
My Best Mistake (NEW)

Elijah Cohen is the youngest and hottest billionaire in Hillseau City. Every girl falls at his feet, and he gets what he wants from them. Sex. He wants nothing more than that, he is not known to be very committed. After an incident that happened five years ago, he vowed to never love another woman. Love is what got him into a big scandal, and he was ashamed. ~~~ Kiara Brown, is a 24- year old hardworking girl who works to support her only family. She cannot tolerate men like Elijah, offensive, cold-hearted, man-whore, and audacious. Kiara hates Elijah. Elijah hates Kiara. He can never be with a woman like Kiara. But, she can't help it. Will they ever get through their hatred for each other and find love? Will Elijah love again? Or will he just keep hating her? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add me on discord, we can chat more: Anonymous_Queenn#6831 ~The cover of this story was not made by me. So, credits to it's owner, @Bre.lexis~

Anonymous_Queenn · Anime und Comics
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Hi Annonylovelies! It's been a while…

For those who have read this before, I made a few changes and have removed the first one. I read your reviews, and I took them into consideration.

The characters stayed the same but the plot is a little.. you know ✨modified✨


To those who are reading this for the first time, I hope you like it and please don't hesitate to give me some feedback. I love reading your opinions.

That's all! Thank You and Enjoy.

~ ⚠️ This story is for mature audiences (18+) as it consists harsh languages, drinking, smoking, sexual intercourse, violence, blood, and r*pe. ⚠️ ~

::.Kiara's POV.::


"Will it hurt?" I asked the man who stood in front of me, he was covered with blood, it was making me feel a little bit nauseous. His eyes were turning dark red and although it was pitch black out here, I could still see them glowing.

I hear howling noises and hisses. We seem to be in a place with lots of trees, maybe a forest?

"It will. But the pain will stop after some time, I promise you." He answered. I don't know this man, I've never met him in my life. But somehow I felt like I could trust him. Trust this promise.

I start to approach him, still a bit scared. He had this aura on him, it was evil. I could sense no good, just bad. I honestly don't know why I'm trusting this man.

As I begin to move towards him, I felt a sting in my heart, ouch...

"Kiara! No!", the mysterious man yelled. I began to lose the little bit of energy I had.

I then saw another man running towards us. He moved at the speed of lightning. He can't be human.. I have never seen someone move this quickly. He looked like an angel, but at the same time he  resembled the mysterious man in front of me with eyes as red as blood. They look the complete opposite of each other. He looked at me as I laid on the ground with blood coming out. So much blood..

Once he saw me, he gave me this look. As if someone has taken something of value, something of importance from him. Then it was replaced by anger. Pure rage. It was as if he wanted to kill that someone.

"Get them! Now!" The mysterious man with red eyes yelled out to him. His voice sounded a bit broken but I could still make out his commanding tone. The angelic-looking man did not hesitate by the command. He quickly sped to the other way.

He sped. I mean Usain Bolt sped, maybe even a little faster. He can't be human. Nothing in the scenery felt natural.

Everything then started to get dark, everything was...fading.

Was I.. dying?

"Kiara, stay with me, please.. Don't leave me.. You can't die." The mysterious man pleaded. Something in me didn't want to die, something in me wanted to stay and be with him. I couldn't understand what was happening.

Who is this man?

"I won't let you. You have to stay with me. Remember, you're mine forever."

His? What?

*beep beep beep*

My 7:20 AM alarm started to go off, and I woke up with my heart beating so fast as if I had just ran a 50-mile marathon.

"These nightmares are getting a little too real." I say turning off the annoying sound. I have been having these dreams ever since I could remember. But this is the first one I saw myself dying in.

Why do I keep having these nightmares? I ask myself.

Ugh, I need to go get ready for work. It's not like it's my first time having them. They are just dreams... right?

I then got up from my bed and made my way into the bathroom. I look at myself in my bathroom mirror. I looked like a mess.

You'd think that I just woke up, I'd look pretty like those girls in the movies. Yeah, 'beauty sleep' my ass. My 4C hair was everywhere, I should have braided them last night.

My name is Kiara Belveron. I'm 24-years old.

I finished college about over a year ago. I work as a CNA at HNH- Hillseau Nursing Home. Things are going pretty well there. I've always wanted to work in the medical field. Specifically a cardiac nurse. I try to work as hard as I can to earn enough money and pay for my tuition. Plus, I also get some nursing experience working at HNH.

