Charles, and how to deal with her feelings for him. She thought about Christian, and how she wanted to do a good job teaching him English. And do a good  job overall, to the best of her ability. After dinner, she stayed on the terrace for a while longer, lost in thought, trying to figure out how to navigate her emotions and do a good job at the same time. The fresh air and peaceful surroundings helped clear her mind, and she eventually felt more focused and determined, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Charles was in his room, lost in thought, when the maid knocked on the door and announced that dinner was ready. He quickly made his way downstairs, hoping to catch a glimpse of Chloe, but to his disappointment, he only found his son Christian sitting at the dining table. The food was served, and Charles tried to hide his disappointment, wondering why Chloe hadn't joined them for dinner. He asked the maid, 'Where's Chloe? I thought she would be joining us?' The maid replied, 'Madam Chloe requested to have her dinner brought upstairs, sir.' Charles nodded, trying to understand, but his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Chloe - her beautiful smile, her captivating voice, her luscious lips, and those piercing eyes that seemed to see right through him. He continued eating, but his heart wasn't in it, his thoughts consumed by the mysterious and alluring Chloe, wondering why she had chosen to dine alone.

After dinner, Charles helped his son Christian with his bedtime routine, tucking him in and reading him a story until he drifted off to sleep. With his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Chloe, Charles retired to his room, his feet carrying him automatically to the terrace, where he had spent so many moments lost in thought. And then, he saw her - Chloe, sitting on her own terrace, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light, looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her before. He stood there in silence, frozen in awe, his heart pounding in his chest, wishing with all his might that he could join her, sit beside her, talk to her, and get to know her better. He longed to be near her, to bask in her radiance, to feel her presence, and to let her know how much she had come to mean to him. But he hesitated, unsure of how she would receive him, and so he just stood there, watching her from afar, his eyes drinking in the sight of her, his heart overflowing with emotions.

After a while, the evening air grew cooler and Chloe felt a chill run down her spine, so she decided to call it a night and head back inside her room. She got ready for bed, her mind still wandering back to the events of the day, thinking about how crazy it was that she was now working for and living under the same roof as Charles. She thought about how weird it was to be in this new situation, but also how excited she was to see where things would go. As she snuggled under the covers, she thought to herself that she really needed to call her friend Rita and fill her in on all the juicy details. She wanted to tell Rita about her new job, and about Charles. But as she reached for her phone, she realized how tired she was, and decided to put off the call until tomorrow. She thought to herself, 'Rita will understand, it can wait until then.' So, with a contented sigh, Chloe closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, her mind at peace and her heart full of wonder about what the future might hold. She fell asleep thinking about all the possibilities, and what the next day would bring. She wondered what it would be like to work with Charles, and what kind of adventures they would have together. She wondered if they would become close friends, or maybe even something more. With a smile on her face and reminding herself to keep it professional, Chloe fell asleep, ready to face whatever the future held.

As Charles watched Chloe get up and head back to her room, he felt a pang in his heart. He couldn't help but feel a sense of longing, a desire to be near her, to talk to her, to get to know her better. He decided to do the same, heading to his own room to get ready for bed, his mind racing with thoughts of Chloe and the strange feelings she evoked in him. After a quick shower to wash off the day's stress, he climbed into bed, feeling the softness of the mattress envelop him, and let out a deep sigh. As he lay there, he couldn't help but think about Chloe and how much he wanted to build a connection with her. He thought to himself, 'I'm going to do everything in my power to get close to her, to understand these strange and wonderful feelings that I'm experiencing.' He wanted to know what made her tick, what she liked and disliked, what her dreams and aspirations were. He wanted to be close to her, to feel her presence, to hear her laughter and see her smile. He wanted to know what it would be like to hold her hand, to walk beside her, to share his thoughts and feelings with her. As he thought about all these things, his eyelids grew heavy, and he drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with visions of Chloe and the possibilities that tomorrow might bring. He fell asleep with a smile on his face, his heart filled with hope and anticipation for what the future might hold.