

After getting married to the second top richest family's son, Isabella was constantly receiving mistreating from her husband. He treated her like she had no emotions so was his rich friends just because she wasn't as rich as they were. But things turned out that Isabella later became the CEO of where James was working. Let us see what happens next...

Bestman_Okere · Urban
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Isabella's gaze lingered upon the beautiful lady, who was looking like an angel with unwavering admiration. It had been months she saw someone looking like that since she doesn't go out.

But a burning blush suddenly consumed her cheeks, as the beautiful lady gazed back at her, and she quickly averted her gaze, fearing the young woman's refined features would recoil in horror at the sight of her own horrible and scary face.

Pretendedly still admiring the young lady, Isabella lowered her face and watched the young lady as she walked stylishly with her high-heeled shoes following behind James.

The young lady had dark hair, and brown beautiful eyes, and was wearing a Gucci gown, which cost more than Isabella's whole possessions.

Her name was also boldly written on her expensive car's side. Sophia happened to be a popular actress who could do anything she wanted without anyone being able to stop her. She always had her ways.

As Sophia walked behind James, she suddenly halted in her steps which caused James to halt too.

"James!" Sophia called out. A disgusted and surprised expression suddenly formed on her face. She had never expected to see someone like Isabella of a low class level living in such a luxurious mansion.

"Sophia! What's the matter? Why did you stop all of a sudden? Let's go inside." James humbly said, as he turned to look at Sophia, whose face was contorted in scowl, her nose wrinkled and lips pursed as if she had caught a whiff of something foul.

But Sophia resisted as she asked, her voice dripped with disdain, "Who's that monster? And what is she doing here?" She asked, looking disgusted, as she turned and pointed at Isabella.

The sound of Sophia's mocking voice echoed in Isabella's ears like a cruel taunt. But she pretended she didn't hear it.

Sophia and James had gone to the same college and she had always had a huge crush on James, for the fact that James was at her class level. She so much despised the poor just like James. And that's the way she talked whenever she sees the poor.

She wished all the poor people would die since they make the world an ugly place.

"You mean that daughter of a nobody? That's my maid." James hastily lied, with gritted teeth. "My dad saw her on his way where she was wandering on the street and picked her up to help her."

James had never told anyone that Isabella was his wife since their marriage was kept within the household. He kept telling his visitors that Isabella was his maid.

James and Sophia continued exchanging disgusted glances, their voices dripping with contempt as they spoke about Isabella. The air was thick with tension, their words piercing through Isabella like knives. Isabella's eyes burned with tears but she quickly held them, her heart also heavy with the weight of their disdain.

She could hear James' and Sophia's offensive conversation clearly, and it was no secret. That moment when James called her a maid, her face twisted in anger, and wanted to interrupt. But she didn't because she knew that the moment she dared, more bruises would be added to the already ones on her face which were already making her look like what Sophia had called her- 'a monster'.

She just stood and watched them talk. 'Anyways, when they get tired they will stop talking.' She thought to herself.

"Oh no, James!" Sophia's sarcastic voice came out audibly, as she shook her head. "You should have looked for a better maid. She isn't looking healthy and strong, and she might probably die tomorrow and you know what that means. The police will have you investigated." Sophia added.

"Don't worry about that. She has nowhere to stay, and I'm just doing her a favor by letting her stay in this luxurious mansion." James said, staring at Isabella with an angry look.

Knowing the consequences of speaking up, Isabella remained silent. She loved her life so she kept quiet.

But after enduring their offensive conversation for what felt like an eternity, Isabella could no longer bear it. The insults were getting too much to handle, and she knew she had to escape. It was damaging her emotions.

Being poor wasn't a crime, and James was responsible for her appearance. She quietly walked away, seeking refuge inside the mansion.

But just as she reached the edge of the doorway to enter inside, James shouted at her. "Hey you, come back here," he demanded.

Hearing James' furious voice, Isabella halted in her steps, feeling a hint of anger flashed through her face. She had been standing close to them for some time, and all they were doing was insulting her. And now, she was heading inside, and there he was calling her back.

She didn't like the way James was just ordering her around like an animal. But what could she do?