I then took off my towel , and hung it over on the towel bar. I went into the bathtub and began singing my favorite song, Dancing on my Own- Calum Scott.

~A few minutes later~

That might have been one of the best showers I've had all month. I thought to myself. I leave the bathroom and make my way into my room to get into my work uniform.

I had an eight hour shift today.

After getting dressed, I make my way downstairs into the kitchen, where I knew my mom would be, preparing both our breakfasts.

"Good morning, mom!" I greeted her. She had already gotten into her uniform. I smile at her.

My mother is Melissa Belveron. She is really the only light in my life. It's only been me and her ever since I can remember. She does her best to raise me all by herself, and I have the utmost respect for her. I would do just about anything to see her happy, she is the only family I have.

She also works as a CNA, just not at the same nursing home as me. We live in simple 2 bedroom apartment. It's not much but we've been living fine for those 24 years of my life. I love my life the way it is.

"Good morning, sweetie. How was your night?" she asked while cracking some eggs.

"Uh, i-it was alright." I replied, pulling a chair from the kitchen table.

She turned around to look at me after putting the eggs in the frying pan, placing her hands on hips like she always does when she senses I'm lying.

"You had those nightmares again, didn't you?" she asked, looking worried.

"Yeah, but mom, it's nothing I can't handle, they're just some dreams after all. I won't let them get to me. So, don't worry about me." I say, trying to make her less worried, which never successfully worked.

She was as overprotective of me as I was of her. Sometimes it really feels like we're each other's parents. Interpret that in any way you want.

"Kiara, you know you can talk to me about them right?" she told me, pulling a chair from the table and entangling her hands and looking at me in a serious manner.

"Mom, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.."

I have never really told my mom about the things I dream about because they  are just unspeakable.

Ever since I was young, I would just run to her in the middle of the night. She would ask me what the matter was but I could never find the words. I was just a little girl with nightmares as wild as these.

I didn't know what to say...

There was always blood everywhere, and I'm usually in the middle of it all. I have just recently started to see these two mysterious men in them. I didn't want to worry her.

"Just please take care of yourself first. I won't let these nightmares get to me, mom. I bet you they will go away soon, they can't stay with me forever." I try to reassure her. Although they've been happening for most of my life.

She shakes her head in understanding, but I can tell she was a bit disappointed that I didn't open up to her. I'm just trying to protect her, my mom is very fragile. I'm her only child, and if I tell her about these horrible nightmares, she will have a stroke. So if not opening up to her is the only way I can prevent that, then so be it.

We then began to eat breakfast. It was silent, I tried to start a conversation with her to get her mind off the nightmares, and I knew just what to bring up.

"So, how's Michael?" I asked bluntly. I laughed when she almost spit out a little bit of the orange juice she was drinking.

Michael Wilson is our downstairs neighbor. I always knew that they have a thing for each other but my mom always denied it. I have never seen my mom with any man, so I try to set her up a few times or so.

I don't know who my dad was or is. All I know is, my mom got pregnant at the age of 17. My dad wasn't the type to settle, according to my mom. She had told him that she was pregnant, and ever since then, he disappeared without a trace. My mom was devastated.

I don't have any family besides mom. I don't know if I have any grandparents. Every time I try to mention it, she always managed to change the topic.

"Kiara, don't even go there. I don't have time to date," she says, wiping some juice off her lips.

"Come on, mom. If it's because of me, I don't mind. I actually think you should start seeing some people." I say, protesting with her.

"I'm too old to date."

"Ohh here we go again. Mom, you're barely 50 years old, what kind of excuse is that! I know you like him."

She then continued to eat, trying to ignore me. She started to smile, and tried her best for me to not notice.

I see that smile, mom. That's what I live to see.

I started to smile looking at her smiling, and continued to eat my breakfast.

One way or another, I'll make her start dating. My mission next month is to have my mom date someone. Someone who cares for her, who cares for her happiness and well-being, someone who'll be with her through thick and thin. Someone who will make her... happy.

~After Breakfast~

"Thank you for breakfast, mom. Breakfast today as usual was amazing!" I say finishing my last piece of bacon following my apple juice.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Just give me the plate when you're done." she says, getting up from her chair with her empty plate, walking to the sink to wash it.

I finished my bacon, and handed the plate to my mom.

I looked at my watch, which marked 8:05 AM. My shift starts at 9:00.

I kissed my mom goodbye,

"Gotta go." I then grabbed my lightweight puffer jacket from the coat hanger, my handbag, and my keys. It was a little chilly outside in the middle of October.

"Thanks again mom, and call me when you get to work." I yell over to my mom, while opening the front door.

"Of course" she replied

Third Person POV:

After Kiara leaves, Melissa suddenly starts to feel light headed, and a slight migraine. She leaned on the kitchen table for support.

"Oh g0d," she said, with a whisper. She then fell flat on the ground, and everything went black.


::.Kiara's POV.::

I made my way to the train station after greeting Michael. Work was about 35 minutes away by train.

I arrived at the train station, and waited for the train. It came five minutes later than usual.

I then got into the train.


Third Person POV:

*Knock Knock Knock*

No answer...

Their neighbor, Michael, was knocking on the door.

*Knock Knock Knock*

No answer...

He was really worried, the door was left unlocked so he let himself in...

"Melissa? Melissa!" Michael yelled in horror when he saw her lying on the kitchen floor, unconscious.


::.Kiara's POV.::

I finally arrived at my workplace. It was 8:58 AM, I had to clock in fast. I ran inside, and quickly clocked in.

I then saw Vanessa. Vanessa was on her phone.

My phone started ringing and Vanessa's name popped up on the screen.

"I'm here." I say after answering.

She turned around and the moment she had spotted me, I hung up.

Vanessa was my best friend. My only friend really. We met on our very first day working for this nursing home.

She had beautiful ivory skin, with long beautiful auburn hair. She was beautiful, and her make-up was always on point. She was chubbier than me, and a little taller than me. She has this cute mole on her philtrum, but she never liked it. It was a really cute spot, I just don't understand why she's always insecure about it.

"Five more minutes, and Mr. Perez would have had your ass." Vanessa said playfully.

Mr. Perez is our boss, he was really strict, and he cared about having perfect attendance. I honestly have no idea why I haven't quit this job yet.

Oh right, my tuition.

"Where is he anyways?" I asked, looking around.

He was always one the first floor by this time lurking around. Gosh, I swear there is something off about him.

I usually work on the first floor and he would always be here watching me work. He thinks I don't seem him when he pretends he is talking to one of the staffs but I do.

On my first day working here, he asked me out and I turned him down. Ever since then, he would always be rude to me, he was always calling me into his office and have me clean the whole entire third, or fourth floor, which was not my job.

"Don't worry, he's in his office. The creep won't be coming for you." Vanessa whispered to me back, smiling.

Vanessa knew about him too.

"I swear I woke up early this morning, it's just the train--" Vanessa cuts me off,

"Kiara, honey. It's alright. You're not late, that's what matters." Vanessa says, trying to comfort me. She was the only one who really understood me in this nursing home, she looked out for me. To me, Vanessa was like a big sister I never had, and to her, I was the little sister she always wanted.

Vanessa didn't own a car either, but she lived closer to the nursing home than me so she was always on time.

"Thank you for understanding. You're like the only good thing that's happened to me around here." I tell Vanessa, self-assuredly.

"Oh, stop it. You're making me blush," Vanessa says cupping her face with her hands.

"But do carry on. Keep the compliments coming." She restated.

"You're such a glory hound!" I say, teasing her. We both started laughing.

"Let's start working before Sir-Complains-a Lot catches us slacking off." Vanessa suggested.

"You're right, let's go."

~4 hours later~

It's almost time for my break. I better check on the patients before I go to the cafeteria.

"Nessie, I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I will make a quick check on my patients." I tell Vanessa, she nodded and I smiled over at her. As I made my way to my patient's room, my phone began to ring.

"Hello. This is Kiara speaking." I spoke to the person on the other end of the phone, and what I heard wasn't something I was expecting to hear at all.

... "WHAT?!" I yelled in disbelief.


(I hope you guys liked it. New chapters are released every Friday at 3:00 PM, Eastern Time

Till then you Anonylovelies <3)


"Which one of you is related to Ms.  Melissa Belveron?" The doctor asked.


*What am I going to do?* I seriously thought to myself. This is just too much.

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