"Why is he calling me now?" Isabella muttered to herself, with gritted lips.

Turning back, she stood and stared at James from a distance.

You daughter of a nobody, I called you. Come here now!" James shouted again with a command.

Sighing annoyedly, Isabella lowered her eyes as she walked back to where James and his friend were.

As she got there, she straightened her eyes to James' and asked politely, "Sir, what can I do….?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Sophia interrupted, waving her off and saying, "Don't come a bit closer to me. You look dirty." Sophia said harshly, with a disgusted expression.

Sophia's words felt like a slap in the face, leaving Isabella's cheeks burning with anger and humiliation. But she put on her bitter smile. If she is able to endure James' mistreatments and humiliations, then Sophia's wouldn't be anything to her.

"You'd better go and change your clothes," Sophia added in a mocking tone, as she dipped her hand into her handbag, brought out a handkerchief, and covered her nose.

"Okay, ma'am. I'll do that." Isabella replied politely, as she took a few steps backward. That was what the poor people faced anyway. Her husband was rich yet that was what she was going through.

"Didn't you see we just came back home? Or do you want me to remind you of your duty? No problems. Now, go and get her suitcases from the car." James thundered, leaving Isabella in great astonishment.

They were both attacking her on every side. And she didn't like it, but what could she probably do?

Sighing exasperatedly, Isabella took a step as she headed to Sophia's expensive Bentley. The car was so rich in sight that she gazed at it for some time. It was her first time going to touch such an expensive car.

Just when she was about to open the boot, Sophia screamed out, "Get those filthy hands of yours off my car." Saying this, she quickly walked up to Isabella, and James strictly followed behind.

Turning to look at her, Isabella was perplexed. "What do you mean?" She asked. Not getting what Sophia was saying. Sophia was there when James told her to get her suitcases from the car, and she didn't utter a word. So why was she now shouting at her to stop?

Abruptly, Isabella felt a hard hit on her hand. Sophia hit her.

Isabella turned to look at James, who just crossed his hands hoping he would say something. But to her shock, James gave her a death scare. If looks could kill, Isabella would have been dead.

"I said, get your dirty hands off my car," Sophia repeated, this time with a louder voice.

Isabella's eyes were still fixed on James', but James averted her gaze. But, it's what she should have expected from him, the man never treated her either with love or respect. So it would be obvious, he was not going to say anything.

Turning to James, Sophia shamelessly ran her fingers through James' shirted chest, with a beautiful smile, as she looked into his eyes. "James! Don't let this stinky thing touch my suitcases. Carry them inside for me. Will you?" Sophia asked in a beautiful low and soft tone.

"Yes! I'll do just that." James answered nodding.

Isabella's eyes narrowed, her jaw clenched, and her fists tightened as she watched Sophia touch James' chest. A hint of anger flashed through her face, she felt something telling her to warn Sophia but she didn't heed to it. She knew James won't spare her if she dared.

Sophia was able to work magic on James just within a second. It was unbelievable. She was a great actress anyway, and she had what it takes to convinced men.

Dipping her hand to her handbag, Sophia brought out a control remote. Pressing it, the boot automatically swung open, and James stretched his hands and brought out the suitcases.

Sophia pressed the remote again, and the boot automatically closed back. It was a customized car and an expensive one which cost Sophia a Hundred Million Dollars ($100M)

Having brought out Sophia's suitcases, James turned to ask Sophia calmly, "Shall we go inside?"

"Yes!" replied Sophia, as she crossed her hand round James' shoulder.

Isabella just stood speechless, as she watched them move inside. She was built up in wrath. Deep down she was also hurt.

Just suddenly, Sophia's action ran through her eyes and a burning sensation spread her chest as she felt betrayed and disrespected.

"How dare she try that with my husband? I gonna show her where she belongs." Isabella spat, her voice trembling with anger. She stood outside for some minutes, biting her finger and thinking of possible ways to approach Sophia.

A few minutes later, she walked timidly back inside. Her steps betraying her fear that Sophia might do something foolish.

On getting inside, she couldn't see James and Sophia, just Sophia's two beautiful branded suitcases. One of the suitcases had a combination of white and green colors, and the other was navy blue.

"Where did that rich lady go to?.' She asked herself. For James, it was certain to her that he was taking his regular cool evening gym before he'd take his bath.

She looked around but couldn't see Sophia, she then headed to the kitchen to prepare something for lunch.

On entering the kitchen, she turned on the cooking stove, grabbed the frying pan then set it gently on the stove.

Minutes turned to hours, and she was still busy cooking. She headed to the cupboard and brought a knife, plate, and onions.

After washing them, she began to cut the onions. That's what she has been doing all alone, and she had been used to it.

Just at that same moment, Sophia walked into the kitchen, dressed in a skimpy skirt and a curved top. She had just finished bathing.

Taking a few steps into the kitchen, she stared at Isabella, but Isabella acted like she didn't see her. She just continued with what she was doing.

Walking further, Sophia opened the refrigerator and brought out a chilled bottle of water and a ripped apple fruit. She took a sip of the water and began to chew the apple.

Isabella stopped cutting the onions and stared at Sophia disdainfully. Anger built all over her face. Why on earth was she dressed half-naked?

A hint of remembrance of the way Sophia had robbed her hands on her husband's chest few hours ago suddenly flashed through her minds. The rage in her increased more.

The fact that James treated her like a nobody didn't quenched her love for him. When she could no longer control her anger.

She gently walked up to Sophia to warn her, but Sophia took a step backward, with a disgusted expression already formed on her face.

Shakin her head disppointedly, Isabella didn't get annoyed by Sophia's action. She just wanted to deliver her message because that was the opportunity she had since James wasn't inside.

Sophia finally said unharmingly, "Madam! Please, don't do what you did to James earlier again. He's my…"

Before she could finish her sentence, James stormed in. He had just finished exercising himself. He was wearing a black boxer, with his shirtless physique.

Pretendedly, Isabella walked back to continue cutting the onions. She acted like everything was ok.

Sophia! What are you doing there?" James asked coldly. "Please come out from there, it isn't good for your health. Just come out, the lady there will do the cooking. And when she's done you can have something to eat." James said in a calm voice.

"And you!" He shouted as he turned to look at Isabella with an angry look, "How many hours does it take to get a meal done? Be fast with that!" He shouted as he climbed upstairs heading to his room to take his bath. He was already sweating.

"Why did James always side with Sophia? And always make me feel so small?" The questions swirled in Isabella's mind like a vortex making her forgot what she had wanted to tell Sophia.

Just then, Sophia chimed in, with a mocking tone. "You heard that, right? Make sure it's delicious." Sophia said in a sarcastic tone, as she walked back to the refrigerator again, and opened it.

She collected two more apples and then stormed out of the kitchen to the living room.

Isabella let out a deep sigh and mumbled "I don't blame you. Maybe because I'm poor. But, I'll someday become rich. And both James and you will regret treating me this way." With that, she continued with her cooking.

Not up to three minutes her words dropped. James' loud and angry voice called out from the bedroom, making Isabella's heart jump in fear.

"Where the hell is that witch? Isa, Isabella! Get your lazy ass to the bedroom! Now!" James roared from the bedroom, and he sounded mad.

"What's the matter again this time?" Isabella asked herself, her heart pounding rapidly.

Groaning annoyedly, Isabella placed the onions she was cutting down and ran to see why James was roaring like a lion. She also forgot to turn off the stove before leaving.

She quickly made her way upstairs, her heart still pounding. Isabella had seen herself as a punching bag wherever James was angry or frustrated, he would always vent his anger and frustration on her. And she didn't it.

Within some minutes, Isabella got to the doorpost. Opening the door, Isabella walked in. As she walked in, she looked at James whose face was boiling in anger. From his look, Isabella could tell that everything wasn't ok. And James hadn't taken his bath, he was still wearing the boxer he used for his evening gym.

Clenching her head, she walked to where James was standing and asked humbly, "Sir, what's wrong?"

In response to Isabella's, James gave her a heavy punch her in the stomach, "How dare you turn my bedroom to where you keep your trashy and bloody clothes? How dare you." James furious voice sounded, as he kept punching Isabella.